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you can get rid of me quicker.”

      He shook his head, but didn’t say a word as they rode past the barn and took a trail up the bumpy hillside for about a half mile. The spring evening was nice. Quiet. Serene. Peaceful.

      The cart stopped at the edge of the rise, he got out and she did the same, but had to hurry to keep up. The sun was just going down as they walked toward the rows of vines.

      “The tour isn’t necessary, Evan. I only came out here to ask you a question about Gracie. I never planned to get invited to supper or involved in your life, your family.”

      When he stopped suddenly, she nearly ran into him. He reached out and caught her, his touch burning through her skin; his grip tightened on her arms, but his strength didn’t hurt. Then their eyes locked and suddenly she couldn’t breathe. When she managed to suck in some air, she inhaled his scent of soap and sun-dried cotton. His gaze shifted to her mouth, then suddenly he blinked and released her.

      With a curse, he turned away and looked out at the vineyard. Removing his hat, he raked his fingers through his hair as if gathering his thoughts.

      He glanced back at her. “Look, I’m not social like the rest of my family. I prefer to be left alone.” His gaze met hers. “I have no excuse for my behavior the other day in the shop except I was worried when Gracie came up missing.”

      Jenny could see the anguish on his face. “That’s understandable,” she agreed. “She shouldn’t have run off without telling you.”

      “It seems she wants to spend less and less time with me.”

      “She’s growing up.” Jenny saw the sadness in his eyes. “But there’s no mistaking that your little girl adores you.”

      He straightened at her words. “I wouldn’t say that. We’re both having trouble finding our way around each other. Gracie and her mother were close.”

      “It’s got to be hard for both of you.”

      “I’ve been doing okay.”

      They began walking through a row of vines.

      “You’re lucky to have Sean and Matt helping out,” she said, wondering what it would be like to have family on your side.

      Evan sent her a look. What did she think about Matt? He’d always been the more outgoing brother, especially when it came to the ladies. Was Jenny attracted to him? He stopped his thoughts. Why the hell did he care? He didn’t want a relationship. So far he’d been lousy at them.

      They made their way to the hilltop and looked down the other side. He felt an ache in his chest as he saw the clearing where a large framed structure stood. Deserted. Incomplete. All construction had stopped two years ago, along with his future dreams.

      Before he could steer Jenny back to the cart, she asked, “What’s that?”

      “It was to be the winery.”

      “Oh, you’re expanding?”

      “Not any more,” he told her, then turned away.

      She nodded, but didn’t stop. “How long have you had the vineyard?”

      The long-time dream replayed in his mind. He continued to stare out at the vines. “The land belonged to my wife’s family, the Kerchers. As you know, a lot of Germans settled in this area. My in-laws planted the vines originally, then about six years ago when her parents passed away, Megan inherited the place and we expanded the acreage.”

      “So you became an instant winemaker,” Jenny said.

      “Actually Meg was already one when we met.” He’d give her the minimal information. “She’d gotten her degree at Cal Poly in California. I’m just your average, everyday cowboy.”

      She studied him a moment. “I doubt, Evan Rafferty, that you do anything just average. My bet is you know every grape on this land.”

      He ignored the funny sensation caused by her compliment and started back through another row of vines. “I thought you wanted to talk about Gracie.”

      She nodded. “Of course. I want your daughter to come to my class.”

      When he started to speak, she raised a hand. “I know it’s difficult for you to bring her into town every week. What if we find an alternative to help you out?” She hesitated. “She wants to finish the quilt her mother started for her.”

      He’d hoped that he could put this off a while longer. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

      “Is it not a good idea for her, or for you?”

      He glared at her. “Doesn’t make any difference.”

      Trying to remain calm, Jenny glanced around at the vines heavy with grapes. She’d dealt with obstinate parents before. “It does to Gracie. She’s going through a rough time and this focus on the quilt is how she’s dealing with her loss.”

      Evan stopped. His sapphire-blue gaze locked on hers, causing her breath to grow labored. “And how is this class supposed to do this?” he asked.

      The man was driving her crazy. “Remember, for the past year and a half your daughter has lived in a household of only men. It’s important for little girls to have other females to talk to,” she said, seeing by his blank look that she wasn’t getting through to him.

      “Why are you such an expert?”

      “Because your daughter picked me. Also, I had three stepbrothers who made my life miserable and a mother who was too busy for me.” Darn, she hadn’t meant to tell him that.

      He frowned at her, but she wouldn’t let him ask any questions.

      “Look, I don’t know you, Evan, but I know your daughter is reaching out. Don’t dismiss that.”

      “That’s right, you don’t know me, or what my life’s been like trying to run this place and raise a child.”

      “I apologize if I spoke out of turn.” She released a breath, hating that she still thought about her own rotten childhood, and especially about her youngest stepbrother, Todd. “We should go back. Gracie’s probably wondering where I am.”

      She’d started toward the golf cart when Evan reached for her.

      “Dammit, Jenny, I’m not the bastard you think I am.”

      She shook her head. “I never said that.” She closed her eyes momentarily. “I never should have come here.” Once again she was getting involved in something that was none of her business.

      “Too late now,” he murmured as they sat in the cart.

      She was thankful that Evan didn’t comment anymore, but drove her back to the house. She didn’t need to get involved with this man or his family. She’d been there before. Cared about a man who couldn’t get past his first love. Not that she was looking for a relationship with Evan. Her hope was to help Gracie find closure.

      They walked through the back door to find Sean and Matt still in the kitchen.

      “Well, that didn’t take much time.”

      “I need to get back to town.” She smiled at Sean. “Thank you so much for supper, it was wonderful.”

      Evan’s father grinned. “Any time, lass.” He pulled her into a big bear hug. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and revel in the comfort of those big arms, then reluctantly step away, turning to his younger son.

      “It was nice to meet you, too, Matt.”

      “It was my pleasure.” He hugged her too. “Hey, don’t let this guy run you off.” He nodded toward Evan. “I’ll protect you from him.”

      Evan wanted to slug his brother. Why did everyone think he was such a grouch? He caught his reflection in the mirror over the family-room mantel and saw

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