
A rogue reaper who lives by her rules. Three alpha Enforcers determined she obeys theirs. Chantel never asked to be a reaper and she sure as hell isn’t taking the virtuous or young before their time. When it comes to dirtbags… that’s another story. Whether they’re ready or not, she has them on her radar for extermination. Rogue reaping suits her just fine. Rydan, Kahl, and Huntir don’t see her crimes that way. As Enforcers tasked with keeping order in the para world, she’s set for reeducation in their lair. Their goal? To ensure her obedience to their commands while making her submissive to their carnal needs. Yeah, right. They may be sexier than sin, but these bad boys won’t break her, ever. Bring on the interrogations, indoctrination, and BDSM, the more hardcore the better. This is a battle of the sexes they’ll all win. This is book one in The Enforcers series and can be enjoyed independently. Publisher’s Note: This dark, paranormal reverse harem romance is intended for adults only. It contains elements of danger, suspense, adventure, power exchange and sensual scenes. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.



Deception knows no limits. Passion knows no bounds. When she is kidnapped, Senorita Isabella knows the men have been sent by her uncle in a murderous attempt to control her family’s fortune. But when she is rescued by a dashing and mysterious warrior, Isabella can’t imagine why a stranger would risk his life for her—until she discovers her rescuer believes she’s someone else…Fernando de Zayas loves nothing more than the cry of battle. Defying death is his way of life. But when he discovers his betrothed has been kidnapped, he rushes to her aid—never suspecting that spirited beauty would soothe his warrior heart…With her uncle’s minions close on their heels, Isabella finds herself drawing closer to Fernando. But as the desire between them builds, her secret could keep them apart forever…


In paradise, the only limits to passion lie in your imagination…  After a life filled with hardship, landing on a lush tropical isle is heaven on earth for mariner Heath Garrison. And it comes complete with two angels who bring out the very devil in him. Identical twins Netta and Aimee are guileless and seductive, living and loving without jealousy. Days of longing, nights of carnal bliss make choosing one over the other seem impossible, but hungering for both sisters is taboo. Aimee and Netta’s devotion to each other helped them survive the vicious pirates who overran their home. Will a virile Englishman come between them now? When their enemies return, determined to vanquish the islanders for good, Heath races to save them along with his countrymen. But survival will bring a choice—between the life Heath has known, and a love that changes all their destinies…



On a lush, secluded island, one passionate adventure leads to another….   Diana Fletcher means business. The beautiful, innocent, reverend’s daughter has traveled all the way to a tropical island off Madagascar on a mission: To find her brother—and to punish the man who drove him to a life of piracy. But when she comes face to face with the enemy in question, the handsome, powerfully seductive man is not at all what Diana expected… Tristan Kent never intended to harm Diana’s brother. A man of humble origins, Tristan claims he tried to save him from another ruthless captain. Diana is desperate to believe he is telling the truth…and that the intoxicating desire that escalates between them is true as well. But can she trust him? Or is Tristan’s story—and his heart—nothing more than fool’s gold? Amid the haze of sensual delights and soaring ecstasy Tristan has in store for her, all will be revealed…“The story is brimming with risqué retorts and searing sex scenes.” – Publishers Weekly on Passionate Pursuit


Follow the heart through darkness . . . As the Inquisition gains force, even the faintest rumor can brand one a heretic. In this world it is Sancha's gift–or curse–to be blessed with the gift of healing. But the villagers are in need of her arts more than ever, and she feels it is her duty to help them at the risk of losing her life. And at the sacrifice of her heart . . . Enrique has never wanted a woman as he does Sancha. Determined to have her love, he woos her with exquisite passion, giving her refuge to pursue her healing in secret. But their very desire and escape from the ruthless forces of the world may be their undoing. And together, they must pit themselves against a jealous rival and archaic tradition to secure their place in a hopeful new dawn . . .