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if you get my meaning.’

      Lambert knew all too well. ‘Have you spoken to Sackville before?’

      Harrogate nodded. ‘You know they go way back, don’t you? Since he was a jobbing journo. I’d go so far as to say they were friends, if you can actually be friends with someone like Blake.’

      Lambert stood, hiding his surprise about the last piece of information. ‘I’ll share any relevant information.’

      Harrogate nodded, noncommittally, and looked over at the barman for a refill.

      Back at the office Lambert met up with Kennedy. She explained what the librarian had told her. ‘So Mr Robinson has been telling us lies?’

      ‘Looks like it. Shall we get him in?’

      ‘No, let’s hold off. Try to find out some more about him. What cases he’s been working on, who he’s represented in the past. We need to find out some more personal details as well. Speak to his head clerk, Latchford. I want to know if he was seeing anyone else. What he knows about Moira.’

      ‘I was thinking we should look into the death of his wife?’ said Kennedy.

      Lambert thought it was a dead end but nodded assent anyway. ‘Where are you on the Whitfield case?’

      ‘I’m still trying to track down Noel Whitfield. Devlin has been to his last known address. We’ve arranged to meet the victim of the attack later today.’

      Lambert updated her on Blake, and his meeting with DS Harrogate.

      ‘We’re to leave Blake alone then?’ asked Kennedy.

      Lambert frowned. ‘I’ll try not to ruin their investigation, but I’m not finished with Blake yet. Nor Eustace Sackville. There’s something the pair of them are holding back. It seems they go way back. Someone’s withholding information from me and I’m going to find out who and why.’

      Tillman appeared as they were finishing. Lambert noticed Kennedy tensing at the arrival of their superior. ‘Status report?’

      Tillman’s bulk was covered in a shirt at least a size too small for him. Lambert gave Tillman a brief status report, omitting his meeting with Harrogate, Kennedy remaining quiet throughout.

      ‘So we’re not focusing our energies in any one direction?’ said Tillman, shaking his head.

      ‘Too many loose ends at present.’

      ‘I agree with you, Lambert. Get on it. People are expecting great things from you. In turn, that means they are relying on me. Kennedy, a word,’ he said, strolling back to his office.

      Lambert smiled to himself. He’d seen Tillman storm off so many times over the years that the sight of it had lost all its power. The smile faded as he remembered it was the second time in so many days that Kennedy had been summoned into his office without Lambert’s presence. It wasn’t unheard of, but it annoyed him that he wasn’t privy to whatever they had to discuss. He tried not to dwell on the possibility that Tillman was asking for feedback about Lambert’s performance. It would be typical Tillman behaviour. Deliberately making it evident he was speaking to Kennedy. Putting doubts into Lambert’s head, and not trying to hide the fact.

      He’d agreed earlier to meet Sophie for lunch near their house in Beckenham and still had forty minutes before he had to leave. He opened The System and began searching on Curtis Blake and his team. Investigations into Blake stretched back over thirty years with little success. If he’d been successfully linked with a quarter of the crimes attributed to him then he would have spent the whole of his life inside. Everything was in his file: extortion, armed robbery, manslaughter, murder, even child abduction. Where the police had been successful in closing cases, it was always one of Blake’s extended team which took the fall. Lambert thought back to what Harrogate had told him about the people trafficking and Blake working alongside the Croatians setting up brothels within the city. Although it couldn’t be proved, it seemed this had always been a part of Blake’s empire. A number of investigations over the years had included prostitution rings, often with minors.

      Lambert spent his remaining time looking into the various members of Blake’s team. He flicked through a list of Blake’s known alliances; each had a hyperlink detailing personal histories. Everyone, from Blake’s accountant to his chef, was listed. Lambert made a tentative search of Blake’s security team. Harrogate had made a detailed report on each member – from Will Atkinson, the head of security, through to a number of bodyguards occasionally used by Blake. Lambert printed off a number of files before informing Devlin that he was heading out.

      Sophie was sitting outside a café just down the road from Beckenham Junction. She looked deathly pale, a large hat shading her from the sun. Lambert kissed her on the cheek, and sat down, taking a peek at the sleeping baby in the buggy next to her. Despite himself, he felt his heart racing.

      ‘She’s keeping you up?’

      ‘How can you tell? Are you saying I’m not looking at my best?’ Sophie glared at him hard, her face eventually softening as he realised she was teasing.

      ‘I remember this phase,’ said Lambert, pushing his luck. ‘Are you on your own at the house?’ he said, surprised by the jealous thought that the baby’s father would be staying over.

      ‘Mum’s there now. She’s driving me crazy, though she did offer to look after Jane.’

      ‘Everything is okay, though?’

      ‘Yes,’ said Sophie, with a hint of impatience. ‘She’s sleeping well, and feeding is not a problem so I can’t complain.’

      ‘Is that your mother or the baby?’ he said, trying to make her smile.

      Sophie frowned. ‘Shall we order?’

      They ate grilled fish in the sunshine. Sophie relaxed, and for a brief time Lambert forgot about the Sackville case. He even managed to forget that the tiny, sleeping figure in the buggy was not his. It felt right – enjoying the heat, talking to the woman who was still his wife.

      ‘So what about you?’ asked Sophie.

      ‘I’m fine.’

      Sophie looked upwards and sighed. ‘I expected nothing else. I know this must be weird for you. I’m sure it’s upsetting. I’ve tried to put myself in your position but it’s impossible. I’m struggling with it myself. Jeremy is offering to help but he’s not going to be part of my life, although he will need to be part of Jane’s. I don’t know what to do, Michael. I never planned to be a single mum, and every time I look at Jane I think of Chloe, and…’ She started to cry and forced herself to stop, wiping her hand across her eyes in defiance. ‘Tell me how you’re feeling, Michael.’

      He didn’t know what she wanted from him. He was never good in these circumstances. She’d always lamented the fact that at times he was unable to share, and there was nothing he could think of saying now that would make the situation between them any better. He could tell her he felt betrayed, and utterly alone. That Jane’s birth somehow distanced him further from his dead daughter, and from Sophie herself. He could describe in detail his hatred for Jeremy Taylor, and what he’d done to his family. Everything made him sound self-absorbed so he just shrugged his shoulders. ‘I’m doing fine. Work is busy. Look, Soph, I’ll do whatever I can for you and her.’ He looked at the buggy, at the still sleeping figure of the baby which looked so much like Chloe that it caused him physical discomfort.

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