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      But Cole appeared more interested in what was going on at the moment than history, especially his own past.

      “I take it that’s your baby,” he said, nodding at the baby the housekeeper was holding.

      “You found out my secret, Mr. Cole,” Rita said, her solemn expression remaining unchanged. “I was jealous of all of you with your babies, so I decided to have one of my own.”

      She looked so perfectly serious, for a moment Cole didn’t know if the housekeeper was joking or if the woman had actually made off with someone’s baby for some reason she had yet to reveal.

      Cole glanced at his brother again. “She’s kidding, right?”

      “Yes, genius, she’s kidding,” Connor said. “The baby belongs to Amy and Amy will be staying here for a while.” He glanced in her direction, secretly waiting for her contradiction.

      “Just until I figure out what I’m going to do,” Amy added quickly. She didn’t want to come across like a mooch. “Connor was nice enough to put us up.”

      “Hey, you don’t have to explain anything to me. I’m the one who came home with twins one morning,” he told Amy with a laugh.

      She was still trying to sort that all out. There’d been a great deal of information flying at her since she’d walked in yesterday. “Then the twins you mentioned aren’t yours?”

      “Well,” Cole said, “they are now because we adopted them.”

      “‘We’?” Confused, Amy looked at Connor, for some reason thinking Cole was referring to his brother and himself when he used the pronoun.

      “He means Stacy,” Connor explained.

      “Stacy and I got married,” Cole added in an attempt to lessen some of the confusion. “You remember Stacy Rowe from school, don’t you? She came back to Forever.”

      “I didn’t know she was gone,” Amy confessed. It felt as if her head was spinning as she tried to sort out the information that was coming at her at what she felt was lightning speed.

      “That’s right,” Cole recalled. “You’d already left town with—” Catching himself just in time, Connor’s brother rephrased his statement. “You’d already left Forever before Stacy did.”

      Rita grunted, signaling an end to the present discussion. “Why don’t you two let the poor girl finish her breakfast in peace?” Rita suggested forcefully. “You can use that extra energy of yours to get the crib down from the attic and bring it into the nursery,” she told the two brothers, referring to the room next to the bedroom that Stacy had used before she had married Cole.

      “Ah, I’ve missed those dulcet tones of yours these last few days,” Cole told her as he walked by the housekeeper.

      Rita’s jet-black eyebrows narrowed as she fixed the younger man with a glare. “You are just lucky I am holding this baby, Mr. Cole, or I would box your ears.”

      “C’mon, Connor,” Cole urged his brother. “Let’s go get the crib before she puts that baby down and makes good on her threat.”

      “It is only a threat if I do not do it,” Rita said, calling after the departing brothers.

      Without missing a beat, the housekeeper turned around to focus her attention on Amy. Seeing that the ranch’s newest houseguest had finished what was on her plate, Rita asked, “Would you like something more to eat?”

      Thinking about what Cole had just said, Amy had been caught off guard by Rita’s question. It took her a second to process it.

      “Oh no, thank you,” Amy quickly demurred. “I’m so full, if I had one more bite I might just explode. Everything was delicious,” she added, not wanting to somehow offend the woman by forgetting to compliment her efforts.

      “Everything was all right,” Rita corrected. “Delicious will be served for dinner,” she informed the young woman with the same straight face she had used to tell Cole that the baby she was holding was her own. Then, giving Amy a penetrating look that seemed to somehow delve into her innermost thoughts, she told her, “It is all right to smile once in a while, Miss Amy. No one will think less of you for it.”

      Amy flushed. She didn’t want to come off as some sort of a sourpuss, especially after she’d been taken in the way she had by Connor.

      “I’m sorry. It’s just...” Her voice trailed off as she tried to find the right way to say what she was feeling.

      Rita seemed to be way ahead of her as she nodded knowingly.

      “I know—it is hard to accept that things are not the way you thought they would be and that you need to take the help that is offered to you. But you are not the first to be in this position and you will not be the last. Now,” she told Amy as she began to leave the kitchen, “have another cup of coffee while I go to change your son.”

      At the mention of changing Jamie, Amy was on her feet. “I’ll do it.”

      Rita gave her a look that forbade her to move. “You will get more coffee and then you will sit and drink that coffee. I will change your son. You can change him the next time he needs it,” she said by way of appeasing what she took to be the young woman’s need to take care of her baby. “There will be many more opportunities for you to do it before he learns to take care of his own needs,” Rita assured her as she left the kitchen.

      Because she didn’t want to make waves and cause any further discord, Amy sat down again and savored her second cup of coffee.

      Then, taking advantage of the fact that the housekeeper had left the room and Connor was in the attic with Cole, she gathered up both her plate and Connor’s, as well as the utensils they’d used, brought them all over to the sink and then quickly washed them.

      It gave her a small sense of satisfaction to be useful, even in such a minor way.

      She had just put everything on the rack to dry when Rita returned to the kitchen. Expecting a reprimand, she was surprised when the housekeeper smiled at her.

      “You did not have to do that,” Rita told her.

      “I wanted to,” Amy answered. “I don’t like being lazy.”

      A small laugh escaped Rita’s lips. “You are the mother of a six-month-old. Lazy is not a word that belongs in your world. Here, take your son.” Rita handed the baby over to her. “I have been gone five days and there are many things I need to organize and clean,” she announced.

      A thud coming from somewhere on the second floor had Rita glancing up toward the ceiling. “They have brought down the crib. Go and tell them where you want it.”

      “Won’t they put it where they usually do?” Amy asked the housekeeper.

      She doubted the two brothers would appreciate her ordering them around, especially since this was their ranch house and she was there only as Connor’s guest. If anything, putting in her two cents seemed rather ungrateful to her.

      “But that may not suit your needs and you are the baby’s mother. Now go, shoo,” she added for good measure, waving Amy and her baby out of the kitchen.

      “Yes, ma’am,” Amy murmured as she quickly left the room.

      Turning away, Rita smiled to herself.

      “She is learning,” she muttered under her breath, pleased.

      * * *

      “DID YOU COME here to supervise?” Connor asked as Amy ventured into the room that he and his brother had just brought the crib into.

      She didn’t want Connor to think she was willfully trying to get in his way.

      “It was Rita’s idea,” Amy said. “She told me to come upstairs to tell you where I wanted the crib.”


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