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she gasped.

      He reached out and caught her around the waist to steady her. Except he wasn’t so steady, either, as her body pressed against his.

      “You okay?” he managed as she raised those incredible eyes to his.

      She released a breath, then quickly broke the hold and stepped back. “I’m fine.”

      Damn if I am. He still couldn’t take his eyes off her. He fought the urge to pull her back, to touch her, to feel her softness against him.

      Jade glanced away. “Marta said to tell you she left your supper in the oven.”

      The hunger he felt deep in his gut had nothing to do with food. “Your eyes are incredible.” She was tall and slender, but she had plenty of curves.

      She lowered her lashes. “Thank you.”

      The rest of her was just as incredible, too. “I was thinking of riding out to check my herd tomorrow. Would you like to go?” Where did that come from?

      “You mean on a horse?”

      He nodded. “It’ll soon come back to you.”

      “Your mother’s therapist is coming in the morning for her exercise session. I have to be there.”

      “Just call down to the barn when you’re free.”

      He glanced down at her sandals. “I’ll dig up a pair of my sister’s boots.” He walked outside and hoped the night air would cool him off before he did something stupid.

      Early the next morning, Jade stood next to Louisa in the home gym. The top-of-the-line equipment filled the large room. The therapist had just left and Louisa was finishing up her routine. Jade glanced at her patient and saw the beads of sweat on her face as she worked to raise the small hand weights.

      Jade noticed Louisa’s range of motion had increased, and her balance was so much better, too. Louisa’s hard work on the treadmill and weights over the past few days had paid off.

      “Let’s take a break,” Jade said.

      Louisa put down the weights. “What’s this ‘us’ business. Seems I’ve been doing all the work.”

      Jade smiled as she checked the woman’s heart rate. It was good. She draped the stethoscope around her neck. “And it’s showing.”

      Louisa’s breathing wasn’t too labored, either. “Not fast enough,” she said to Jade. “I’ve got other things to do besides hang out in here all day.”

      Jade raised an eyebrow. “And what exactly are these plans?”

      Louisa gave her a sideways glance. “Stop worrying. I’ve invited the girls here for lunch then we’re working on baby quilts.”

      Jade was glad Louisa was being social again. “Sounds like fun.”

      “You’re welcome to join us.”

      Jade hesitated. She was supposed to go riding today, but she was having second thoughts about spending more time with Sloan. She’d seen his interest in her, and it would be so easy to reciprocate. Definitely not a good idea. This wasn’t why she came here.


      Louisa caught her reluctance. “Well, that was heartfelt.” She patted the towel on her face and paused. “You’re not on the clock all the time, Jade. You’re allowed some personal time.”

      “I know that. I happen to like your friends, but if you’d rather I disappeared …”

      Louisa studied her. “Okay, what’s going on here?”

      “Nothing,” she said too quickly. “I mean, you’re probably tired of having me glued to your side.”

      “If I felt that way, I’d tell you,” Louisa assured her. “But you don’t have to work 24/7, either. You know there are labor laws. And I believe you haven’t had any time off since you arrived here The weekend is coming up. You should get out and get to know the area. There’s plenty of wineries to the north of us. Jenny’s husband, Evan, owns the Rafferty Vineyard. And there’s San Antonio.”

      “I’m not real social. But if it’s okay with you, I’d like a few hours off today. I might go riding while you’re with your friends.”

      Louisa blinked in surprise. “Sloan asked you?”

      Here it comes. She nodded. “He’s checking the herd and thought I’d like to see some of the ranch.”

      “So he’s taking my advice.” Louisa’s gaze met hers. “I’m glad, because he’s worked too hard this past year.” She waved her hand. “Go, and make sure you both relax.”

      “Then since we’re finished here, you should hit the showers.” Jade handed Louisa her cane and followed her out of the gym and down the hall to her bedroom. She went on ahead into the connecting bath and turned on the water in the large walk-in shower. Once she had Louisa situated, she left the woman to her privacy and went into the bedroom.

      The phone rang. When it wasn’t answered by Marta on the third ring, Jade picked it up.

      “Hello, Merrick residence,” she said.

      There was a pause. “Who is this?” a man with a deep, rich voice asked.

      “Jade Hamilton.”

      “Oh, so you’re the miracle worker I’ve been hearing about.”

      “I wouldn’t say I was a miracle worker.” She felt her heart pounding hard against her ribs. “May I ask who is calling?”

      “Clay Merrick.”

      “Oh, Senator.” She nearly choked. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

      “Why? You’ve never met me. You had no idea who I was.” She heard the smile in his voice. “But I can’t wait to meet you.”

      She swallowed back the dryness in her throat. This was her father. “I’ve been looking forward to that, too.”


      AN HOUR later, Sloan sat atop his gelding, Amigo, watching closely to see how Jade handled her horse, Cally. The small mare was the gentlest mount on the ranch.

      Once outside the corral, they headed through the grove of trees and rode along the dry creek bed. Thanks to the recent autumn rains the plains were a rich green, but the trees on the hillside were changing color into bright, golden hues of red and orange. This was his favorite time of year, when all his hard work paid off.

      Suddenly his mother’s words came to mind. You lead a boring life, son. He’d always worked hard, especially the last eleven months. He’d never been one to order ranch hands to do anything that he wouldn’t do. Damn, he was turning into a control freak. Maybe he could use some time off.

      He stole a glance at Jade. It had been a long time since a woman had distracted him. Not because he didn’t want someone special in his life, but Clay’s public life had made it difficult to have much privacy. He was also suspicious of who his true friends … and lovers … were. As the son of a U.S. senator, people had expectations of him.

      He expected to feel a pang of sadness over Crystal. Although she was from San Antonio, he’d thought he knew his former girlfriend better. After being together six months he’d soon discovered that she wanted the Merrick name and money. When they’d broken up she sold her story to the tabloids. He’d learned his lesson the hard way. It just seemed safer to concentrate on his work. The River’s End Ranch.

      He heard his name called and looked toward Jade again.

      “How am I doing?” she asked.

      She sat relaxed in the saddle as she moved easily with the horse. He smiled. “Just fine. In fact you look pretty good, which is better for the horse. Believe

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