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see why Dominil was making such a fuss. “And he’s one of the few boys who won’t be shocked to socialize with werewolves.”

      Dominil shook her head. She was struggling to control her temper over the twins’ idiocy.

      “What about Kalix and Decembrius? Pete doesn’t know they’re werewolves. Don’t you know it’s taboo to give clan secrets away?”

      Delicious shrugged. “I never thought about them,” she admitted. “But hey, what’s another werewolf or two? Pete won’t tell anyone.”

      Dominil snarled in frustration. The bright light from the naked bulb in the kitchen reflected from her sharp teeth.

      “He won’t tell anyone? He’s a guitarist in Camden. That doesn’t make him trustworthy. And would you stop trying to force me into some sort of relationship with Pete? I’ve told you a hundred times, I’m not interested.”

      “Have you really given it a shot?” asked Beauty. “Maybe with a bit more werewolf passion?”

      “Who’s got werewolf passion?” asked Vex, who chose this moment to stumble into the kitchen. “Is it Decembrius?”

      Decembrius looked uncomfortable.

      “I don’t think kissing Kalix was a bad idea,” said Vex. “Even if she shot you down in flames.”

      The twins sniggered. Decembrius looked furious.

      “She did not shoot me down in flames.”

      “Yes, she did. Hey, don’t look at me like that. It’s not my fault if she won’t sleep with you. Don’t be embarrassed. Kalix is really beautiful, anyone would want to sleep with her. Isn’t that right, Beauty?”


      “You see, they agree with me,” said Vex. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to sleep with Kalix. If she rejects you in a crushing manner, well, that’s just unfortunate. And a bit embarrassing, I suppose.”

      Decembrius left the kitchen with an angry scowl on his face. Agrivex turned to the twins. “I could really do with a boyfriend. Do you know anyone nice?”

      With Dominil furious, Decembrius humiliated, Kalix moody, Daniel crushed and Moonglow uncomfortable, the party might have ground to an uncomfortable halt. As it was, Vex’s and the twins’ high spirits were enough to keep things active and noisy. During a pause in the music, the doorbell rang, with an insistence that suggested the caller had been ringing for a long time.

      “I’ll get it,” cried Vex.

      “Who could be calling?” Moonglow was worried. “We can’t let anyone in with . . .” She looked around awkwardly.

      Beauty and Delicious laughed. “With werewolves everywhere? Don’t worry, it’s probably Pete.”

      “He knows you’re werewolves?”

      “Unfortunately, he does,” said Dominil. “It’s still exceptionally stupid to invite him here.”

      With the full moon above, none of the werewolves were able to resume their human shape. This frustrated Decembrius. After his disagreement with Kalix, he’d liked to have departed, but it would mean skulking his way through backstreets and gardens. He had done this occasionally in London, but it was a risk he’d rather not take.

      Vex appeared in the room with Pete in tow. “Look, it’s Pete the guitarist! I said there were werewolves here and it was a secret, but he said he knew already so I said he could come in!” Vex beamed, pleased to have another visitor.

      Pete greeted the twins, politely thanked Moonglow for having him as her guest, then attempted to sit on the arm of Dominil’s chair. Dominil angrily brushed him off.

      “Uh . . . hi,” said Pete.

      Dominil glared at him. “I have no idea what you’re doing here and I’d advise you to leave. You’re not welcome.”

      Dominil, as an angry werewolf, made for an intimidating sight. The atmosphere sank. Pete looked embarrassed and quite alarmed. Even the twins seemed surprised by the strength of her unfriendliness.

      “Have some wine,” said Vex. “I’m Vex! Or did I tell you that already?” She laughed, and Beauty put music on, masking the awkwardness.

      Moonglow stood close to Kalix and whispered in her ear, “Are you really getting up early tomorrow? Or were you just . . .?” She glanced at Decembrius.

      “I am,” said Kalix. “I’ve got to do something.”


      “Something private, with Dominil. I didn’t think it would happen so soon, but Dominil just told me she’s got everything ready. That’s why she came tonight. We’ll be going away for a few days.”

      Moonglow was concerned.

      “Don’t worry,” said Kalix. “I’ll be fine.”

      “Is it going to be violent?”

      “No. It’s just something private.”

      Moonglow dropped the subject, knowing there was no point interrogating Kalix. But Moonglow remained worried because, in her experience, any time Kalix left the house for a few days, violence would ensue. She’d come back wounded, either from fighting other werewolves, or the hunters.

      “It’ll be fine. No fighting,” said Kalix, confiding a little more than she might normally have. “I’ll be back in a few days.”

      “Can you really not tell me where you’re going?”

      Kalix shook her head. Moonglow dropped the subject. At least Kalix would be with Dominil. Moonglow knew of Dominil’s reputation. She was intelligent, competent and powerful. She would keep Kalix safe, if anyone could.

      Kalix yawned. She’d had only a few hours’ sleep before Dominil had woken her. She looked down at the clouds below.

      “I didn’t know we’d be above the clouds.”

      Kalix had never flown before. She was nervous, but Dominil’s presence was calming. Besides, she had more to worry about than a flight to Inverness.

      “Do you know the way once we get to the airport?” asked Kalix.

      “I’ll find it. The rental car has GPS, I checked.”

      Kalix nodded. According to Dominil, they’d still have some hours of driving after reaching Inverness. It was the closest airport to Minerva’s mountaintop, but Minerva’s retreat was in a very isolated spot.

      “I wonder what happened to Decembrius?”

      Last night Dominil had slept in Kalix’s room. Wakening early in the morning, they’d found the twins passed out on the couch downstairs, with no sign of anyone else.

      “Do you think he might have gone out at night?”

      “As a werewolf?” said Dominil. “Unlikely. How badly did you insult him?”

      “I don’t know. I didn’t mean to insult him at all. But he was hinting about sleeping with me. I said I had to get up early in the morning.” Kalix pursed her lips. “I suppose that does sound like an insult.”

      Kalix gazed down at the clouds again. She found it amusing to be flying above them.

      “Do you think I should have slept with him?”

      “I have no opinion,” said Dominil.

      Dominil fell silent. Kalix knew her cousin didn’t want to talk, but found it difficult to remain quiet.

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