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      The field was an oval, green as an emerald, level as a billiard table and had no fences or stands to obstruct the open view of the surrounding wooded country. On each side of the diamond were rows of wooden benches, and at one end of the field stood a little clubhouse.

      Wayne took off his coat, and tossed a ball for a while to an ambitious youngster, and then went into the clubhouse, where Huling introduced him to several of his players. After a good rubdown, Wayne thanked Huling for his courtesy, and started out, intending to go back to town.

      “Why not stay to see us practice?” asked the captain. “We’re not afraid you’ll size up our weaknesses. As a matter of fact, we don’t look forward to any hitting stunts tomorrow, eh, Burns? Burns, here, is our leading hitter, and he’s been unusually noncommittal since he heard who was going to pitch for Bellville.”

      “Well, I wouldn’t give a whole lot for my prospects of a home run tomorrow,” said Burns, with a laugh.

      Wayne went outside, and found a seat in the shade. A number of urchins had trooped upon the green field, and carriages and motors were already in evidence. By the time the players came out of the dressing room, ready for practice, there was quite a little crowd in attendance.

      Despite Wayne’s hesitation, Huling insisted upon introducing him to friends, and finally hauled him up to a big touring car full of girls. Wayne, being a Yale pitcher, had seen several thousand pretty girls, but the group in that automobile fairly dazzled him. And the last one to whom Huling presented him—with the words: “Dorothy, this is Mr. Wayne, the Yale pitcher, who is to play with Bellville tomorrow; Mr. Wayne, my sister”—was the girl he had known he would meet some day.

      “Climb up, Mr. Wayne. We can make room,” invited Miss Huling.

      Wayne thought the awkwardness with which he found a seat beside her was unbecoming to a Yale senior. But, considering she was the girl he had been expecting to discover for years, his clumsiness bespoke the importance of the event. The merry laughter of the girls rang in his ears. Presently, a voice detached itself from the others, and came floating softly to him.

      “Mr. Wayne, so you’re going to wrest our laurels from us?” asked Miss Huling.

      “I don’t know—I’m not infallible—I’ve been beaten.”

      “When? Not this season?” she inquired quickly, betraying a knowledge of his record that surprised and pleased him. “Mr. Wayne, I was at the Polo Grounds on June fifteenth.”

      Her white hand lightly touched the Princeton pin at her neck. Wayne roused suddenly out of his trance. The girl was a Princeton girl! The gleam of her golden hair, the flash of her blue eyes, became clear in sight.

      “I’m very pleased to hear it,” he replied.

      “It was a great game, Mr. Wayne, and you may well be proud of your part in winning it. I shouldn’t be surprised if you treated the Salisbury team to the same coat of whitewash. We girls are up in arms. Our boys stood a fair chance to win this game, but now there’s a doubt. By the way, are you acquainted in Bellville?”

      “No. I met Reed, the Bellville captain, in New York this week. He had already gotten an extra pitcher—another ringer—for this game, but he said he preferred me, if it could be arranged.”

      While conversing, Wayne made note of the fact that the other girls studiously left him to Miss Huling. If the avoidance had not been so marked, he would never have thought of it.

      “Mr. Wayne, if your word is not involved—will you change your mind and pitch tomorrow’s game for us instead of Bellville?”

      Quite amazed, Wayne turned squarely to look at Miss Huling. Instead of disarming his quick suspicion, her cool, sweet voice, and brave, blue eyes confirmed it. The charms of the captain’s sister were to be used to win him away from the Bellville nine. He knew the trick; it had been played upon him before.

      But never had any other such occasion given him a feeling of regret. This case was different. She was the girl. And she meant to flirt with him, to use her eyes for all they were worth to encompass the Waterloo of the rival team.

      No, he had made a mistake, after all—she was not the real girl. Suddenly conscious of a little shock of pain, he dismissed that dream girl from his mind, and determined to meet Miss Huling half way in her game. He could not flirt as well as he could pitch; still, he was no novice.

      “Well, Miss Huling, my word certainly is not involved. But as to pitching for Salisbury—that depends.”

      “Upon what?”

      “Upon what there is in it.”

      “Mr. Wayne, you mean—money? Oh, I know. My brother Rex told me how you college men are paid big sums. Our association will not give a dollar, and, besides, my brother knows nothing of this. But we girls are heart and soul on winning this game. We’ll—”

      “Miss Huling, I didn’t mean remuneration in sordid cash,” interrupted Wayne, in a tone that heightened the color in her cheeks.

      Wayne eyed her keenly with mingled emotions. Was that rose-leaf flush in her cheeks natural? Some girls could blush at will. Were the wistful eyes, the earnest lips, only shamming? It cost him some bitterness to decide that they were. Her beauty fascinated, while it hardened him. Eternally, the beauty of women meant the undoing of men, whether they played the simple, inconsequential game of baseball, or the great, absorbing, mutable game of life.

      The shame of the situation for him was increasingly annoying, inasmuch as this lovely girl should stoop to flirtation with a stranger, and the same time draw him, allure him, despite the apparent insincerity.

      “Miss Huling, I’ll pitch your game for two things,” he continued.

      “Name them.”

      “Wear Yale blue in place of that orange-and-black Princeton pin.”

      “I will.” She said it with a shyness, a look in her eyes that made Wayne wince. What a perfect little actress! But there seemed just a chance that this was not deceit. For an instant he wavered, held back by subtle, finer intuition; then he beat down the mounting influence of truth in those dark-blue eyes, and spoke deliberately:

      “The other thing is—if I win the game—a kiss.”

      Dorothy Huling’s face flamed scarlet. But this did not affect Wayne so deeply, though it showed him his mistake, as the darkening shadow of disappointment in her eyes. If she had been a flirt, she would have been prepared for rudeness. He began casting about in his mind for some apology, some mitigation of his offense; but as he was about to speak, the sudden fading of her color, leaving her pale, and the look in her proud, dark eyes disconcerted him out of utterance.

      “Certainly, Mr. Wayne. I agree to your price if you win the game.”

      But how immeasurable was the distance between the shy consent to wear Yale blue, and the pale, surprised agreement to his second proposal! Wayne experienced a strange sensation of personal loss.

      While he endeavored to find his tongue, Miss Huling spoke to one of the boys standing near, and he started off on a run for the field. Presently Huling and the other players broke for the car, soon surrounding it in breathless anticipation.

      “Wayne, is it straight? You’ll pitch for us tomorrow?” demanded the captain, with shining eyes.

      “Surely I will. Bellville don’t need me. They’ve got Mackay, of Georgetown,” replied Wayne.

      Accustomed as he was to being mobbed by enthusiastic students and admiring friends, Wayne could not but feel extreme embarrassment at the reception accorded him now. He felt that he was sailing under false colors. The boys mauled him, the girls fluttered about him with glad laughter. He had to tear himself away; and when he finally reached his hotel, he went to his room, with his mind in a tumult.

      Wayne cursed himself roundly; then he fell into deep thought. He began to hope he could retrieve the blunder. He would win the game; he would explain

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