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Lord. So, use them to attune self. How, ye ask? As ye apply, ye are given the next step.


      Other readings discussed the connection of vibrations with music, gems, colors, and so forth. Again, everything that is a part of the material world possesses a unique vibration.

      More than simply discussing metaphysical and theoretical concepts related to vibrations, the readings also confirm the findings of science in describing how vibrations are used by the nervous system to relay information from the body’s sensory system to the brain. Each of the senses operates at a different vibration, and from Cayce’s perspective, the capacity of speech is the highest vibration among the five senses:

       Each functioning organ of the sensory system reflects a different vibration to produce to the brain the functioning of that organ, that is the sense of taste, which is based both through the tongue and at the root of the tongue and is connected with the sensory organs and to the pneumogastric nerve, and to the brain three million times less than the vibration necessary to produce hearing or sight, that of speech being even three times greater than the sense of hearing or sight; that is the highest vibration we have in the body at all.


      In addition to the above topics and their interaction with vibrations, approximately two thousand readings recommended the use of one of several Cayce-prescribed appliances to facilitate healing, most frequently either a “radio-active” appliance or a wet cell appliance. Both will be discussed in greater detail, but essentially, each uses a gentle electrical current and vibration to help normalize, equalize, or even stimulate the body’s own vibratory rate, facilitating the body’s ability to heal and regenerate itself.

      Taken together, the Cayce information on vibrations suggests that every particular of matter, every thought, and every impulse of the spirit is indeed connected to vibrations. Everything is vibration. With this in mind, the more we can come to understand the nature of vibrations and how they operate in the world in which we live, the more we will move beyond simply perceiving the shadows of reality– the visual effects of the vibrations around us. Instead, an exploration of vibrations can enable us to come to understand the nature of ourselves, the universe in which we live and, ultimately, even our connection to the divine.



       Vibrations and Healing

       Now, to give the relief necessary to bring the body to its normal forces . . . we find each system in the system, that is, the spiritual and soul forces and the physical force in all bodies produce an individual vibration, but they must co-ordinate to keep balance in the physical force. See?


      The readings contend that virtually any health problem, illness, or disease has a negative impact upon the normal functioning of the body, and that negative impact also includes an alteration of the “perfect vibration or equalization” normally associated with the affected organ or system. With this in mind, a thirty-six-year-old teacher was informed: “Every individual entity is on certain vibrations. Every dis-ease or disease is creating in the body the opposite or noncoordinant vibration with the conditions in a body-mind and spirit of the individual.” (1861-12)

      Since each organ and system has its corresponding healthy vibration, the Cayce approach to healing often included healing modalities designed to rebalance the body’s own vibratory energies. These methods were designed to help the body become a cooperative participant in the healing process. For example, an individual who had an intestinal infection was given a series of suggested treatments in order to overcome the condition, while being told: “We would take that into the system that will give the correct vibrations to those parts affected, see, and they will give the force and vibration necessary to produce the incentives of the warrior forces in the system to overcome the condition . . .” (1323-1)

      Similarly, a child diagnosed with asthenia–a debilitating physical condition that is characterized by a lack of bodily strength–was given a series of recommended therapies and counseled that one of the medicinal formulas was specifically designed “to give the correct balance in the system and to produce the correct vibration necessary to overcome this condition . . .” (4303-1)

      A woman with anemia, dermatitis, heart palpitations, headaches, and spinal and assimilation problems was informed that the origination of much of her trouble was traceable to her spinal problems and a strain on the nerves in that area. Her reading stated: “These hinder the body from giving the correct vibrations to the organs there, so that correct elimination and assimilation are not made at all times, hence the body uses often times its reserve energy and vitality.” (4642-1) The list of recommendations to correct her condition included spinal adjustments, increased circulation, activities in the open air and breathing exercises, as well as a diet consisting of foods with a more healthful vibration: “. . . no meats but of vegetable forces as carry much of nerve and purifying forces in their vibration, see, so assimilation and elimination be given through their proper channels, so vibration to the body will be of the correct forces to give the stimulation to blood to rebuild properly, and to produce the elimination with plenty of oxygen and air to this system.”

      In human physiology, there is a term called homeostasis, which is essentially the ability of a balanced, normal body to maintain an internal, coordinated stability of each of the body organs and systems. This goal to assist each individual in achieving homeostasis is definitely a component of the Cayce information on health, healing, and vibration. For example, it is essentially this same process that the readings refer to when Cayce gave a reading to a forty-seven-year-old man and discussed how a healthy, normal body had the capacity to help heal itself. The reading was given in August 1929:

       Here may well be given the condition as takes place, as to how a body organically–when the body has reached its normal development, resuscitates or rebuilds itself. It has long been confirmed that the body in toto renews itself in ever so many periods, or so many cycles of change. It is seen that not all portions of the system move in the same cycle, for the vibration that is necessary to create that tissue which will replenish a heart cell, or a ventricle, will not move in the same cycle as one that replenishes the glands of digestion, whether it be the salivary glands themselves or those of the lactice, or lacteal glands, or mammary glands, or the adrenal gland, or the thyroid gland, or those of the ducts as in the gall duct, or the pancreas, or that of the spleen in itself.


      The concept was also described to another individual:

       For, each portion of the body vibrates at a certain rate; or there are the electrical reactions, as life or vibration is the life of each organ. Each organ must have within itself that relative relation to the body-forces as to enable it to reproduce itself. Hence it has its particular rate of activity.


      On another occasion, a woman was told that the root cause of her problem was that there had not been that coordinated response within her body, enabling each of the organs within her system to operate at its optimum vibration. Instead, once one of the systems of her body had gotten out of balance, various problems had occurred as the body tried to maintain its equilibrium:

       . . . for as we see, each organism has its own vibration to produce that necessary for each of the forces in the building up of the organ itself, that atomic force in each cell, see? the lack of coordination brings about the distress to the nervous system, especially the sympathetic, see? All centers, then, become involved, and there is produced the headaches, the nausea, the tiredness in extremities, the swelling in portions of the body–this all, the system attempting to create an equilibrium.


      As stated previously, the readings’ premise is that every system and organ of the

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