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key point to note here is that the Atlanteans were the red race. Cayce described how they were originally “thought forms, able to push out of themselves, much in the same manner as the amoeba would in the waters of a stagnant bay in the present. As they took more physical form, they became hardened or set, much in the form of the existent human body of the day, with that of color as partook of its surroundings, much in the manner as the chameleon in the present. Hence coming into that form as the red, or mixture peoples or colors; known later by the associations as the red race.”

       A Typical Atlantean City

      Cayce described a large city called Poseida. His readings are not clear on this, but it appears that Poseida is the main city in the land of Poseidia. In many ways his description of it is similar to what Plato described as the Center City of Atlantis. Cayce said that the city was on a hill that overlooked the waters of Parfa. These waters were a combination of natural rivers and walls that created pools from the river water. These pools had large canals, which brought water to homes and lands. These pools were kept constantly in motion over stone because the natural forces would purify the water within twenty feet of flowing over the stones. The buildings were built in tiers, one upon another, excepting the temples. The temples, he said, were where the sacred fires were maintained. The temples were built of large, semi-circular columns of onyx and topaz, inlaid with beryl, amethyst, and stones that caught the rays of the sun.

      “These, as to the manner of the buildings, were of the outer court—or where groups or masses might collect. The inner, those that were of a select group, or those of the second chambers. Those of the inner court, or shrine about the altar, were only for the elect, or the chosen few. Those in the temple ruled, rather than those who held official political positions.”

      In this temple the sacred fires burned, and there were “the rising of the intermittent fires that came and went, that were later worshipped by some that brought on much of the destruction, because they waited long at the period before the destructions came. These were those places where there became eventually the necessity of offering human sacrifices, which when put into fires became the ashes that were cast upon the waters for the drinking of same by those that were made prisoners from portions of other lands.”

       Amilius and Lilith

      Around 106,000 B.C., a new physical body was created on Atlantis. This body would help souls better incarnate in matter and three-dimensions. It was actually two bodies, one male and one female. Cayce called it the “third root race body.” The Mayan legends called it the “Blue Maze” body, noting that it was perfect in every way. There will be more detail on body-types in another chapter.

      This new body was conceived by two Atlantean souls named Amilius and Lilith. Yes, Cayce’s reading of the Akashic Records identifies the legendary Lilith as the first true incarnate female. She was the first Eve, as classical Hebrew writings have always held. These two were twins of one soul, the yin and yang of one consciousness. They came to help souls better deal with the challenges and needs of incarnating into physical form. Initially, Amilius and Lilith were united in one over-soul. They were not your ordinary soul, however, because this was God’s attempt to help the lost Children of God. Amilius and Lilith were the first incarnation of the Logos, or Christ—Cayce said there “never was a time when there wasn’t a Christ.”

      Soon after entering this world and the third dimension, Amilius and Lilith realized how the duality of this dimension was forcing the twin aspects of the soul to separate into individual yin and yang forms. Cayce said that it took 86 years for Amilius and Lilith to perfectly divide their masculine and feminine qualities into specialized bodies for the male and female aspects of a soul. After this achievement, most of the other souls began using gender-specific bodies. The result was better comfort and companionship in this world. In the spirit or energy realms of life, companionship was ever-present because of the natural oneness of those realms. Everyone felt a part of a greater whole. But when encased in an individual physical body, the sense of aloneness was too great. Having the feminine and masculine bodies to comfort one another proved to be a better arrangement while in earth. Of course, as Jesus noted, “in heaven they neither marry nor are given in marriage.” In the heavenly realms oneness brings with it a natural companionship.

      The correlating story in the Bible is when God noticed that Adam was lonely in this new world, and among all the creatures of this world, no companion could be found for him. To change this, God cast a deep sleep over Adam and drew out the feminine side, separating it from the masculine side. Now they could be companions and “helpmeets” one to another.

      According to Cayce, Amilius continued to create and improve the physical conditions and forms so that souls could incarnate with more of their higher consciousness present and usable in physicality. Temples were built to maintain and teach the importance of oneness with the Cosmos, with the Creative Forces, and with one another. These were glorious times in Atlantis.

      Tragically, many incarnate souls, called by Cayce the “Sons of Belial,” sought more and more their own self-interests and gratification with less and less concern for the wholeness and cooperation needed for oneness with Life and Life’s creations. Moral decadence, power madness, loss of respect for Nature, disregard for oneness with the Cosmic Forces, and a growing sense of hierarchy among themselves and superiority over others brought Atlantis and its people into turmoil. As much as the spiritually oriented Children of the Law of One tried to call attention to this, the influences of the Sons of Belial took Atlantis into an era of destructive activity and thought. The leadership of Amilius was replaced with that of Esai. The once peaceful vibrations now attracted large, dangerous beasts—entering the Atlantean continent for the first time (sabertooth tigers, short-faced bears, dire wolves, mastodons, woolly mammoths, etc.). Now weapons were needed to protect the people.

      Once peaceful, healing devices were turned into killing machines. Cayce says of the Tuaoi stone, later called the Firestone, that “man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces.” The rejuvenating stone became, what Cayce called, a “Death Ray.”

      The subsequent loss of attunement and high consciousness resulted in the crystals being out of tune, and the power devices being used to kill rather than to enliven and regenerate body and mind. Out-of-tune crystals caused enormous disharmony with the force fields in and around the earth. The powerful Death Ray not only killed enemies, it disturbed the environs of the planet in such a way that the planet rose up against these vibrations and the first destruction occurred, Cayce explained.

      Cayce marked the reign of Esai as a turning point in Atlantis’ history. “With this reign, with these destructive forces, we find the first turning of the altar fires into that of sacrifice of those that were taken, and human sacrifice began. With this also came the first egress of peoples to that of the Pyrenees first, [then] into Og [South America], or those peoples that later became the beginning of the Inca, [then] those of the mound dwellers [North America].”

      Cayce explained that such activity “made in nature and natural form the first of the eruptions that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling earth, and that portion now near what would be termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the depths.” Sadly, Cayce noted that the destruction not only took the lives of many negative souls, it carried “with them ALL those forms of Amilius that he gained … in that great development in this, the Eden of the world.” These violent eruptions broke the great continent into five islands. The first Eden, as Cayce called it, was no more. But not all Atlanteans were destroyed in the cataclysm and the struggle between the two groups continued. This destruction occurred in 50,722 B.C. and was linked to a meeting held at that time to discuss the problem of the animals. This is detailed in the next section.

      Despite the violent reaction of the planet, the Sons of Belial continued to wrestle control away from Children of the Law of One. The problem was complex. If the Children stayed, they had to fight with Belial; this brought out attitudes and energies that the Children did not want to develop. Many chose instead to migrate to other lands and continue their oneness with the Creative Forces, sharing with and teaching anyone who would listen. Those who remained behind struggled against the darkness of Belial, Baal, Baalila, and even Beelzebub, Cayce stated! Eventually, the ruling council of Atlantis came under the

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