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at all. Vodka ought really to be thrown straight down the throat’—Mrs Allcock looked startled—‘but that needs practice. Put it down on the table and get yourself a Martini from that tray the butler’s carrying.’

      She turned back to hear Heather Badcock’s triumphant peroration.

      ‘I’ve never forgotten how wonderful you were that day. It was a hundred times worth it.’

      Marina’s response was this time not so automatic. Her eyes which had wavered over Heather Badcock’s shoulder, now seemed to be fixed on the wall midway up the stairs. She was staring and there was something so ghastly in her expression that Mrs Bantry half took a step forward. Was the woman going to faint? What on earth could she be seeing that gave her that basilisk look? But before she could reach Marina’s side the latter had recovered herself. Her eyes, vague and unfocussed, returned to Heather and the charm of manner was turned on once more, albeit a shade mechanically.

      ‘What a nice little story. Now, what will you have to drink? Jason! A cocktail?’

      ‘Well, really I usually have lemonade or orange juice.’

      ‘You must have something better than that,’ said Marina. ‘This is a feast day, remember.’

      ‘Let me persuade you to an American daiquiri,’ said Jason, appearing with a couple in his hand. ‘They’re Marina’s favourites, too.’

      He handed one to his wife.

      ‘I shouldn’t drink any more,’ said Marina, ‘I’ve had three already.’ But she accepted the glass.

      Heather took her drink from Jason. Marina turned away to meet the next person who was arriving.

      Mrs Bantry said to Mrs Allcock, ‘Let’s go and see the bathrooms.’

      ‘Oh, do you think we can? Wouldn’t it look rather rude?’

      ‘I’m sure it wouldn’t,’ said Mrs Bantry. She spoke to Jason Rudd. ‘We want to explore your wonderful new bathrooms, Mr Rudd. May we satisfy this purely domestic curiosity?’

      ‘Sure,’ said Jason, grinning. ‘Go and enjoy yourselves, girls. Draw yourselves baths if you like.’

      Mrs Allcock followed Mrs Bantry along the passage.

      ‘That was ever so kind of you, Mrs Bantry. I must say I wouldn’t have dared myself.’

      ‘One has to dare if one wants to get anywhere,’ said Mrs Bantry.

      They went along the passage, opening various doors. Presently ‘Ahs’ and ‘Ohs’ began to escape Mrs Allcock and two other women who had joined the party.

      ‘I do like the pink one,’ said Mrs Allcock. ‘Oh, I like the pink one a lot.’

      ‘I like the one with the dolphin tiles,’ said one of the other women.

      Mrs Bantry acted the part of hostess with complete enjoyment. For a moment she had really forgotten that the house no longer belonged to her.

      ‘All those showers!’ said Mrs Allcock with awe. ‘Not that I really like showers. I never know how you keep your head dry.’

      ‘It’d be nice to have a peep into the bedrooms,’ said one of the other women, wistfully, ‘but I suppose it’d be a bit too nosy. What do you think?’

      ‘Oh, I don’t think we could do that,’ said Mrs Allcock. They both looked hopefully at Mrs Bantry.

      ‘Well,’ said Mrs Bantry, ‘no, I suppose we oughtn’t to—’ then she took pity on them, ‘but—I don’t think anyone would know if we have one peep.’ She put her hand on a door-handle.

      But that had been attended to. The bedrooms were locked. Everyone was very disappointed.

      ‘I suppose they’ve got to have some privacy,’ said Mrs Bantry kindly.

      They retraced their steps along the corridors. Mrs Bantry looked out of one of the landing windows. She noted below her Mrs Meavy (from the Development) looking incredibly smart in a ruffled organdie dress. With Mrs Meavy, she noticed, was Miss Marple’s Cherry, whose last name for the moment Mrs Bantry could not remember. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and were laughing and talking.

      Suddenly the house felt to Mrs Bantry old, worn-out and highly artificial. In spite of its new gleaming paint, its alterations, it was in essence a tired old Victorian mansion. ‘I was wise to go,’ thought Mrs Bantry. ‘Houses are like everything else. There comes a time when they’ve just had their day. This has had its day. It’s been given a face lift, but I don’t really think it’s done it any good.’

      Suddenly a slight rise in the hum of voices reached her. The two women with her started forward.

      ‘What’s happening?’ said one. ‘It sounds as though something’s happening.’

      They stepped back along the corridor towards the stairs. Ella Zielinksy came rapidly along and passed them. She tried a bedroom door and said quickly, ‘Oh, damn. Of course they’ve locked them all.’

      ‘Is anything the matter?’ asked Mrs Bantry.

      ‘Someone’s taken ill,’ said Miss Zielinsky shortly.

      ‘Oh dear, I’m sorry. Can I do anything?’

      ‘I suppose there’s a doctor here somewhere?’

      ‘I haven’t seen any of our local doctors,’ said Mrs Bantry, ‘but there’s almost sure to be one here.’

      ‘Jason’s telephoning,’ said Ella Zielinsky, ‘but she seems pretty bad.’

      ‘Who is it?’ asked Mrs Bantry.

      ‘A Mrs Badcock, I think.’

      ‘Heather Badcock? But she looked so well just now.’

      Ella Zielinksy said impatiently, ‘She’s had a seizure, or a fit, or something. Do you know if there’s anything wrong with her heart or anything like that?’

      ‘I don’t really know anything about her,’ said Mrs Bantry. ‘She’s new since my day. She comes from the Development.’

      ‘The Development? Oh, you mean that housing estate. I don’t even know where her husband is or what he looks like.’

      ‘Middle-aged, fair, unobtrusive,’ said Mrs Bantry. ‘He came with her so he must be about somewhere.’

      Ella Zielinsky went into a bathroom. ‘I don’t know really what to give her,’ she said. ‘Sal volatile, do you think, something like that?’

      ‘Is she faint?’ said Mrs Bantry.

      ‘It’s more than that,’ said Ella Zielinsky.

      ‘I’ll see if there’s anything I can do,’ said Mrs Bantry. She turned away and walked rapidly back towards the head of the stairs. Turning a corner she cannoned into Jason Rudd.

      ‘Have you seen Ella?’ he said. ‘Ella Zielinsky?’

      ‘She went along there into one of the bathrooms. She was looking for something. Sal volatile—something like that.’

      ‘She needn’t bother,’ said Jason Rudd.

      Something in his tone struck Mrs Bantry. She looked up sharply. ‘Is it bad?’ she said, ‘really bad?’

      ‘You could call it that,’ said Jason Rudd. ‘The poor woman’s dead.’

      ‘Dead!’ Mrs Bantry was really shocked. She said, as she had said before, ‘But she looked so well just now.’

      ‘I know. I know,’ said Jason. He stood there, scowling. ‘What a thing to happen!’

       CHAPTER 6

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