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of the beast ##

      B = biblical day of rest : Sabbath (the seventh weekday, the Saturday); Genesis 2:2,3; Exodus 20:8-11; Mark 2:27, 28; seal of God [commemoration day to the creator and to the creation.

       The Messiah: Master of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28)]

      A = Wrong victim: missal sacrifice ##

      B = valid victim: Blood of Jesus/ Yahshua - 1 Peter 1:18,19

      A = Wrong baptism: sprinkling ##

      B = Biblical: Believer‘s baptism (Mark 16:16) [adult‘s baptism “on the name of Jesus/Yahshua” (Acts 2:38 {Editor: Acts 8:16; 10:48; 19:5; Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 3:27}; immersion: John 3:22, 23)] - memory of the resurrection.

      A = Wrong teaching of justification apprenticeship: Work justice (indulgence) ##

      B = Biblical: Faith justice - Rom. 3:28; Phil. 3:9 [and in the faith of Jesus/Yahshua all orders hold].

      A = Wrong teaching of immortality: Soul apprenticeship (soul in heaven, purgatory or hell) ##

      B = God alone has only immortality - no created Creature – 1 Tim. 6:16

      A = Wrong penal apprenticeship: Everlasting torment ##

      B = Biblical (Rev. 20:14, 15): Everlasting death.

      A = Wrong adoration: Image worship, relics [saints - Maria, Joseph and others] ##

      B = true adoration: In mind and truth - John 4:24; Matth. 6:1-15; Isaiah 8:19, 20; Acts 17,29-31; 1 John 5:21 [Maria/Miriam rests in the grave - Eccles. 9:5]

      A = Wrong Millennium teaching: Peace empire on earth ##

      B = biblical: Millennial dominion with Christ [the Messiah] in heaven - 1Thes. 4:17; Rev. 20:6

      Additional [from the editor]:

      A = 2. and 4th Commandment (Sabbath) dissolved ##

      B = Commandments of God are forever valid – Matth. 5:18; Romans 7:12

      A = Wrong hope for rescue: Only by grace, without removal of all sins

      (sin = violation of the Commandments of God) ##

      B = Biblical: “Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect.” - Matth. 5:48, keep all Commandments hold including the Sabbath, Saturday = 4th Commandment

      A = Wrong gnosis, wrong God‘s adoration: Doctrine: three persons, three gods: God Father, God Son, God Holy Spirit, Trinity, trio is a not biblical teaching. ##

      B = Biblical: Only, sole Elohim (G-d), the Father – Jac./James 2:19; the Son of Elohim (G-d), our Master: Christ/the Messiah, our sole [only] saviour - John 17:3. Holy Spirit: the Spirit of Elohim (G-d) with his holy name YAHWEH, the strength which comes from Elohim (G-d); because YAHWEH is Spirit - John 4:24; 3:34; Romans 8:9, 14; 15:19; 2Cor. 2:11, 12, 14; 3:16; 1 John 4:1-3

      A = Wrong teaching of sacrifice (missal sacrifice): Doctrine of transubstantiation in which in every fair the Messiah becomes sacrificed new again and again. ##

      B = Biblical: “For by one offering he has perfected forever those who are sanctified.”

       Hebrews 10:14 + 9:25, 26, 28 + 10:10, 18, 26

      A = Refusal of the pre-existence of the Messiah: He did not exist before the first arrival on earth or: only a spirit and not a person ##

      B = acceptation of the pre-existence: Before the first arrival on earth he had his glory in heaven; the Messiah, the son of YAHWEH, was there already, before something existed. - John 1:18; 3:13, 16; 5:23; 8:47-59; 16:28; 17:5, 8, 24; Luke 4:18, 43; 9:48; 10:16; Proverbs 8:22-36//Judah 3

      Rev./Offb. 14,8 MENGE + LUTHER = Hinter ihm kam noch ein anderer, zweiter Engel, der rief: "Gefallen, gefallen, ist das große Babylon [Rom], die große Stadt, das alle Nationen (Völker) von dem Glutwein ihrer Unzucht (dem Wein ihrer geistlichen Hurerei) hat trinken lassen!"

      KJV + EL = And there followed another angel, saying, "Babylon [Rome] is fallen, is fallen, that great city; because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication!"

      Kap 18; Jer 25,15.16; 51,7; Jes 21,9

      Erklärung von Ernst Simon:

      Der Name Babylon kommt von Babel und bedeutet “Pforte Gottes” oder “Verwirrung”. “Dieser Name wird in der Heiligen Schrift angewandt, um die verschiedenen Formen einer falschen oder abgefallenen Religion zu bezeichnen. ... Die Macht, die so viele Jahrhunderte hindurch ihre Herrschaft unumschränkt über die Monarchen der Christenheit behauptet hat, ist Rom. ... Da diese Botschaft der Gerichtswarnung folgt, so muss sie in den letzten Tagen gegeben werden; deshalb kann sie sich nicht allein auf die römische Kirchen beziehen, denn diese Kirche ist seit vielen Jahrhunderten in einem gefallenen Zustand gewesen. ... Viele der protestantischen Kirchen folgen Roms Beispiel der schriftwidrigen Verbindung mit “den Königen der Erde”, und die Staatskirchen durch ihre Beziehungen zu weltlichen Regierungen, und andere Gemeinschaften, indem sie die Gunst der Welt suchen.” (E. G. W.; Großer Kampf / Großer Konflikt: Eine verworfene Warnung). Die Weissagung in der Botschaft des zweiten Engels findet ihre Erfüllung in dem Abweichen des abgefallenen Protestantismus von der wahren Lehre der Heiligen Schrift; dadurch, daß die protestantischen Kirchen und Gemeinschaften die erste Engelsbotschaft zurückwiesen, wurden sie völlig Babylon (geistliche Verwirrung). Der “Zornwein ihrer Buhlerei” ist Sinnbild der falschen Lehren, die Babylon die Nationen “trinken” lässt (14,8).

      Explanation of Ernst Simon:

      The name Babylon originates from Babel meaning “The Gate of God” or “confusion”. “This name is used in Scripture to denote the various forms of false or apostate religion. … The power that has maintained its domination over the absolute monarchs of Christendom for so many centuries is Rome. … Since this message follows the warning of Court, it must be announced in the last few days, so it can not only refer to the Roman church because this church has been in a fallen state for many centuries. … Many of the Protestant churches follow Rome’s example being unscriptural union with “the kings of the earth” and the state churches, by their relations with secular governments and other communities, by seeking the favour of the world “( E. G. W.; The Great Controversy - A warning rejected). The prophecy in the second angel’s message finds its fulfilment in the deviation of apostate Protestantism from the true teachings of the Holy Scriptures, due to the fact that the Protestant churches and communities rejected the first angel’s message, they were totally Babylon (spiritual confusion). The “wrath wine of their fornication”: is a symbol of the false teachings that Babylon lets the Nations “drink”(14:8).

      Rev./Offb. 14,9 Und ein dritter Engel folgte diesem nach und sprach mit großer Stimme: „So jemand das Tier* (= VICARIUS FILII DEI, das Papsttum, 666) anbetet und sein Bild und nimmt sein Malzeichen an seine Stirn oder an seine Hand,

      KJV + EL = And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If any man worships the beast* (VICARIUS FILII DEI, the papacy, 666) and his image, and receives his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

      Kap 13,12-17

      * Zitat Sept./Okt. 2012: Prof. Walter J. Veith: Das Tier IST das Papsttum und das Bild des Tieres die USA. Zusammen sind sie eine politisch-religiöse Gemeinschaft.

      * Quote Sept./Oct. 2012: Prof. Walter J. Veith: The beast IS the papacy and the image of the beast the USA. Together they are a political-religious community.

      Rev./Offb. 14,10 der wird von dem Wein des Zornes JAHWEH's trinken, der unvermischt (lauter; ohne Gnade) eingeschenkt ist in den Kelch seines Zorns, und er wird gequält werden mit Feuer und Schwefel vor den (Augen der) heiligen Engel und vor dem Lamm.

      KJV + EL = The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of YAHWEH, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented

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