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project couldn’t surpass this attraction between them.

      “Aye, aye, sir,” she’d snapped, spinning on her heels and leaving the room, but not before she’d seen the arrogance in his eyes. Okay, so he was the boss, but that didn’t mean he had to “boss” her about. It only made her madder, and ever since, her fingers had been flying across the keyboard, wanting to finish the twenty pages as soon as possible so she could march into his office and slam them down on the desk.

      And that’s exactly what she did—in half the time it normally took. But to her amazement, when she got to his office, he was nowhere to be seen. The adrenaline that had given her fingers strength dissipated, leaving her drained and ludicrously disappointed. She sighed. The considerate thing for him to do would have been to tell her he was going out.

      She placed the papers in the center of his desk and turned to go back to her office. A figure in the doorway made her jump. For a minute she thought it was Brant. Adjusting her eyes she realized it was Lynette Kelly.

      Kia breathed in deeply, her heart not quite settling back into place. “Lynette, what are you doing here?”

      Lynette blushed as she took a few steps into the office. “Oh, hello, Kia.”

      She looked so nervous Kia felt sorry for her. “Can I help you?” she asked gently.

      “Er … I need to see Phillip. I called him at home, but there was no answer. I thought he might be here.”

      “I’m sorry. He’s not.” Lynette’s face fell and Kia spoke before thinking. “He’s gone home to Queensland for a couple of weeks.”

      The other woman’s eyes widened. “Without you?”

      Kia’s gaze darted away then back. “I had to stay here. To work.”

      “Oh.” Her shoulders slumped. She turned away. “I guess I’d better—” She spun back. “Kia, do you really love Phillip? I mean, like a woman should love a man? Please, I need to know.”

      There was such anguish in her eyes, guilt stabbed Kia in the heart.

      “Kia, he needs me. I know he does. I love him with all my heart and I’m swallowing my pride in front of you and begging you to tell me the truth.”

      Kia couldn’t stand Lynette’s pain any longer. It just wasn’t right to keep the other woman in the dark. She owed it to her—and to Phillip—to help straighten things out.

      “No, Lynette. I don’t love Phillip. Not in that way.”

      “Thank God.” Lynette swayed, then quickly gathered herself, blinking back tears. When she’d recovered, a crease formed between her eyes and she looked confused. “So why did you get engaged?”

      Kia told her the truth and explained how one thing had led to another. “I’m sorry for all the pain we’ve put you through, Lynette. I was just trying to help Phillip.”

      “Do you …?” Lynette swallowed. “Do you think he still loves me?”

      “I know he does.”

      Hope filled Lynette’s eyes and made them shine. “I have to go to him.”

      Kia nodded. Behind the other woman’s delicate appearance, she sensed a strength of character she suspected would surprise Phillip. “If he gives you a hard time, tell him I said he’s a fool.”

      Lynette quickly hugged her. “I hope you find someone for you soon.”

      “I’m not sure I want anyone,” Kia said with a small smile. The only person who had ever really affected her was Brant. And he … well, there was nothing more to say there.

      Lynette left the room, so happy she looked as if she were walking on air. Kia smiled as relief swept through her that she’d told the other woman of Phillip’s love. It was in Lynette’s hands now.

      Just then, the hairs on the back of Kia’s neck stood to attention. Even before she turned toward the connecting door she was certain Brant would be standing there.

      And he was. He’d been in the small conference room the whole time. A fear such as she’d never known skittered under her skin. Primal fear. Sexual fear. She only had to look at the anger in his eyes to know he had overheard.

      “Um … Brant. I didn’t know you were there.”

      For a moment the air hung between them like a sheet of humidity.

      “So the gold digger’s conscience got the better of her, did it?” he sneered, leaning against the doorjamb, about as laid-back as a crocodile lazing in the sun.

      She sucked in a sharp breath. “Gold digger?” Was he crazy? “Are you talking about me?

      “Too bad, sweetheart. You missed out on marriage this time, but I’m sure you can find another man to fall for that innocent act.”

      “Wh-what?” She had no idea what he was talking about.

      “Don’t deny it. I saw your picture in a magazine. Even the journalist could tell a fortune hunter when he saw one. In fact, he remarked on how you’d hooked one of the Australia’s richest bachelors.”

      Was she really hearing this? “That journalist—and I use the word loosely—has got it in for me because I refused to go out with him. He’s just trying to make me look bad.” She’d felt ill when she’d seen the photograph and the comment he’d made.

      “Really?” Brant’s eyes said he didn’t believe her. “Even if that’s the case, I heard you on the telephone. My ears don’t deceive me.”

      She frowned. “Telephone?”

      “That’s right. When I came back from Paris I heard you bragging to someone on the phone about it being as easy to fall in love with a rich man than a poor one.” His top lip curled. “The next thing, you were Phillip’s shadow and engaged to him.”

      She tried to think. Then it hit her. “I was talking to Gerald … my stepfather. It’s a joke between us. Good Lord. So this is why you’ve been a pig to me since I first met you? You thought I was marrying Phillip for his money?

      He made a harsh sound. “You were quick to take the diamond necklace from him.”

      “He asked me to wear it to the Christmas party. I gave it back the next day. Ask him if you don’t believe me.”

      Something flickered in his eyes. “The Porsche?”

      “My father gave it to me. He deals in cars, remember?” Her heart twinged. “He likes his ‘Barbie’ to come with accessories.”

      For a moment there was a flash of sympathy, then his face hardened. “If you dislike your father so much, why take the car?”

      “He offered and I thought why not? I figure the man owes me for all he’s put me through. If he wants to give me a Porsche, I’m taking the Porsche. There’s nothing wrong with that.” She paused. “Anyway, if I wanted money, I only have to ask him for some … not that I would. He’s got enough money to keep me in luxury for the rest of my life. Unfortunately it comes with a price.”

      A tic beat in his jaw. “Even if all that’s true, you’re obviously very good at conning people. You’ve been living a lie.”

      She winced. “For Phillip’s sake.”

      “And for your own. You used him just as much as he used you.”

      Her chin lifted. He was so conceited. “Now why would I do that?” she said, then realized it was a challenge.

      Suddenly he turned and closed the connecting door behind him. “To keep us apart.”

      Her eyes darted to the doorknob where his hand still rested. “Us? There’s nothing between us.”

      He strode across the room to the main office door. “Lying

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