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wanted revenge.

      “Done,” he said and moved toward her. “Anything else?”

      It was impossible to think with him invading her personal space. She took a step back. “I, ah, think that’s everything.”

      “Good. You’ll have a cashier’s check first thing in the morning.”

      So they were finished. They should seal the deal somehow. But he was moving closer again and shaking on it seemed foolish. Especially when he put one hand on her waist and drew her toward him.

      She wanted to hold back. Being close to Cruz had never been her smartest move. She needed to keep her brain functioning. Protect herself at any cost. The man was—

      He lowered his head and kissed her. A deep, hot kiss that claimed and took and stole her will. His lips were firm and warm. His mouth moved against hers. The movement itself wasn’t all that different, all that spectacular. She should have been able to resist. But this was Cruz and she couldn’t.

      His arms came around her, but there was no need for him to pull her close. She went willingly, wanting to melt into him, needing to touch everywhere. His hard, muscled body provided a safe haven, while the heat of his tongue on her lower lip promised plenty of good times.

      She parted for him, then shuddered as he slipped into her mouth. Sparks jolted through her. She clutched at his shoulders, then ran her hands up and down his back.

      He tasted like Scotch and sin and sex. However deeply he kissed her, it wasn’t enough. It could never be enough. Heat surrounded her. She wanted to breathe in all of him.

      Need pulsed in time with her rapid heartbeat. She ached with a desperation that terrified her. She knew that if he took her right that second, she would come until she was screaming with pleasure and she didn’t care who saw.

      The image was so real she shuddered, then pulled back, afraid she would give in. That she would beg. She who had always been so carefully controlled in bed…except with him.

      They stared at each other. At least he was breathing hard. She wasn’t the only one affected by their kiss.

      “We’ll have an interesting journey,” he said. “You have a week to get your personal affairs in order. I’ll leave my address and a house key with the check tomorrow.”

      Then he was gone, fading into the night, leaving her alone on the balcony of the house where she’d grown up.

      If it wasn’t for the sexual hunger coursing through her body, she could almost convince herself that none of this had happened. That she hadn’t really sold, if not her soul, then at least her body, to Cruz Rodriguez for two million dollars.

      “It’s the price of doing business,” she murmured to herself.

      And what her father had always taught her. To get what you wanted, then you had to be willing to pay the price.

      As long as it wasn’t more than just her time and her body. As long as she remembered to make sure it was never her heart.

      THE HEADQUARTERS for Cruz Control were between Dallas and Fort Worth, on a ten-acre plot of land that Cruz could easily sell for ten times what he’d paid for it. Developers constantly came calling. He listened, then tossed them out. He was plenty rich, so he didn’t need the money, although he did enjoy having what everyone else wanted.

      Behind the five-story building was the garage he’d always dreamed about when he’d been growing up. But the five bays had grown into twenty. There was a test course behind the garage, a separate area for experimental cars and the constant sound of engines. It was his favorite place in the world.

      He stopped just inside the garage to survey what he had built. Sometimes he forgot where he’d come from, but this morning the past seemed especially close and vivid—as if he could reach out and touch the angry twelve-year-old kid he’d been. The kid who’d vowed he would do more than survive and get by. That he would make it and command respect everywhere he went.

      He heard someone call his name. Manny, his manager and best friend, waved him over.

      “The brakes are screwy,” Manny said with a grimace. “The design is a mess. I need to go over it again, unless you want to.”

      “Not today.” Cruz felt too restless to pour over a design. That kind of detail work required concentration and he couldn’t seem to control his thoughts.

      As much as he had believed and strived and worked his ass off for years, at fifteen or even twenty, he never would have imagined this.

      He’d started small—barely fourteen years old and racing a stolen Corolla against a Ford Ranger for pink slips. Everyone had laughed at him when he’d pulled up in the white Corolla. He thought he could win in that? What they didn’t know is he’d watched the guy down the street work on the car for months. The owner had added a supercharger and bumped up the compression ratio.

      Cruz had been careful to drive slowly so no one would guess what he had under the hood. He’d won easily, taking the Ford Ranger as his own. Fortunately that driver hadn’t been lying about ownership. Cruz’s pink slip—required to get in the race—had been faked.

      Later that night, he’d returned the Corolla and had gone to work on the truck. Two weeks later he was back, racing to win and winning often.

      “…transmission left,” Manny was saying. “Are you listening to me?”

      Cruz shrugged. “Sorry, no.”

      Manny, ten years older and always the wiser, cooler head in the partnership, looked at him. “What’s your problem?”

      “I’m engaged to Lexi Titan.”

      Manny grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into his private office.

      “What?” Manny demanded. “Tell me you’re kidding. What the hell have you done?”

      “Don’t sweat it. We have a deal. Nothing more.” He explained about Lexi’s need for a fast two million dollars. “It gives me what I’ve always wanted.”

      Manny stared at him. “You already have everything.”

      “Not quite. She’ll be my ticket to that world.”

      “You don’t really care about high society. Those women bore you.”

      “It’s not about the women,” Cruz said, remembering how the senator had dismissed him.

      Manny shook his head. “So some guy shakes your hand and that changes everything? You don’t need this, Cruz.”

      “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

      Manny didn’t understand. He’d never wanted more than he had—a good job he enjoyed. He went home to a wife and family every night. Cruz wanted…more.

      He wanted something more than he had. There was a nagging emptiness inside that he was determined to fill. Being part of a world that had always ignored him was a start. Finding the right woman with the right breeding and connections would cement his place there.

      “This has nothing to do with Lexi,” he told his friend. “She’s a means to an end.”

      “She’s a lot more than that and this is the wrong way to get her,” Manny told him. “She sounds more like the one you couldn’t have.”

      Not in the way Manny meant, Cruz told himself. “Well, now I can get her out of my system. In six months, I’ll move on.”

      “You’re making a big mistake. This is going to come back and bite you in the ass.”

      Cruz grinned. “It won’t be the first time.”

      Manny shook his head. “You don’t get it. You’re going to have to learn this the hard way. Good luck with that.”

      “TWO MILLION DOLLARS,” Lexi said, passing the check

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