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Somewhere nearby, a siren wailed. Will drew his overcoat more tightly around him and jogged across the street against the light.

      After what had happened at his office two days ago, Will hadn’t expected to hear from Jane again. He’d handled their meeting badly, but he’d been thrown off track by the notion that she actually believed he was going to force her to marry him! The contract had only been a means to get her to agree to dinner, but since she’d adamantly refused his invitations, he felt backed into a corner. Will cursed beneath his breath. He’d never had to force a woman to date him before. Why was he so determined to have Jane?

      Maybe seeing her again would clarify things in his mind. Yes, she was incredibly attractive, and yes, they had shared a past that included a friendship he’d treasured. But they were different people living different lives now. Did that mean they couldn’t begin again? He strolled into the small park across from the Newberry Library and walked along the path, scanning the pedestrians in search of Jane.

      She’d left a message for him this morning asking him to meet her, but avoiding any explanation for her request. For now, Will had decided to grab the opportunity to explain his behavior and find a way to set things right with her. At best, she might finally agree to dinner. At worst, she’d tell him exactly where he could shove his contract.

      She wasn’t the same girl he’d known back in law school. She’d gone from an awkward teenager to a confident woman and for an instant, Will regretted that he hadn’t been there to see it—to experience it. Hell, she probably had all the men she needed in her life, men who had recognized her beauty the moment they’d met her, men who’d been a little quicker off the mark than he had been.

      Will had been with a lot of women and though the passion had been overwhelming at times, he’d never really connected emotionally, never really believed what they’d shared had anything to do with love or even deep affection. It had always been about physical desire and nothing more.

      His feelings for Jane were different. She was incredibly beautiful and sexy and intriguing, but he wasn’t intent on seducing her. They were friends first and if they became lovers, it would come as a logical step in their relationship, not from some overwhelming desire to rip each other’s clothes off.

      Jane wasn’t the kind of woman he could seduce and then leave. She occupied a different place in his life than all the other women had. Yet, he couldn’t ignore the sparks of attraction that had crackled in the air when they were together these last couple of times. Nor could he deny spending the last few days thinking about her, about how good it felt to be around her, about how he enjoyed the sound of her voice and warmth of her touch.

      What he wanted didn’t matter, especially if Jane didn’t want him. If she walked up to him and demanded that he stay out of her life, then he’d have no choice but to back off. Will stopped in the middle of the path and cursed softly. He’d always suspected that she’d carried a secret torch for him, that all he’d have had to do was crook his finger and she’d have come willingly. But whatever feelings she might have harbored for him had obviously been forgotten long ago.

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