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his tidy backside against the bench next to her.

      ‘No.’ Why wasn’t she feeling happy to have found somewhere to live? Probably something to do with it being an unexciting place. But she had to suck it up and make the most of everything. She was planning on staying put for the next year at least, and starting out miserable wouldn’t be clever.

      ‘Sophie. Are you sure? Can’t we look at more places tomorrow?’

      ‘There aren’t any others. I went through the agencies’ lists again this morning.’ There’d been two she’d nearly asked to see but what would be the point? They were out of her price bracket and wandering around them would only increase her frustration level. That did not need any help. Not when she had Cooper driving her mad with need at the least convenient moments.

      He didn’t bother to hide his impatience. ‘All right. What’s wrong with the first one we saw?’

      The steep rent. ‘I didn’t like it.’ The large, sunny rooms, the modern kitchen, the small yard out the back, and the easy drive to the hospital once she went back to work: all added up to a perfect package. If she had loads in the bank.

      ‘Sometimes I don’t understand you.’

      Neither do I.

      ‘You’re not meant to. Anyway, I’d swear I heard a sigh of relief when I turned it down.’

      Guilt flushed his cheeks a light shade of pink. ‘Even so, I’d prefer you there than here, if you still insist on finding your own place.’

      So that’s what all the less-than-helpful comments and questions at each apartment she’d viewed had been about. He’d been trying to deflect her from renting a property. Should’ve known. ‘I get it that you want to help me—’ in ways that suit you and not me ‘—and you can. By backing my decisions. If I get it wrong I’ll even agree to you laughing and giving me some stick.’ Lifting up onto her toes, she brushed a kiss across his mouth. ‘Thank you for caring.’ Whatever had precipitated that move she instantly regretted it while wanting more. Wanted to seal her lips on Cooper’s, to savour him, breathe him in. To shut him up. To get a taste of what she’d known that wild night in Bamiyan.

      Warning. Danger. This is Cooper.

      She jerked backwards.

      Hard, hot hands caught her around her middle, pulled her hungry body close to that chest she’d been ogling on and off all morning. Had he noticed? Did he understand she still wanted him? Even in her balloon-sized, less than desirable shape?

      Stop with the questions. Make the most of being sprawled against him.

      Good idea.

      ‘Don’t you ever forget I do care about you.’ And then his mouth covered hers, possessed hers. Cooper took charge. As his tongue slid inside her mouth, the sensations caused by that hot thrust sent her mind into orbit so that all she was aware of was Cooper, holding onto him.

      That hint of the outdoors that was his trademark scent. His full, masculine mouth. His firm muscles pressing against her softer ones. His erection pushing into her belly. Gulp. His erection. She moved against him, the long, hard length causing her lower muscles to contract with tension, with need, with memory.

      ‘Oh, excuse me.’ The woman was back.

      Sophie leapt out of Cooper’s arms, but he quickly caught her and held her in front of him. Hiding his reaction to her? Her face was flushed and no doubt her eyes would be slumberous with desire. Great. Now she’d probably have to find a new rental agent. ‘S-sorry. We... It’s just...’ None of the woman’s business.

      ‘I understand,’ the agent said, glancing at Cooper.

      Any woman would, Sophie thought as she held out a shaking hand to take the forms from the amused woman. ‘Let me fill these in and we can all get on our way.’

      Before you decide I can’t have the place.

      ‘It’s not too late to change your mind,’ Cooper growled beside her ear, lifting the skin on the side of her neck in a delicious, tingling sensation.

      It wasn’t only her skin having a meltdown. All parts south of her baby bump were in disarray, hot and tight. Ready, willing and wanting. Why had she kissed Cooper? Why wouldn’t she? It’d been a chaste touching of her lips on his, not a hot, deep kiss. No, not until he’d taken over and turned it into something off the radar. The man was so sexy it was impossible to ignore the feelings he evoked in her any longer.

      And he wasn’t even wearing boots of any kind.

      ‘Have you changed your mind?’ the woman asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

      Sophie shook her head to clear the images of Cooper that had taken over her brain. ‘No. I haven’t,’ she said, putting determination in her tone. She would not be side-tracked by anyone, least of all Cooper. She needed a home for her baby, and she needed it now so there was time to fit it out properly. Scribbling her signature across the bottom of each form placed in front of her, she waited for the calm to come at having achieved finding her future home.

      But instead she found herself staring around the gloomy room, wondering what she was doing there. There was a good offer on the table if only she’d swallow her pride and take up the challenge. Cooper’s house was all the things this place wasn’t.

      The agent was quick to put the signed papers in her bag. ‘I’ll be in touch when the current tenants have moved out.’

      And that was that. ‘I have somewhere to live,’ she muttered as she sank into the front seat of Cooper’s car.

      ‘You already had somewhere if only you weren’t so stubborn,’ she was told sharply.

      Couldn’t argue with being stubborn. She’d warned him about that. ‘You’ll thank me for this later.’

      Cooper said nothing as he drove away from the apartment.

      Thank goodness, Sophie thought. She’d done enough talking to the agent that morning to last all day. Quiet was exactly what she wanted. Her hand hovered over her belly where the baby was also quiet. Too quiet? ‘Baby?’ Automatically her hand rubbed her tummy. Nothing. ‘Move, will you?’ The panic was rising in her chest, up her throat. ‘Come on.’

      ‘What’s happening?’ Cooper asked, already pulling off the road to stop the car. ‘When did you last feel movement?’

      ‘Not for a while.’ When? She racked her brain. ‘I don’t know when. Before we got to the last apartment.’

      ‘You’re sure?’ The worry in his eyes did nothing to allay her fears.

      ‘No. I’m not. But she’s lying very still now. She never stops moving for long. Cooper, what if...?’

      ‘Don’t go there.’ His hand caught hers, squeezed gently. ‘Easy, Sophie. I’m sure everything’s all right. Can I try to feel some movement?’

      ‘Yes.’ She jerked her top up to expose her belly, and couldn’t care less when Cooper’s eyes widened. ‘Hurry.’

      His hand was cool on her skin, but his touch was so gentle she calmed a little. Until he stopped touching her and tugged her shirt down again. Taking both her hands in his, he said quietly, firmly, ‘We should get this checked out to be on the safe side. Can you ring your midwife and tell her we’re coming in?’

      ‘I haven’t made an appointment with one yet. We only got home yesterday.’ The panic became a full-blown roar in her head. ‘My baby. Something’s wrong. I know it.’

      Cooper pulled out into the traffic. ‘Auckland Hospital’s just down the road. We’ll go to the ED.’

      ‘Whatever. Just hurry.’ Her hands clutched at her belly, while silently she begged the baby to kick as hard as she could. ‘I don’t care how much you hurt Mummy, I just have to know you’re all right.’



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