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Collins Gem. Collins Dictionaries
Читать онлайн.Название Collins Gem
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008230098
Автор произведения Collins Dictionaries
Жанр Зарубежные любовные романы
Издательство HarperCollins
…番ゲートから搭乗します …ban geeto kara toojoo shimasu | Boarding will take place at gate number… |
番ゲートまで至急お進みください …ban geeto made shikyuu osusumi kudasai | Go immediately to gate number… |
液体物禁止 ekitaibutsu-kinshi | No liquids |
荷物が重量制限をオーバーしています nimotsu ga juuryoo seigen o oobaa shite imasu | Your luggage exceeds the maximum weight |
UK, US, Canadian and Australian visitors to Japan do not require a visa for short business trips and holidays. During your stay, you are not allowed to work. It is advisable that you have proof of identity at all times, so make sure that you always carry your passport.
日本人帰国 nihon-jin kikoku | Japanese people returning to the country |
外国人入国 gaikoku-jin nyuukoku | Non-Japanese people entering the country |
税関 zeikan | customs |
Do I have to pay duty on this? | これに税金がかかりますかkore ni zeikin ga kakarimasu ka? |
It’s for my own personal use | 私が使う物ですwatashi ga tsukau mono desu |
It’s a present | プレゼントですpurezento desu |
I have nothing to declare | 申告する物はありませんshinkoku suru mono wa arimasen |
We are on our way to… (if in transit through a country) | …に行く途中です…ni iku tochuu desu |
My passport | 私のパスポートwatashi no pasupooto |
My visa | 私のビザwatashi no biza |
I came here on… | …で来ました…de kimashita |
holiday | 休暇kyuuka |
business | 仕事shigoto |
You must obtain an international driving permit prior to leaving your country. You also need to carry your own national licence while driving in Japan. You will be required to produce your international driving permit to rent a car.
運転免許証 unten-menkyoshoo | driving licence |
総合保険 soogoohoken | fully comprehensive insurance |
I want to hire a car | 車をかりたいですkuruma o karitai desu |
for … days | …日…nichi |
with automatic gears | オートマ車ootoma sha |
What are your rates…? | …料金はいくらですか…ryookin wa ikura desu ka? |
per day | 一日のichinichi no |
per week | 一週間のisshuukan no |
How much is the deposit? | 保証金はいくらですかhoshookin wa ikura desu ka? |
Do you take credit cards? | クレジットカードは使えますかkurejitto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka? |
Is there a charge per mile/kilometre? | 走行距離の支払いはありますかsookoo-kyori no shiharai wa arimasu ka? |
Does the price include fully comprehensive insurance? | この金額は総合保険料を含んでいますかkono kingaku wa soogoohoken-ryoo o fukunde imasu ka? |
Must I return the car here? | 車はここに返さなければいけませんかkuruma wa koko ni kaesanakereba ikemasen ka? |
By what time? | 何時までにですかnan-ji made ni desu ka? |
I’d like to leave it in… | … に置いてきたいです… ni oite kitai desu |
車はガソリンを満タンにして返してください kuruma wa gasorin o mantan ni shite kaeshite kudasai | Please return the car with a full tank |
Can I/we park here? | ここに駐車してもいいですかkoko ni chuusha shite mo ii desu ka? |
How long for? | どのくらいまでdonokurai made? |
Which junction is it for…? | …に行くにはどのジャンクションですか…ni iku niwa dono jankushon desu ka? |
Do I/we need snow chains? | チェーンは必要ですかcheen wa hitsuyoo desu ka? |
In Japan, the majority of petrol stations are manned by attendants who not only fill up the tank for you but also wipe the windows and check the water. However, unmanned petrol stations have been on the rise recently and are cheaper than manned ones.
ハイオク haioku | 4 star |
ディーゼル diizeru | diesel |
無鉛 muen | unleaded |
Fill it up, please | 満タンにしてくださいmantan ni shite kudasai |
Please check… | …をチェックしてください…o chekku shite kudasai |
the oil | オイルoiru |
the water | 水mizu |
3000 yen worth of unleaded petrol | 3000円分の無鉛ガソリンsanzen en bun no muen gasorin |
Where is…? | …はどこですか…wa doko desu ka? |
Can I pay by credit card? | クレジットカードで払えますかkurejitto kaado de haraemasu ka? |
オイル/水が必要です oiru/mizu ga hitsuyoo desu | You need some oil/some water |
全て大丈夫です subete daijoobu desu | Everything is OK |
If you break down, the emergency telephone number for the Japanese equivalent of the AA (JAF – Japan Automobile Federation) is 0570-00-8139 or # (hash key) 8139
Can you help me? | 助けてもらえますかtasukete moraemasu ka? |
My car has broken down | 車が故障してしまいましたkuruma ga koshoo shite shimaimashita |
I’ve run out of petrol | ガソリンがきれてしまいましたgasorin ga kirete shimaimashita |
Can you tow me to the nearest garage? | 最寄のガソリンスタンドまで引っぱって行ってもらえますかmoyori no gasorin-sutando made hippatte itte moraemasu ka? |
Do you have parts for a (make of car)…? | …の部品がありますか…no buhin ga arimasu ka? |
There’s something wrong with the… | …に何かおかしいところがあります…ni nanika okashii tokoro ga arimasu |
Can you replace…? | …を交換できますか…o