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      Cover Copy

      In paradise, the only limits to passion lie in your imagination . . .

      After a life filled with hardship, landing on a lush tropical isle is heaven on earth for mariner Heath Garrison. And it comes complete with two angels who bring out the very devil in him. Identical twins Netta and Aimee are guileless and seductive, living and loving without jealousy. Days of longing, nights of carnal bliss make choosing one over the other seem impossible, but hungering for both sisters is taboo.

      Aimee and Netta’s devotion to each other helped them survive the vicious pirates who overran their home. Will a virile Englishman come between them now? When their enemies return, determined to vanquish the islanders for good, Heath races to save them along with his countrymen. But survival will bring a choice—between the life Heath has known, and a love that changes all their destinies . . .

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      Books by Tina Donahue

      Dangerous Desires

      Loving Lies

      Wicked Whispers

      Passionate Pursuit

      Pirate’s Prize

      First Comes Desire

      Days of Desire

      Forbidden Desire

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Forbidden Desire

      Pirate’s Prize

      Forbidden Desire


      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2017 by Tina Donahue

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      First Electronic Edition: December 2017

      eISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0064-4

      eISBN-10: 1-5161-0064-6

      First Print Edition: December 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0067-5

      ISBN-10: 1-5161-0067-0

      Printed in the United States of America


      To Tina’s Romance Rebels, my street team, and to my PA Pamela Leonhardt. Ladies, you are the greatest. I couldn’t have done this without you.


      To all the wonderful authors who’ve given me immeasurable joy with their works, and have taught me so much about writing.

      Author’s Foreword

      Since I read my first historical romance in high school, I’ve been fascinated with exotic locales, pirates, and the women they can’t seem to tame. I’ve also been intrigued by ménages and have written quite a few over the years. This, however, is the first time I’ve paired two women with one man. Lucky guy. In my mind, I picture Heath grinning and thanking me. (You’re welcome, sweetie). More than an erotic romance, Forbidden Desire is a love story between characters from different cultures and locales, who surmount nearly impossible odds to form a family that works for them. They celebrate diversity and prove love does conquer all.

      Chapter 1

      Tristan Kent’s island—1718

      Heath Garrison swept his spyglass northwest past the Mozambique Channel. Thousands of miles in the distance lay England. Home. Odd word for a place where he’d faced unending struggle and barely survived. Still, a man couldn’t easily dismiss his birthplace, even when compared to this island paradise.

      A balmy breeze grazed his naked chest and tugged his hair. Sun poured down. Lush vegetation, the sea’s tang, and flowers perfumed the air.

      Or perhaps the sweet fragrance came from elsewhere.

      Despite his captors’ innumerable warnings, he inched his glass to Netta and Aimee, island women no more than twenty. Born identical twins, a cruel pirate’s rule had put an end to their exact resemblance.

      To Heath, they couldn’t have been more perfect.

      He settled the glass on them.

      His pulse quickened.

      Their backs were to him, their focus on the leaves and flowers they gathered. Wind stirred their dark brown hair that hung straight and long to their waists. Both women wore silk tied low on their lush hips, one’s cloth a deep rose shade, the other’s bright blue. The fabric fluttered above their bare feet.

      They abandoned the bush in favor of another.

      He edged to the side, careful not to snap a twig that would disturb them. An insect buzzed near his ear. He brushed it away.

      White petals overflowed Aimee’s palms. She dropped them into the silk sack Netta held. The difference in their hands gave away their identities.

      He edged closer for a better view of Netta’s old wound.

      A lemur cackled on its perch. Its companions jumped from tree to tree, rustling branches and leaves.

      At the sound, Aimee and Netta turned. Their naked breasts quivered. The enticing nipples pebbled, ideal for a man’s mouth.

      Heath’s watered.

      Previous warnings rang in his head. He wasn’t to approach, talk to, or look at the island women. Didn’t matter. Weakened with desire, he couldn’t back away or flee even though they spotted him.

      Their lips parted.

      Their softened gazes and heightened color showed their approval at seeing him. Willing surrender registered in their dark eyes. Rose bloomed in their light brown cheeks, their skin satiny, flawless with youth, and surely scented with musk. An invitation no sane man could resist. If he didn’t mind being beaten or possibly set adrift from this isle located a week or more from even the most primitive civilization.

      Heath lowered his glass. Face down, he called himself a bloody fool for entertaining the idea of enjoying two women at once, much less sisters. This place certainly wasn’t London, but that hardly meant he could behave like a rutting animal.

      Dead leaves crackled beneath feet.

      He didn’t dare acknowledge Netta and Aimee’s approach

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