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be glad when we see land again.’ All the Witted ones laughed indulgently together, as parents would over a child’s wilfulness. I marked how comfortable they all seemed in the Prince’s presence. Only Swift seemed to retain any stiffness, and that could have been due to either his awareness of me or the age difference between him and the rest of the company. So had Verity’s closest nobles been with him, I recalled, and thought to myself that the casual affection of those men was more valuable than the way Regal’s hangers-on used to bow and scrape to him.

      So it did not seem overly odd when Web turned to look at me and then asked Dutiful, ‘And has Tom Badgerlock come to join us today, my prince?’

      Two questions rode in his words. Was I there to admit my Wit and possibly my identity, and would I be joining their ‘coterie’? I held my breath as Dutiful answered, ‘Not exactly, Web. He tends my man Thick. I understand you kept watch by him during the night to allow Badgerlock some rest, and for that I thank you. Yet now Thick has taken a cough from his night exposure and is feverish. He finds Badgerlock’s company soothing, and so the man has agreed to sit with him.’

      ‘Ah. I see. Well, Thick, I’m sorry to hear you are ill.’ As he spoke, Web came to peep in through the door. At the table behind him, the rest of the coterie continued their quiet conversation. Swift watched Web anxiously. Thick, huddled in his blankets and staring at the wall, seemed only mildly aware of him. Even his Skill-music seemed subdued and muted, as if he lacked the energy to drive it. When Thick made no response, Web touched me softly on the shoulder and said quietly, ‘I’ll be happy to take a watch beside him tonight, too, if you’d like the rest. In the meanwhile,’ he turned from me and gestured at Swift, whose face clouded with sudden apprehension, ‘I’ll leave my “page” here with you. Doubtless you two have much to discuss, and if there are any errands that can be run for Thick’s comfort, I’m sure Swift will be glad to fetch for you. Isn’t that right, lad?’

      Swift was in an untenable position and he knew it. He came to heel like a whipped dog and stood beside Web, eyes downcast. ‘Yes sir,’ he replied softly. He lifted his gaze to me and I didn’t like what I saw there. It was fear coupled with dislike, and I did not feel I had done anything to justify either of those emotions.

      ‘Swift,’ Web said, drawing the boy’s eyes back to him. He went on quietly, in a voice pitched for our ears alone. ‘It will be fine. Trust me. Tom wishes to be sure you will continue your education while you are aboard this ship. That is all.’

      ‘Actually, there is more,’ I said unwillingly. That made both of them stare at me. Web lifted a brow. ‘I’ve given a promise,’ I said slowly. ‘To your family, Swift. I promised that I’d put my life between you and anything that threatened you. I’ve promised that I’ll do my best to see you safely home, when all this is over.’

      ‘What if I don’t want to go home when all this is over?’ Swift asked me insolently, his voice rising. I felt more than saw the Prince become aware of the conversation. And then the boy added, indignantly, ‘Wait! How did you talk to my father? There wasn’t time for you to send a messenger and then get a reply before we left. You’re lying.’

      I drew a slow breath through my nostrils. When I could speak calmly, I replied, keeping my voice pitched low. ‘No. I am not lying. I sent my promise to your family. I didn’t say they had replied. I still consider it just as binding.’

      ‘There wasn’t time,’ he protested, but more quietly. Web looked at him disapprovingly. I scowled. Web flicked a disapproving glance at me, but I met it steadily. I’d promised to keep the boy alive and return him home. That didn’t mean I had to tolerate his insults gladly.

      ‘I suppose this may be a long voyage for both of you,’ Web observed. ‘I’ll leave you to each other’s company, and hope you both learn to make the best of it. I believe you each have something to offer the other. But you’ll only value it if you discover it for yourselves.’

      ‘I’m cold,’ Thick moaned, rescuing me from Web’s lecture.

      ‘There’s your first errand,’ I told Swift brusquely. ‘Ask the Prince’s serving man where you can find two more blankets for Thick. Wool ones. And bring him a big mug of water as well.’

      I think it offended his dignity to fetch things for a half-wit, but he found it preferable to remaining in my company. As Swift scuttled off, Web gave a sigh.

      ‘Truth between the two of you,’ he advised me. ‘It’s going to be your only bridge to reaching that boy, Tom. And he needs you to reach him. I’m only realizing that now. He ran from his home, and he ran from you. He has to stop running or he’ll never learn to stand and face down his problems.’

      So, he thought I was one of Swift’s problems? I looked away. ‘I’ll deal with him,’ I said.

      Web sighed wearily. ‘I’ll leave him to you, then.’

      Web returned to the table and the Witted coterie’s conversation. After a time, they all left. The Prince resumed rehearsing his speech. By the time Swift returned with blankets and a mug of water for Thick, I’d combed through Dutiful’s collection of scrolls and selected several I thought would benefit Swift. To my surprise, I found some I hadn’t seen before; Chade must have acquired them just before we sailed. They dealt with Out Island society and customs. I chose the simpler ones for Swift.

      I made Thick as comfortable as I could. His fever was rising. The hotter he became the more fantastic the music he Skilled. He still hadn’t taken in any food, but at least he’d lost the will to fight me as I held the mug to his mouth and made sure that he drank it all. I settled him again, tucking the blankets snugly around him, and wondering how the heat of a fever could make a man think he was cold.

      When I finished, I glanced up to find Swift looking at us in distaste. ‘He smells funny,’ the boy complained to my reproving glance.

      ‘He’s sick.’ I pointed at the floor as I resumed my seat at the edge of Thick’s bed. ‘Sit there. And read aloud to us, quietly, from that scroll. No, the one with the frayed edge, there. Yes, that one.’

      ‘What is it?’ he asked needlessly as he untied the scroll and opened it.

      ‘It’s a description of the history and people of the Out Islands.’

      ‘Why do I need to read this?’

      I ticked the reasons off on my fingers. ‘Because you need to practise your reading. Because we are going there, and it behoves you to know something about the people there so you don’t shame your prince. Because the history of the Six Duchies is entwined with that of the Out Islands. And because I said so.’

      He lowered his eyes but I sensed no mellowing toward me. I had to prompt him again before he began reading it. But once he began, I think he interested himself. The rise and fall of his boyish voice was soothing. I let my thoughts float on the sound, barely taking in the sense of the words.

      He was still reading when Chade entered. Ostensibly, I paid no attention to the old man while he conferred quietly with the Prince. Then Dutiful Skill-touched me. Chade would like you to dismiss Swift for a time, so we could speak freely here.

       A moment.

      I nodded as if to myself over whatever Swift had just read. When he drew breath, I reached out to touch his shoulder. ‘That’s enough for today. You can go. But I will be here tomorrow, and so should you be. I’ll expect you.’

      ‘Yes sir.’ There was no anticipation, no resignation in his voice. Just a flat acknowledgement. I suppressed a sigh. He went to the Prince, made his courtesy and was dismissed. At a Skill-nudge from me, Dutiful let him know that he thought education a desirable advantage for every man, and that he, too, wished to see Swift at his lessons every day. He received the same lacklustre assent that I had, and then Swift went his way.

      The door had scarcely closed behind him before Chade was at my side. ‘How is he?’ he asked gravely as he touched Thick’s face.

      ‘Feverish and coughing. He has taken water but

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