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feeling a sudden panic that they would be in close quarters. No matter what problems they had, when they were together, the physical attraction was impossible to resist. She had been trying to get over him and build a new life. If they lived together, she wouldn’t be able to resist him.

      “You don’t need to spend all that time driving back and forth every day from Royal to the ranch,” she said. She was pleased that he was concerned and had made the offer, and overwhelmingly relieved to discover that the troll’s message hadn’t been true and Tom was still the same trustworthy person she had always thought he was, but her panic about spending nights under the same roof again began to revive. She gazed into his thickly lashed hazel eyes, which made her get a tightness low inside and think about his kisses that could melt her.

      “If you’re in danger and something happened to you in Royal while I’m out here on the ranch,” he said, “I couldn’t live with it. You’d do the same if the situation were reversed.”

      She had to smile at the thought of being a bodyguard for Tom. “That’s such a stretch of the imagination, I can’t picture it. Don’t even think about moving to Royal, but thank you for the offer, which is nice of you,” she said, running her fingers along his forearm, feeling the solid muscles. She had meant it as a friendly gesture of gratitude, but the minute her fingers touched his arm, a sizzling current spiraled in her and she thought again of having his strong arms around her.

      As she drew a deep breath, she saw his eyes narrow. Either he felt something, too, or he knew that she had—or both.

      She dropped her hand instantly and stepped back. “Thanks anyway,” she said, dismissing his offer.

      “Give some thought to this. For all we know, you might be in danger. The safest possible place would be in the guesthouse. I can protect you the easiest there.”

      “I don’t think that’s necessary at all. According to the rumors I’ve heard, Maverick hasn’t done anything except send terrible messages, trying to blackmail Royal citizens and stir up trouble. I need to work in town and I don’t want to drive back and forth. I’m staying at my uncle’s. Thank you for your concern, but you don’t need to stay with me,” she said firmly.

      “I’ve already lost one of the most important people in my life,” he said in a tight voice. “I don’t intend to let anything happen to you.” His hazel eyes looked darker, as they did when he was emotional or making love. “I’m going to ask Nathan to have someone drive by Natalie’s and check on her to make sure she and her family are protected and okay.” Tom removed his phone from his pocket again. Emily wondered who he was calling now until she heard him say hello to their foreman.

      “Hey, Gus. I need to be away from the ranch for a while.”

      Even as she stepped in front of him and shook her head, trying to discourage him, she knew the futility of her efforts. Tom had made up his mind that she should have protection and she wouldn’t be able to stop him. She threw up her hands and walked away as he gave instructions to Gus. How was she going to be able to resist Tom if they were under the same roof? Maybe he would stay downstairs and she could stay upstairs, or vice versa.

      “There, now,” he said when he finished talking to the foreman. “I’ll bring my sleeping bag and stay in the old house with you. I won’t be in your way, and I can help you with the restoration.”

      Exasperated, she stared at him. While she was annoyed, she knew this alpha male attitude was part of why she had been drawn to him in the first place. He was decisive and got things done. In high school it had been part of his appeal. Now she was glad he could make a decision and solve problems, but this time she really didn’t want him interfering in her life by taking charge. Each time she thought about being back under the same roof with him all night, her heart pounded. If he was going to help with the restoration of the old house, they would be working together. And she couldn’t trust her physical response to Tom. He would stir up all those latent longings again. Tom had a virile, sexy body. He was superbly fit from the Rangers and from ranch work.

      Tom turned to her. He had his hands on his hips and he stood close. He had the shadow of stubble on his face and his tangled hair added to his disheveled attraction. He looked more appealing than ever in a rugged, sexy way. She realized where her thoughts were drifting and tried to pay attention to what he was saying.

      “Nathan told me that Case Baxter, president of the TCC, plans to have an emergency meeting this coming week. Case agrees with Nathan that Maverick has to be stopped. To do so, they need to learn Maverick’s true identity. I’m going to that meeting, and I’d like you to come with me.”

      “Sure, I’ll go. But I don’t think I can help in any way.”

      “It won’t hurt, and the more of us who are informed and keep in touch with Nathan, the more likely he’ll be able to catch Maverick. If you go, remember, Maverick may be sitting in the audience.”

      She shivered. “That’s creepy.”

      “Hopefully, his emails and threats on social media won’t escalate into violence, but no one knows right now. What he’s doing now is bad enough. He hasn’t really hurt us, but he could have, and he can hurt others badly.”

      After a pause, Emily steered the conversation to an equally unpleasant topic. “Tom, when we’ve waited a bit, we need to sit down and talk about the divorce and how we’ll divide things. I was so angry when I filed. The picture was so convincing.”

      He nodded. “I don’t think we’ll have a problem dividing up the ranch, the house, the cars or the plane.”

      “You can definitely have the plane,” she remarked, and he gave her a fleeting smile that made her smile in turn.

      “I’ll sign the divorce papers. We’re there anyway, and you can have a life.”

      She turned away before he saw tears in her eyes. He was right. They were as good as divorced now, and she couldn’t give him children. Their marriage had such devastating memories. Even so, it still hurt when divorce became reality; she had filed and the papers were in his possession. It was one more big loss in her life and this one she took responsibility for because she’d been unable to get pregnant again. If she had been, it would have held them together. She’d wanted so badly to give Tom another child like Ryan. There was adoption—Tom had been willing—but it wasn’t the same and she was against it. She wanted to have another child like Ryan.

      Now she and Tom were estranged, and if they got divorced, they could each go ahead with life. But it was difficult to imagine ever loving another man.

      And it didn’t help that Tom had proved Maverick wrong and was trying to help her. It was easy to file for divorce when she was so angry with Tom because she thought he had deceived her. To know that he was still the same guy she had always admired and trusted made the divorce hurt.


      She blinked in surprise, turning to face him again. His eyes narrowed, and he studied her intently. “I’m sorry, Tom. My thoughts drifted back to Maverick,” she said, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She suspected he could guess exactly why she hadn’t heard him.

      “You said you’re going back to Royal from here. Let me grab a sleeping bag and a few things. I’ll take you.”

      She opened her mouth to protest, but before she said a word, he waved his hand. “I’m taking you to Royal. Tomorrow we’ll come back and get your car. I’d just as soon let everyone see us together—it’ll give me pleasure. Hopefully, the damned troll will see us and realize that email did no harm. Far from it. How’s that for a plan?”

      She shrugged. “I have a feeling if I didn’t like it at all, I would still end up doing it. I think you’re right about letting Maverick see us together. That gives me a sense of getting even with the troll.”

      “We can flaunt that we’re getting along. It doesn’t take long for word to get around Royal.”

      “I agree. While it’s good to be seen together,

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