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still just as beautiful.”

      Raine rolled her eyes. “Surely you don’t think during the brief time you’re home that you can just pick up where you left off?”

      “Not at all.” But damn if some of those old feelings weren’t right there at the surface. “We’re both different people, Raine, but you’re still stunning. Is it wrong of me to say so?”

      “It’s wrong of you to be watching my mouth when I talk,” she said.

      Max grinned. “Just doing a little remembering of my own.”

      Raine gasped, and Max couldn’t suppress his laughter.

      “I’ll let you get inside,” he said. “It’s too cold to be out here with that baby.”

      Just as she started to turn, he called her name.

      “What?” she asked on a sigh.

      “See you tomorrow.”

      He walked back to his car without waiting on her to sputter a response or narrow her eyes at him. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind she wanted to be left alone, but he just couldn’t. Raine had an underlying vulnerability, and like a fool, he couldn’t ignore the fact they shared a past and he wanted to know what happened after he left.

      Even after all these years apart, all the blockbuster films, all the starlets on his arm and all the lavish parties, Max never felt so at ease, so...comfortable as he did with Raine. He honestly had no clue their past could come back at warp speed and take control over his emotions.

      These next few months may be spent caring for his mother, but he sure as hell was going to have an interesting time with the beautifully sexy Raine Monroe.


      Raine all but sank against the door. Her heart was so far up in her throat she thought she was going to be sick.

      The irony was not lost on her that, when Max had left years ago, she’d been so ready to be his wife and the mother to his children; yet, when he returned, she actually had a child.

      But too many years had passed between. A lifetime, really. She’d lived through hell and was still clawing her way out. Her bank account was laughable, and her father was trying to play matchmaker with one of his minions.

      Added to that, there was some sort of holdup with Abby’s adoption. Raine never could get a straight answer from her lawyer, who was equally frustrated at the untimely manner of the judge. Everything should’ve been finalized by now.

      Other than all of that, her life was great.

      Or it was until Max Ford had found her at a humiliating time when she’d wrecked her car thanks to a patch of black ice.

      Raine shivered against the memories and the chill that had followed her inside. The Weather Channel update was calling for more snow, and this was just the start of several days. They hadn’t officially called it a blizzard, but they were talking in feet and not inches.

      She’d have to go check on her chickens and her goats before it got too bad. Worry gnawed away at her, despite the fact that they were each in their own barn, and they had all the necessities an animal could need to endure rough elements. They even had a small built-in hatch to come outside, if they so chose. She loved owning such disciplined, albeit sometimes overly friendly, animals.

      At least if she was snowbound, she could finish working on the new lotions for the Farmer’s Market next month. Raine was so excited that spring was right around the corner. Each day brought her closer to her favorite time of year, when she could sell all her goods at the market, meet new customers and chat with old ones.

      Her finances always dipped in the winter, and she had to really watch her budget. Spring and summer were much more prosperous. Hopefully by next winter her online store would be even more popular, and she would feel more comfortable with her bank account.

      Raine had gotten such great starts of cherry tomatoes, lettuce, kale, a variety of peppers and a few types of beans. Indoor winter gardening was quite different, but she had no choice except to take the extra effort to make these plants thrive inside. This was her livelihood and all that was between her and begging her parents for that money they’d taken away when she had refused to live by their haughty standards.

      The vegetables were almost ready for the market next month, so all she needed to concentrate on now was making her soaps and lotions to prepare nice, cheerful gift baskets.

      But first she had to get Abby sleeping through the night.

      Mercy sakes, she had a whole new level of respect for single parents. This all-important job was most definitely not for wimps. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. She loved this baby, and her heart had ached nearly a year ago when her cousin, Jill, had come to her and said she was considering an abortion.

      Raine couldn’t let Jill feel trapped into a decision she wasn’t ready to make, especially since Raine had once been in Jill’s shoes. Living as a teen with parents who had higher expectations had certainly taken its toll. Of course, their circumstances weren’t exactly the same. Jill was in college and just not ready for a baby, whereas Raine had been fresh out of high school and had just had her whole world torn apart. When Raine had discovered her pregnancy, Max had just recently left, and she’d felt so alone. Her parents had been less than supportive, so there was no way Raine would let Jill go through this without a friend and family member to lean on.

      When Raine had mentioned adoption, Jill warmed to the idea. And when Raine had offered to be the one to take guardianship, Jill had wept with relief and delight that her baby could live in a loving home.

      The scenario seemed so simple looking back now, but for months there were tears and prayers, moments of panic and indecision, hours of contemplation and ultimately pure happiness. After the birth, Jill had returned to school and settled back into her life. She kept in touch with Raine, but said she’d keep her distance for a while so Raine and Abby could bond.

      Raine knew absolutely nothing would replace the baby she’d lost years ago. But she loved Abby with every fiber of her being. There was nothing Raine wouldn’t do for Abby, no sacrifice she wouldn’t make.

      Which meant she would do whatever it took to ensure that the little girl’s future was secure. But that was easier said than done, since Abby’s adoption was still in limbo. All the legal paperwork had been put into place long before Jill ever delivered, so what could possibly be amiss here?

      Frustration threatened to consume Raine, but she focused on the here and now. The adoption would go through...eventually. She wouldn’t allow any other outcome.

      Raine bent down, unzipped the cover over the carrier and unfastened Abby from her seat. Her sweet little bundle was still napping. Raine had always heard the advice “Nap when your baby is napping,” but she’d never get anything done if that’s how she lived her life.

      And who could nap now? Max Ford, Hollywood icon and most eligible bachelor, was back in town. He couldn’t get out of Lenox fast enough when he’d turned eighteen, and the tire tracks were still smokin’ after he’d landed his first role. Everything had fallen into place with his lifelong goals.

      She recalled hearing that he’d been in a severe motorcycle accident not long after he’d gone to L.A., and at that moment, Raine had ached to be by his side. But she quickly realized that, if he’d truly wanted her with him, he’d have sent for her as promised.

      And if she’d thought hell was when he had left and didn’t contact her, it was the entire year after that which had scarred her for life.

      Bitterness threatened to bubble up. He’d gotten all he’d ever wanted—without so much as a wave goodbye. But when she looked to the sleeping baby in her arms, how could she be upset that her life had turned out to be less than what she’d expected?

      If she’d gone to L.A. when he did, she wouldn’t be here now...and being there for Jill and raising Abby as

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