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chị, em, tau, mày... depending on age and relationship between the first and second persons.

      6. Vietnamese words that are loanwords have their Vietnamese pronunciation connected by hyphens (-), for example:

      a-xít n. acid

      ki-lô n. [Fr. kilogram] kilogram

      7. Abbreviations used in this Dictionary are as follows:

AbbreviationsFull wordVietnamese equivalent
adj.adjectivetính từ
adv.adverbphụ từ
conj.conjunctionkết từ
intj.interjectioncảm từ
n.noundanh từ
pl.pluralsố nhiểu
prep.prepositiongiới từ
pron.pronounđại từ
singsingularsố ít
v.verbđộng từ
num.numeralsố từ
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      A Guide to Vietnamese Pronunciation

      Vietnamese is a tonal language where no word is conjugated. The Vietnamese alphabet has 29 letters:

      a, ă, â, b, c, d, đ, e, ê, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, ô, ơ, p, q, r, s, t, u, ư, v, x, y.

      The Vietnamese consonants are written as single letters or a cluster of two or three letters, as follows:

      b, c, ch, d, đ, g, gh, gi, h, k, kh, l, m, n, ng, ngh, nh, p, ph, qu, r, s, t, th, tr, v, x.

      The vowels in Vietnamese are the following: a, ă, â, e, ê, i/y, o, ô, ơ, u, ư. Vowels can also be grouped together to form a cluster or a word.

      The following tables show the vowels and consonants in Vietnamese pronunciation with their English equivalents.


Vietnamese English Example Meaning
a father ba three
ă hat ăn to eat
â but âm sound
e bet em younger brother/sister
ê may đêm night
i/y me kim needle
o law lo to worry
ô no aunt
ơ fur butter
u too ngu stupid
ư uh-uh thư letter


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Vietnamese English Example Meaning
b book bút pen
c, k, q can fish
kem ice-cream
quý precious
ch chore cho to give
d, gi zero da skin
đ do đi to go
g/gh go ga railway station
ghe boat
h hat hai two
kh (no real English equivalent) không no
l lot làm to do
m me; him mai tomorrow
n not; in nam south
ng/ngh singer ngon delicious
nghe to hear
nh canyon nho grape
ph phone phải right
r run ra to go out
s show sữa milk
t top tốt good
th thin thăm to visit
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