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to help the people learn what they needed to know in order transform themselves and remove their veils. Very, very rarely do actual residents of Luminatia get kidnapped.”

      “Those are the people my father has been helping to return to Luminatia,” Winston gasped as he realized there was the answer to the mysterious mission.

      “Yes,” Myadora replied acknowledging Winston’s long-awaited epiphany as she continued.

      “Let me talk with our sister,” Avadon begged. “She needs to agree to come with me.”

      “You’ve got one day,” the King replied.

      In Angeen’s apartment a short time later after explaining what had transpired with Shadel, Avadon bellowed in his overconfident manner to his sister. “We’re going to kidnapped the Queen and bring her to Egoshen. I’ll show Shadel about power.”

      “Kidnap Suri, that’s impossible. I’ve heard our brother has sent her away from the castle and we leaving tomorrow,” Angeen said as she began to pace nervously about.

      “Oh, my sister, you have so little faith in your new king, ME!” he declared as he pranced and ranted about the room. “I’ve placed some of my subjects within the castle walls. Our brother is not as smart as he would have everyone believe. He fears me. I’ve tricked him into letting me send my representatives back to Luminatia to retrieve more people,” he announced with great pride, “and when I do, my moles in the castle will assist in the kidnapping of the Queen. They will bring her to my emissaries who then will transport her to me.”

      “Does the Ancient One fear Avadon? I thought he was, is fearless, Winston asked Myadora seeming somewhat baffled by Avadon’s ranting.

      “Not at all,” she reassured him. “Remember, Avadon’s spell backfired. One of the effects it has on him is he’s become delusional. It’s what he believes not what’s true. Unknown to Avadon, beings from the Kingdom of Lights have been with him and Angeen ever since Shadel ordered their banishment. He’s aware of everything they say or do.”

      Winston observed as the vision introduced a new scene. Shadel and Suri, now noticeably pregnant, were seated on a floral sofa in what appeared to be cozy cottage in the forest. Images of dancing light filled the darkened room lit only by flickering flames of the roaring fire in the fireplace.

      Holding Suri’s hand, Shadel gazed warmly into her emerald green eyes insisting, “No! You cannot allow yourself to be kidnapped, I absolutely will not hear of it.”

      “My dearest love, it’s the only way to truly protect our people. I’m aware there are beings from the Kingdom of Lights there to help our people, but my energy force is much stronger than theirs. Part of your agreement with your brother is you cannot interfere. Besides you’re needed here. It only makes good sense for me to be in Egoshen. My positive energy force will help protect our people by making it easier for them to work on removing their veils of illusion. Without a strong positive energy force around them, Avadon might prevent them all from ever returning home. I don’t want to be parted from you my love, but it’s the only way,” Suri declared ardently as she stood and walked to the window of the cottage looking out at the clear night sky lit up by millions of tiny sparkling stars.

      “No, we’ll find another way,” he whispered to her as he put his hands around her waist bringing her close to him and buried his face into the side of her neck. “And what about our baby?”

      “Our baby will be here in a few weeks and I’ve made arrangements for Beka to take the baby for its own protection and bring the child to a couple very loyal to us. They will pass the baby off as their own until it’s safe. You know no one in the kingdom other Beka and Myadora even knew of my pregnancy, I hid it well. This way our baby will also be safe from Avadon.”

      “Shadel in his heart new she was right but couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from his wife and child,” explained Myadora as the vision went forward six months.

      “It’s time,” Suri announced to her trusted friend.

      “Myadora, that’s you with Queen Suri,” Winston proclaimed pointing to the vision of a lavender-eyed, blonde woman standing next to Suri in the rose garden outside the green shuttered, white cottage with the gambrel roof.

      “I was and am her devoted friend and confidant,” said Myadora.

      “Suri, are you sure?” Myadora questioned her friend with great concern in her voice.

      “Beings from the Kingdom of Lights who have travelled to Egoshen reported back. Avadon has been creating unspeakable chaos among our people who he has taken and apparently it keeps getting worse. I have to go; I don’t have a choice. I need to give my support to the ones that have gone there to help as well as our people who are there. They need to be able to draw on my positive energy force. You understand,” she said softly to her worried friend, “I have the power to minimize Avadon’s power. If I’m able to reduce some of the pain he’s causing, it’s essential I go.”

      “I know you’re right,” Myadora said sadly at the prospect of her dear friend leaving. “It won’t be the same here without you,” she sighed. “Shadel, he’ll be distressed.”

      “I believe in his heart he’s known all along that I would have to go,” she affirmed. “Tomorrow is the new moon. I’ll ride my horse into the forest and feign an accident. Avadon’s emissaries will find me and believe they’ve kidnapped me. I’ll take Grayson and Marvel with me,” Suri told Myadora explaining her plan, “they always bark at the slightest sound, which means in the forest they’ll probably be barking all night long. I’ll be assured the emissaries will find me. You and the other’s close to Shadel need to be there for him. I’ll be back,” she avowed.

      Grayson in his long black fur coat with a white stripe between his eyes, and Marvel with his shiny black coat lay on the dark forest floor next to Suri who positioned herself on the ground pretending to be unconscious after a fall from her horse. They barked at the owl hooting nearby, at the rustlings of the branches in the trees, at all the sounds in the night announcing to anyone able hear that someone or something was here.

      A retched stench rose up Suri’s nostrils akin to rotting compost, causing a gag reflex in her throat as she attempted to lay perfectly still for her impending perpetrators. The two barking dogs surrounding their mistress poised to attack and began to growl at the slithering sounds approaching. Three foul smelling lime green creatures appeared out of the forest at the edge of the clearing in plain sight of the two growling dogs.

      When their scent detected these huge, foul snake-like monsters, Grayson and Marvel begin to cower as the disturbing opponents stood upright to a height of eighteen feet and a width of three feet. Their heads resembled a dragon with a coiled horn protruding from the center of their foreheads. There was a narrow, curved scorpion tail ending with venomous pincers and skin that oozed slimy, putrid smelling pus.

      “What are those things?” Winston gulped and gagged at the sight and stench of the horrific creatures he was witnessing before him in the vision, “and how did they find her?”

      “Those are harufanks. They were one of the evil inhabitants living in Egoshen before Avadon arrived and became part of his army. The harufanks are the emissaries sent to Luminatia to kidnap. They possess the ability to hypnotize their subject into believing they are actually someone they know,” Myadora responded. “When they come through the secret window which is the entrance between the two worlds, harufanks have a radar like ability. They’re able sense anyone in this world who is not in some type of shelter. Instantly they can to transport themselves to that specific location in Luminatia.”

      Winston’s focus returned to the vision.

      Peering through her almost closed eyelids, Suri witnessed these creatures stare at her two large animals, hypnotizing them. Grayson and Marvel quieted down now believing that these harufanks were three of Shadel’s guards.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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