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‘Come here.’

      Too late. The mutt was belly deep in the sea, leaping and splashing without any concern for how cold the water had to be.

      Adam ran down to the water’s edge and stood with his hands on his skinny hips. ‘Sheba, Dad says we’re going home. You want your dinner?’

      Beside Flynn, Ally chuckled. ‘Good luck with that.’

      Glancing at her, he drew a deep breath. Her cheeks had flushed deep pink when the mutt had dumped her on the sand, and the colour still remained, becoming rosier every time she laughed. Which was often.

      He noticed her rubbing her hip. ‘You did hurt yourself.’

      She jammed her hand in her pocket. ‘Just a hard landing, nothing to worry about.’

      ‘You’re sure?’ He’d hate it if Sheba had caused some damage.


      Adam and Sheba romped up to him. Then the dog did what wet dogs did—shook herself hard, sending salty spray over everyone. Now Ally would complain and walk away. But no. Her laughter filled the air and warmed the permanent chill in his soul. It would be unbelievably easy to get entangled with someone like her. Make that with this woman in particular.

      He sighed his disappointment. There was no room in his life for a woman, no matter how beautiful. Not even for a short time. Adam and work demanded all his attention. Besides, how did a guy go about dating? He hadn’t been in that market for so long he wouldn’t know where to start. Was there a dating book for dummies? I don’t need one. It’s not happening. He gave himself a mental slap. All these questions and doubts because of a woman he’d met five minutes ago. He was in need of a break. That was his real problem. Solo parenting and work gobbled up all his time and energy.

      ‘Let’s go.’ He grabbed Sheba’s collar and turned in the direction of their street. ‘Nice meeting you.’ He nodded abruptly at the woman who’d been the first one to catch his interest since Anna had died two years ago. It had to be a fleeting interest; one that would’ve disappeared by the time he reached home and became immersed in preparing dinner, folding washing and getting ready for work tomorrow. Damn it all. It could’ve been fun getting to know her.

      ‘Bye, Ally,’ Adam called, as they started walking up the beach.

      She stood watching them, both hands in her jacket pockets. ‘See you around.’ Was that a hint of wistfulness in her voice?

      ‘Okay,’ Adam answered, apparently reluctant to leave her. ‘Tomorrow?’

      ‘Adam,’ Flynn growled. ‘Come on.’ He aimed for the road, deliberately stamping down on the urge to invite the woman home to share dinner. He did not need anyone else’s problems. He did not need anyone else, full stop.

      Anyway, she probably wouldn’t like baked beans on toast.

      Baked beans. He only had to close his eyes to hear Anna saying how unhealthy they were. They’d eaten lots of vegetables for lunch so he could relax the rules tonight. Beans once in a while wouldn’t hurt Adam, and would save him some time. Who knew? He might get to watch the late news. Life was really looking up.

      PLASTERING ON HER best smiley face the next morning, Ally stepped inside the medical centre, unzipping her jacket as she crossed to the reception desk. ‘Hi, I’m Alyssa Parker.’ Lucas always wrote her full name on her credentials when sending them to medical centres. It was a technicality he adhered to, and she hated it. ‘Ally for short. I’m covering for Kat while she’s away.’

      A man straightened from the file he was reading and she gasped as the piercing blue eyes that had followed her into sleep last night now scanned her. Her smile widened. ‘Flynn.’ The buzz she’d felt standing by this man yesterday returned in full force, fizzing through her veins, heating her in places she definitely didn’t need warmed by a married man. He was still as sexy, despite the stubble having been shaved off. Stop it. But she’d have to be six feet under not to react to him.

      ‘Ally. Or do you prefer Alyssa?’

      ‘Definitely Ally. Never Alyssa. So you’re Dr Reynolds?’ They hadn’t swapped surnames the previous day. Hardly been any point when the chances of meeting again had seemed remote. Neither had she learned his first name when she was told about this job. She became aware of the receptionist glancing from her to Flynn, eyebrows high and a calculating look in her eyes.

      Fortunately Flynn must’ve seen her, too. ‘Megan’s our office lady and general everything girl. She’ll help you find files and stock lists and anything else you want.’

      ‘You two know each other?’ Megan asked her burning question.

      Ally left that to Flynn to deal with and took a quick look around the office, but listened in as Flynn told the receptionist, ‘We met briefly yesterday. Can you tell the others as they arrive that we’re in the tearoom and can they come along to meet Ally?’ Then he joined her on the other side of the counter. ‘I’ll show you around. You’ve got a busy clinic this morning. Three near full-term mums and four who are in their second trimester.’

      ‘Three close to full term? Was there a party on the island eight months back that everyone went to?’ She grinned.

      ‘You’d be surprised how many pregnant ladies we see. Phillip Island’s population isn’t as small as people think. One of the women, Marie Canton, is Adam’s daytime caregiver when he’s not at preschool.’

      So Adam’s mum worked, too. Ally wondered what she did. A doctor, like her husband? ‘Will Marie be bringing Adam with her?’

      ‘I’m not sure.’

      ‘What time’s my first appointment?’ she asked, suddenly needing to stay on track and be professional.

      But Flynn smiled, and instantly ramped up that heat circulating her body, defying her professionalism. ‘Nine. Was it explained to you that Kat also does high school visits to talk to the teenagers about contraception?’ Flynn stood back and indicated with a wave of his hand for her to precede him into a kitchen-cum-meeting-room. ‘You’ve got one on Thursday afternoon.’

      ‘I didn’t know, but not a problem.’ What was that aftershave? She sniffed a second time, savouring the tangy scent that reminded her of the outdoors and sun and…? And hot male. She tripped over her size sevens and grabbed the back of a chair to regain her balance. ‘I’m still breaking these boots in,’ she explained quickly, hoping Flynn wouldn’t notice the sudden glow in her cheeks. He mustn’t think she was clumsy but, worse, he mustn’t guess what had nearly sent her crashing face first onto the floor.

      But when she glanced at him she relaxed. His gaze was firmly fixed on the boots she’d blamed. Her awesome new boots that had cost nearly a week’s pay. His eyes widened, then cruised slowly, too slowly, up her thighs to her hips, up, up, up, until he finally locked gazes with her. So much for relaxing. Now she felt as though she was in a sauna and there was no way out. The heat just kept getting steamier. Her tongue felt too big for her mouth. Her eyes must look like bug’s eyes; they certainly felt as though they were out on stalks.

      Flynn was one sexy unit. The air between them sparked like electricity. His hair was as tousled as it had been yesterday and just as tempting. Her fingers curled into her palms, her false nails digging deep into her skin as she fought not to reach out and finger-comb those thick waves.

      ‘You must be the midwife.’ A woman in her midforties suddenly appeared before her. ‘Faye Bellamy, part-time GP for my sins.’

      Ally took a step back to put space between her and Flynn, and reached for Faye’s proffered hand. ‘That’s me. Ally Parker. Pleased to meet you.’

      ‘Pleasure’s all ours. Darned nuisance Kat wanting time off, but I’ve read your résumé and it seems you’ll

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