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build in this place?

      Abruptly, Alys leaped to her feet. “Here is Antonio now.”

      He charged confidently through the door, eyes locked on Shannon. “Thank you for finding her, Alys.”

      The assistant backed away. “Of course.” Alys stepped out of hearing range, giving them some privacy.

      Forking a hand through his hair—messing up the precise combing from his conference with his father—Tony wore a suit without a tie. The jacket perhaps a nod toward meeting with his father? His smile was carefree, but his shoulders bore the extra tension she’d come to realize accompanied time he had spent with the king.

      “How did your meeting go?”

      “Don’t want to talk about that.” Tony plucked a lily from the vase on the bar, snapped the stem off and tucked the bloom behind her ear. “Would much rather enjoy the view. The flower is almost as gorgeous as you are.”

      The lush perfume filled each breath. “All the fresh flowers are positively decadent.”

      “I wish I could take credit, but there’s a hothouse with a supply that’s virtually unlimited.”

      Yet another amenity she wouldn’t have guessed, although it certainly explained all the fresh-cut flowers. “Still,” she repeated as she touched the lily tucked in her hair, “I appreciate the gesture.”

      “I would make love to you on a bed of flowers if you let me.” He thumbed her earlobe lightly before skimming his knuckles along her collarbone.

      How easy it would be to give over to the delicious seduction of his words and his world. Except she’d allowed herself to fall into that trap before.

      And of course there was that little technicality that he had been the one holding back all week. “What about thorns?”

      He laughed, his hand falling away from her skin and palming her back. “Come on, my practical love. We’re going out.”

      Love? She swallowed to dampen her suddenly cottony mouth. “To lunch?”

      “To the airstrip.”

      Her stomach lurched. This slice of time away was over already? “We’re leaving?”

      “Not that lucky, I’m afraid. Your apartment is still staked out with the press and curious royalty groupie types. You may want to consider a gated community on top of the added security measures. I know the cost freaks you out, but give my lawyer another couple of days to work on those restraining orders and we can take it from there. As for where we’re going today, we’re greeting guests and I’d like you to come along.”

      They weren’t leaving. Relief sang through her so intensely it gave her pause.

      Tony cocked his head to the side. “Would you like to come with me?”

      “Uh, yes, I think so.” She struggled to gather her scrambled thoughts and composure. “I just need to settle Kolby.”

      Alys cleared her throat a few feet away. “I’ve already notified Miss Delgado, the younger nanny. She’s ordering a picnic lunch and bringing sand toys. Then of course she will watch over him during his naptime if needed. I assume that’s acceptable to you?”

      Her son would enjoy that more than a car ride and waiting around for the flight. She was growing quite spoiled having afternoons completely free while Kolby napped safely under a nanny’s watchful care. “Of course. That sounds perfect.”

      Shannon smiled her thanks and reached out to touch the woman’s arm. Except Alys wasn’t looking at her. The king’s assistant had her eyes firmly planted elsewhere.

      On Tony.

      Shock nailed her feet to the tiles. Then a fierce jealousy vibrated through her, a feeling that was most definitely ugly and not her style. She’d thought herself above such a primitive emotion, not to mention Tony hadn’t given the woman any encouragement.

      Still, Shannon fought the urge to link her arm with his in a great big “mine” statement. In that unguarded moment, Alys revealed clearly what she hoped to gain from living here.

      Alys wanted a Medina man.


      Tony guided the Porsche Cayenne four-wheel drive along the island road toward the airstrip, glad Shannon was with him to ease the edge on the upcoming meeting. Although having her with him brought a special torment all its own.

      The past week working his way back into her good graces had been a painful pleasure, sharpening the razor edge on his need to have her in his bed again. Spending time with her had only shown him more reasons to want her. She mesmerized him with the simplest things.

      When she sat on the pool edge and kicked her feet through the water, he thought of those long legs wrapped around him.

      Seeing her sip a glass of lemonade made him ache to taste the tart fruit on her lips.

      The way she cleaned her glasses with a gust of breath fogging the frames made him think of her panting in his ear as he brought her to completion.

      Romancing his way back into her good graces was easier said than done. And the goal of it all made each day on this island easier to bear.

      And after they returned to Galveston? He would face that then. Right now, he had more of his father’s past to deal with.

      “Tony?” Bracing her hand against the dash as the rutted road challenged even the quality shock absorbers, she looked so right sitting in the seat next to him. “You still haven’t told me who we’re picking up. Your brothers, perhaps?”

      Steering the SUV under the arch of palm trees lining both sides of the road, he searched for the right words to prepare Shannon for something he’d never shared with a soul. “You’re on the right track.” His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. “My sister. Half sister, actually. Eloisa.”

      “A sister? I didn’t know….”

      “Neither does the press.” His half sister had stayed under the radar, growing up with her mother and stepfather in Pensacola, Florida. Only recently had Eloisa reestablished contact with their father. “She’s coming here to regroup, troubleshoot. Prepare. Now that the Medina secret is out, her story will also be revealed soon enough.”

      “May I ask what that story might be?”

      “Of course.” He focused on the two-lane road, a convenient excuse to make sure she didn’t see any anger pushing past his boundaries. “My father had a relationship with her mother after arriving in the U.S., which resulted in Eloisa. She’s in her mid-twenties now.”

      Shannon’s eyes went wide behind her glasses.

      “Yeah, I know.” Turning, he drove from the jungle road onto a waterside route leading to the ferry station. “That’s a tight timeline between when we left San Rinaldo and the hookup.” Tight timeline in regard to his mother’s death.

      “That must have been confusing for you. Kolby barely remembers his father and it’s been tough for him to accept you. And we haven’t had to deal with adding another child to the mix.”

      A child? With Shannon? An image of a dark-haired baby—his baby—in her arms blindsided him, derailing his thoughts away from his father in a flash. His foot slid off the accelerator. Shaking free of the image was easier said than done as it grew roots in his mind—Kolby stepping into the picture until a family portrait took shape.

      God, just last week he’d been thinking how he knew nothing about kids. She was the one hinting at marriage, not him. Although she said the opposite until he didn’t know what was up.

      Things with Shannon weren’t as simple as he’d planned at the outset. “My father’s affair was

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