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like g in goal

      GN: like ny in canyon or like ñ in Spanish

      GLI: like lli in million

      SC: 1. before “i” or “e” like sh in shut

      2. otherwise like sk in skip

      The signs and symbols appearing in this guide are identified as follows:

      (AERO) = aeronautics

      (AGRIC) = agriculture

      (ANAT) = anatomical

      (ARCHIT) = architecture

      (ARTE) = art, artistic

      (ASTROL) = astrology

      (ASTRON) = astronomy

      (AUTO) = automotive

      (BIOL) = biology

      (BOT) = botany

      (CINE) = cinema

      (COM) = commercial

      (DEP) = sports

      (DER) = legal

      (ECON) = economics

      (ELECTR) = electrical

      (FIN) = financial

      (FIS) = physics

      (FOTO) = photography

      (GEN) = general meaning

      (GEOG) = geography

      (GEOL) = geology

      (GRAM) = grammar

      (INFORM) = inf. technology

      (LITER) = literature

      (MAT) = mathematics

      (MECAN) = mechanical

      (MED) = medical

      (METEO) = meteorological

      (MIL) = military

      (MUS) = music

      (NAUT) = nautical

      (POL) = politics

      (QUIM) = chemistry

      (RELIG) = religion

      (TECNOL) = technology

      (ZOOL) = zoology

      (A) = the feminine ending

      (adj) = adjective

      (adv) = adverb

      (f) = feminine

      (m) = masculine

      (n) = noun

      ó = or

      os = oneself

      s = plural

      sb = somebody

      sthg = something

      ú = or


      Interchangeable Spanish-English words and their Italian equivalents

      Palabras intercambiables en Español-Inglés y sus equivalentes en Italiano

      Parole intercambiabili in Spagnolo-Inglese e le loro equivalenti in Italiano

      ADAGIO (MUS)

      AD HOC




      ALBINO (A)


      ALGA, alga, seaweed











      ANTENATAL, prenatal







      AU PAIR





      Easily recognizable Spanish-English nouns, adjectives and adverbs and their Italian equivalents

      Nombres, sustantivos, adjetivos y adverbios en Español-Inglés y sus equivalentes en Italiano

      Nomi, sostantivi, aggettivi e avverbi in Spagnolo-Inglese e le loro equivalenti in Italiano

      ABANDONADO (A), abandoned, deserted; derelict

      ABBANDONATO (A), abandoned

      ABANDONO, abandonment, desertion, neglect

      ABBANDONO, desertion, abandonment

      ABATIDO (A), depressed

      DEPRESSO (A), depressed

      ABATIMIENTO, depression

      DEPRESSIONE, depression (MED) (METEO)

      SCONFORTO, dejection, despondency

      ABDICACIÓN, abdication

      ABDICAZIONE, abdication

      RINÙNCIA/RINÙNZIA, renunciation

      ABDOMEN, abdomen


      ABERRACIÓN, aberration; departure, lapse

      ABERRAZIONE, aberration

      ABERRANTE, aberrant


      ABISMAL, vast, enormous; irreconcilable

      ABISSALE, abysmal, profound

      ABISMO, abyss, chasm

      ABISSO, abyss, gulf

      ABLATIVO, ablative


      ABLUCIÓN, ablution


      ABNEGACIÓN, abnegation, self-denial ... ABNEGADO (A), self-denying, self-sacrificing;

      ABNEGAZIONE, abnegation


      ABOLICIÓN, abolition, elimination, termination


      ABOMINACIÓN, abomination


      ABOMINABLE, abominable


      ABORTO, abortion; miscarriage


      ABRASIVO (A), abrasive; grinding; harsh, hurtful

      ABRASIVO (A) (n)

      ABRIL, April


      ABSCESO, abscess


      ABSENTISMO, absenteeism


      ABSOLUTAMENTE, absolutely


      ABSOLUTO (A), absolute, perfect,

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