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The Yuletide Factor. Tim Huff
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isbn 9781927355398
Автор произведения Tim Huff
Жанр Биографии и Мемуары
Издательство Ingram
The Yuletide Factor: Cause for Perpetual Comfort and Joy
Copyright © 2015 Tim Huff
All rights reserved
Printed in Canada
International Standard Book Number: 978-1-927355-38-1 soft cover
ISBN 978-1-927355-39-8 EPUB
Published by:
Castle Quay Books
19-24 Laguna Pkwy, Lagoon City, Brechin, Ontario, L0K 1B0
Tel: (416) 573-3249
E-mail: info@castlequaybooks.com www.castlequaybooks.com
Edited by Marina Hofman Willard, and Lori MacKay
Cover design by Burst Impressions
Printed at Essence Printing, Belleville, Ontario
All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publishers.
• Scripture quotations marked NAS are taken from the New American Standard Bible ®. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by THE LOCKMAN FOUNDATION. All rights reserved. • Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Scripture quotations marked KJV are from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Copyright © 1977, 1984, Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982. Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Huff, Tim, 1964-, author
The yuletide factor : cause for perpetual comfort and joy / Tim Huff ; foreword by Moira Brown ; benediction by Lorna Dueck ; interludes by Steve Bell & Greg Paul ; reflection & discussion guide by Anne Brandner.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-927355-38-1 (paperback).--ISBN 978-1-927355-39-8 (epub)
1. Christmas--Anecdotes. 2. Compassion--Religious aspects--Christianity--Anecdotes. 3. Kindness--Religious aspects--Christianity--Anecdotes. 4. Christian life--Anecdotes. I. Brandner, Anne, author of added material II. Title.
BV45.H83 2015 242'.335 C2015-905410-9 C2015-905411-7
Table of Contents
Foreword by Moira Brown
Story Behind the Reflection and Discussion Guide
Prologue: Snow Globe
Chapter 1—Bedrock and Bethlehem
Chapter 2—Nearly There
Chapter 3—Uh-Oh Tannenbaum
Chapter 4—The Soundscape of Noel
Interlude: Comfort by Steve Bell
Chapter 5—There Was a Time
Chapter 6—Paper-Thin
Chapter 7—Believing No Less: The Lord’s Prayer at Christmas
Chapter 8—Never Second-Guess the Choirmaster
Chapter 9—All But Forgotten on the Woodchip Trail
Interlude: Joy by Greg Paul
Chapter 10—Innkeeping 101
Chapter 11—Wonderstruck
Chapter 12—Absurdly Gifting
Chapter 13—The Great Wait
Chapter 14—Breadcrumbs for Angels
Epilogue: Christmas, the Verb
Benediction by Lorna Dueck
About the Author
Other Books by Tim Huff
Upcoming Release
Ultimately, aside from being a writer’s grand indulgence, I find that an author’s acknowledgements section is predominantly two things. First, as I stated in my last book, it is a unique sort of time capsule, vaulting names and relationships that represent a distinct chapter of one’s life. Second, it is an inimitable opportunity for sincere thanksgiving committed to print. Not to be taken lightly. Taking all these things into account, I am humbled to process the names and communities that have shared in graciously cheering me or standing with me in one way or another while completing this book.
No space is a sacred as home. This I know only too well. Especially when home is filled with great love and much laughter. To my lovely wife, Diane, and our wonderful (now young adult) children, Sarah Jane and Jake—endless thanks for the comfort and joy you bring me always. Words do no justice to all you mean to me. I love you.
My mom and dad (Arlene and Liv) have modelled sacrifice, faithfulness and love in immeasurable portions. Added to the great blessing of their care is the love and support of my brothers, Liv Jr. (and Verona) and Danny (and Karen), and their families, as well as Diane’s family (Keith Johnson, Linda Revie and sons, and Barbara Ward and her children and grandchildren). I pray for each of you every day, always with great thanksgiving.
To my publisher, Larry Willard, and his dear wife and associate, Marina Hofman Willard—my continual thanks to you both for believing in my writing and all the endeavours I purpose them around, and for your generous friendship. Castle Quay Books has been so good to me, and for me, personally and professionally, in so many ways.
Julia Beazley is always the first person to read and process any and all of my material, for initial content, first copy-edits, and gracious feedback. Julia’s thoughtfulness is always a gift to my projects and to me personally. Our years of work and friendship together are truly priceless. Thank you, dear Julia.
Anne (“Annie”) Brandner’s work on this project is much more than just bright and insightful writing. Watching and hearing Anne pour her gentle soul into working and reworking the chapter-by-chapter reflection and discussion guide over a number of seasons has been an absolute inspiration. I knew from the beginning that Anne’s tender heart and giftedness were ideal for this project, and I am so thankful for her fantastic contribution. And always, I am so very thankful for the blessing of her dear friendship.
I met Moira Brown many years ago through a series of television interviews I did with her. Having already met countless people in the media, I was particularly struck by Moira’s unique grace and kindness, before, during and after the cameras rolled. Moira continued on to faithfully support me over many years, consistent with her reputation as an astounding encourager. Her foreword is but one more sign of her humbling goodness and encouragement to me.
Lorna Dueck brings extraordinary credibility to anything and everything inclusive of her good name and revered reputation. It is a distinct honour to have Lorna provide this book’s closing words of benediction and blessing. Thank you, Lorna, for this gracious gift and for the standard of excellence you model in all you do.
Steve Bell is known nationally and internationally as a great many things—an award-winning singer-songwriter, a skilled musician, an inspirational storyteller, and a modern-day prophet—so how could I not be overjoyed and proud to know him as one of my closest friends? His words on “comfort” in this book are especially profound because of his vast reputation as a comforter.
Greg Paul is as much a brother to me as he is a friend. Inevitable, after years upon years of processing the complexity of raw street ministry with one another, numerous writing trips together, shared band gigs, serving side by side on national social justice projects and teams, and countless hours of laughter. Greg’s words about “joy” written in this book bring me great joy.