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She stepped into the room and sank into a nearby chair as Cass used her crutches to hobble to her desk. “Why are you here today? You should be taking it easy for a while.”

      “I thought the job always came first.”

      This time, Lara couldn’t mistake the bitterness in her voice. She frowned as Cass sat down. “No one expects you to work while you’re injured. The doctor said you were supposed to rest, and Victoria’s fine with that.”

      Cass didn’t answer. She propped her injured leg on a stool, her anger palpable now.

      And Lara’s uneasiness grew. Maybe Cass blamed her for the attack. She’d defended Lara before, when Xander had hurled his accusations at her. But maybe Xander’s attitude had rubbed off, especially now that Moretti had gotten to her.

      “Cass, listen. I’m sorry that you had to go through all this. You know I’m doing everything I can to stop Moretti and end this case.”

      “I’ll just bet you are.”

      Lara’s head reared back. Her anger sounded...personal. Exactly what was going on? Did Cass think she was slacking off? Did she hold some kind of grudge against her? Or maybe she thought Lara didn’t appreciate the terrible loss she’d suffered when her sister, Allie, had died.

      And she couldn’t help but wonder if hanging out with Katya Auerman was doing Cass more harm than good. Katya had been close to Cass’s sister. They’d been trapped together in that hellish existence, both victims of Moretti’s syndicate. But unlike Cass’s sister, Katya had survived.

      Lara understood why Cass would want to see her. Allie’s birthday had just gone by, and the anniversary of her death was approaching soon. Katya was her only remaining link to her sister, and talking to Katya would help keep her memory alive.

      But maybe it was also keeping her from getting closure, from moving past the burden of guilt she felt for failing to find her sister in time. Maybe she’d be better off making a clean break and severing that depressing tie.

      But Lara could hardly tell her that. Cass had kept her friendship with Katya secret. For whatever reason she didn’t want anyone on the team to know. And if there was one thing Lara respected, it was boundaries. Heaven knew, she’d erected enough barriers of her own.

      Still, Cass obviously needed help.

      “Listen, Cass. This case...it’s hard on all of us. Especially you, getting stabbed like that. And after your sister died...”

      Cass made a listless shrug.

      “I saw Dr. Oliviero this morning. He’s been a big help to me. Maybe you should think about paying him a visit. It helped me to talk things out.”

      Cass’s good eye flashed. “Just because you need to see a shrink doesn’t mean that I do. Maybe you should keep your advice to yourself.”

      Lara flinched, stunned by her hostility. But as much as her nasty tone hurt her, she knew that Cass was right. Who was she to make suggestions when she was so messed up herself? “Sorry. You’re right. It’s none of my business what you do. I didn’t mean to intrude.” She rose and headed to the door.


      She paused and turned around, still stung by Cass’s tone. But Cass looked deflated now, her undamaged eye beseeching hers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

      “Don’t worry about it. You’ve been through a lot.”

      Cass looked away and blinked back tears. “This is nothing compared to what Allie went through.”

      Lara’s heart flipped. “I know.” She’d seen the conditions those girls had lived in, the horrific existence they’d endured. The beatings, the intimidation. The brutal abuse they’d suffered as the sexual outlet for hundreds of perverted men. They’d been tortured into compliance, shot up with drugs and locked in cages, their hopes and spirits crushed. And knowing that her baby sister had been subjected to such vile acts had to be hard to bear.

      “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should go see the shrink,” Cass admitted.

      Lara walked back into the office and took her seat. “I’m not trying to tell you what to do. Everyone’s different. It helped me to talk to him, but you have to do what’s best for you.”

      “I will.”

      Remembering Victoria’s advice, she cleared her throat. “So what are you working on?”

      Cass motioned toward her desk. “I finished my statement for Victoria and now I’m going through the military sniper lists.”

      “Any progress?”

      “Not really. We’ve been tracking the people down, having our local offices verify their whereabouts for the past few weeks. So far, everyone has checked out.”

      “I guess it was a long shot.” She forced a smile. “No pun intended.”


      “So where’s Xander? I haven’t seen him yet today.”

      “He’s helping interview potential witnesses around my apartment in case someone saw something. He’ll be back any minute now.”

      “Have you remembered anything else about the attack?”

      “No, nothing. It happened too fast.”

      Lara sighed. She had to hand it to Moretti’s people. They excelled at covering their tracks. “Well, I’d better get back to work.”

      Cass nodded, but her mind was clearly somewhere else. Lara rose again and started out the door. But then she hesitated and glanced back. Cass was gazing into space.


      She looked up.

      “We are going to get this guy.”

      “You think so?”

      “Absolutely. I promise.” And that was one vow she wouldn’t renege on, no matter what the cost.

       Chapter Three

      What a difference a day made, Lara thought as the team assembled for a meeting in the conference room later that morning. Their optimism was gone. A somber air permeated the room. Instead of feeling victorious after arresting the kidnappers, the team was silent, grim and unusually subdued. Cass’s stabbing had wrenched them back to reality with a vengeance, reminding them that they weren’t done. Moretti had attacked again.

      And it was past time to take him down.

      “Our focus right now is threefold,” Victoria began, her voice reflecting the same tight-lipped determination Lara felt. “First off, we need to identify and arrest Cass’s attacker. That’s number one. We also need to figure out how Moretti is communicating from prison and find The Ghost. So I’d like to get an update on where we all stand. Xander?”

      Sitting across from Lara, he cleared his throat. “I helped the NYPD interview residents around Cass’s apartment this morning, but no one saw anything. I left business cards for those not answering, asking them to call when they get home.”

      “Good,” Victoria said.

      “In the meantime, I’ve got a meeting at the prison this afternoon. They’ve promised to get me a copy of all the surveillance tapes from the past few months.”

      Victoria jotted something on her notepad. “It’ll take time to study all those. I’ll get you some extra help.”


      “I’m still waiting to hear from the cryptologist about Moretti’s picture,” Mei volunteered.

      Victoria made another note. “Keep on that. If we can make some headway there, we might be able to anticipate his next move.”


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