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with money. Money was his solution for everything. He paid her medical bills, but by the time the end of her life came, we had enough money to manage on our own. No matter what happened, she always loved him. And I’ve always hated him,” she said.

      “At least he was good to her,” Garrett said gently. “And generous.”

      “I suppose I should be grateful, but I can’t be. He left money when he died—money I don’t want one penny of,” she said.

      “He’s gone. He’ll never know whether you take his money or refuse it. Why not take it and enjoy it? It should be yours.”

      She shook her head, feeling the familiar current of fury that she had lived with as long as she could remember.

      “I don’t want anything to do with him.”

      “You could do a lot with your inheritance.”

      “I’ll never touch it,” she said, trying to shift her focus off the past and onto Garrett, thinking he would be fascinating to paint. His rugged features gave him a distinctive individualism and his unique gray eyes were unforgettable. Desire stirred and once again, she struggled to pay attention to their conversation.

      He was studying her intently. “Sophia—” He paused, his eyes holding secrets. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

      “What? What were you going to say?”

      He looked away. “I’ll check on the steaks.” She watched him stride to the cooker and she wondered for the second time this evening what it was he’d been about to say to her. Probably more advice about taking her inheritance, which she’d already heard enough of from Edgar.

      “The steaks are ready.”

      She stood, going with him to help get tossed salads, potatoes and water on the table. Soon they sat on the terrace to eat thick, juicy steaks.

      “It’s a wonder you ever travel for pleasure. It’s gorgeous here and you have every convenience.”

      “I like it here, but I like my other places, too.”

      “I guess I can understand since I enjoy Santa Fe and Taos and even the cabin in the mountains as much as living in Houston.” She took a bite of her steak. “You’re a very good cook. The steak is delicious,” she said, surprised because he’d seemed to pay little attention to his cooking.

      “I’m glad you think so.”

      “I should have watched you more closely. I invariably burn them.”

      “You can watch me as closely as you want,” he replied with a twinkle.

      “I opened the door for that one,” she said, smiling at him. “So how did you get into property management?” she asked, picking up her water glass to take a sip. A faint breeze caught his hair, blowing it gently. His hair was thick, and she thought about how it felt to run her fingers through it.

      “My dad had the business,” he was saying. “He was into property management and finance. I was raised to follow in his footsteps and groomed to take over his businesses.”

      “Businesses? There are others?”

      “Yes, but I’m not directly involved in most of them. Hardly involved at all. They’re investments.”

      “And that leaves you free to play around,” she said. “So what do you actually do?” she asked, flirting with him while trying to satisfy her curiosity about him and his life.

      He smiled at her. “More than play around, although I hope to do that tonight. Dinner—get to know you—kiss you. That’s what I want to do in the next few hours,” he said, his voice deepening and making her tingle.

      “I don’t really know you. Do you work, Garrett, or does the playboy lifestyle fit you?”

      “I work, but not tonight, so we can get away from that subject. You aren’t eating, and I’ve lost my appetite for this steak. Let’s sit where it’s more comfortable to talk. We can take our drinks with us.”

      She was leaving a half-eaten steak, yet she couldn’t resist his suggestion. Her interest in food had disappeared with Garrett’s flirting. He took her hand and she stood, going with him, her insides tingling the moment he touched her.

      Garrett sat close on the couch. Her perfume was an exotic fragrance and he liked the faint scent. Her long hair was silky in his fingers as he twisted and toyed with the strands. She was stunning and he couldn’t get enough of her. And yet, he was racked with guilt.

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