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I can do for you?” She had a friendly voice, bubbling with a hint of laughter. Sharon immediately felt that she could like this young woman and wanted to know more about her.

      “Yes, I’m Sharon--”

      “Donnelly,” finished the woman with a happy shout. “I’m Sheilah Garrison. We’ve all been anxious to meet you. Lynn is ecstatic that you’ll be here and has sung your praises to anyone that will listen, even the horses.”

      Both young women laughed. “That’s embarrassing. I don’t know what Lynn has told you.”

      “All good stuff. In fact, I could hardly wait to meet the paragon of virtue. Oh, my goodness,” she slapped a hand over her mouth. “Me and my big mouth. That didn’t come out right. It sounded sarcastic and I meant it to be funny.” Sheilah looked so distressed that Sharon had to laugh.

      “Don’t think anything about it. Remember, I grew up with Lynn. We were raised together as sisters. Truthfully, we’ve been closer than most siblings. So, I’m aware of how exuberant she can get.”

      The two young women became instant friends, chatting away when Lynn walked in looking very tired. She spotted Sharon, gave a shout of joy, hugged her and jumped around with tears streaming down her cheeks.

      “Hey!” Sharon was finally able to say. “I had my shower before I left the house. Can we tone it down a little and turn off the water works?”

      “Oh, shut up,” Lynn laughed through tears. “I am so relieved to see you and know that you’re okay. I -- let me take a short break and then I’ll show you over the place. I would love for us to go for a ride, but I have another class of special children and two private lessons. I also need to exercise the two horses I’m training for the hunt field.”

      “Take it easy,” Sharon chuckled. “I’ll be around until you’ll want to run me off.”

      “Not a chance. It’s been way too long and I need you here with me.”

      At that moment the young people who had been walking beside the special riders came in. They were introduced to Sharon. Most of the special riders came in to wait for their families to pick them up. Sharon was so impressed with these youngsters that she almost forgot Lynn. She sat beside a boy in a wheelchair.

      “Hello. What’s your name?”

      “Leland Nesbitt, and I’m nine years old.”

      “Marvelous. Forgive me, Leland. I hope I won’t upset you, but I’d like to know why you’re in this riding program.”

      “Well - my folks say I was born active. When I was four, my mom said I climbed a tree and fell out and hurt my back. I was in the hospital a long time; then the doctor put me in this wheelchair, but I won’t always be here. Since I’ve been riding and exercising, I can walk a little with crutches.”

      “That’s wonderful. Maybe you’ll be walking entirely without your crutches soon.”

      “My doctor said he wouldn’t promise anything. He says I might even have to have surgery, but mom and dad say we’re hopeful.”

      “Great. Who suggested this program to you?”

      “We saw a special on television. My parents contacted the address given and they wrote and said this stable was the closest to me. And here I am,” he finished with a satisfied grin.

      “You sure are here, and they’re lucky to have you. What do you like about this program?”

      “I’ve always loved horses, and all kinds of sports. By riding I can be as high up as anyone and enjoy the same things others do. I don’t feel like people are having to look down at me or hold themselves back because of my chair. You know what I would love to do?”

      “What’s that?”

      “I have my heart set on going on a trail ride.”

      “I bet you will some day and I would love to go right along with you.” Sharon patted his arm and turned to a cute little girl sitting beside them in a wheelchair.

      “What’s your name?”

      “Kara Zeigler and I’m eight years old.”

      “That’s a good age. Why are you in your wheelchair?”

      “When I was very little, I had a real high temperature and was in the hospital. After that I was home in bed sick for a long time. Muscles ’er too weak to hold me up and do things other kids do. I love horses. Do you know my horse knows me and loves me. She talks to me when I talk to her. We’re good friends.”

      “I bet you are. I’m glad to know you love horses because I love horses, too. Would it be okay if I ride with you sometimes?”

      “Sure! Peanut will love you, too.”


      “Yeah. My horse. You’ll love her, but she’s too little for you to ride.”

      “I understand,” Sharon smiled and kissed Kara’s cheek. I’m going to become too emotionally involved if I’m not careful. I’ll volunteer as often as I can, but first, I need to enroll in USF and earn my degree. Her thoughts were interrupted by some of the teen volunteers coming in.

      “Hi. You must be Sharon. I’m Ashley Odom.”

      “Hello, Ashley. I’m impressed with the work you’re doing here.”

      “Don’t think too highly of me. I’m one of many volunteers, but I’m the one who is blessed. These youngsters rarely complain. They are so brave and exciting to work with. It makes me feel very insignificant. The injured adults are great, too.”

      “I can understand that feeling. What are your plans for the future. What’s going to happen to Ashley Odom?”

      “I’m in my freshman year of college, and I’m studying to become a physical therapist and I’m also taking psychology. Hopefully, I’ll be able to work in a situation like this. If I’m lucky, maybe I can work with Lynn. She’s the most loving and compassionate person I know.”

      “Hey, I can’t take any more of this,” Lynn broke in. “I wish I could afford to pay all of my wonderful volunteers. There’s no way I could operate without you, and you can certainly take credit for the love and understanding you’ve given these youngsters.”

      “Can I get in here?” A girl pushed to the front of the group. “Hi, Sharon. I’m Jardine Willis. Ashley and I have been in 4 H together since we were pups. We’re both horse crazy and love children. We talked it over and decided to volunteer here and kill two birds with one stone.

      “Please, no killing of birds. I love our birds,” Lynn laughed.

      “Hi, Jardine. I’m in such awe of you young people. You’ll have to get Lynn to tell you about us when we were young and horse crazy. Just be patient with me while I learn what to do.”

      “Okay volunteers. Start volunteering. The horses should already be ready for the next class. Sharon, I’ll have to cut back on the program once school starts. Most of these teens will be in college and can’t afford the time.” Lynn spoke with some concern.

      “That’s too bad, but won’t you still have classes for the special children on Saturdays? Maybe you’ll pick up more volunteers by then.”

      “Yes, I’ll have a few classes on Saturday, and one evening, but not as many as we’ve had this summer. Come here, please, Sharon. I want you to meet someone.”

      “Sharon, this is Dr. Jennifer Monroe. Jenni is not only one of the best veterinarians in the business, she finds time to work with a mounted scout troop and a 4 H horse group.” Lynn introduced the two young women.

      “Hello, Dr. Monroe. I’m delighted to meet you.”

      “Please call me Jenni. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Lynn tells me you’re not only a top notch horse trainer,

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