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as deep-seated fears, mental blocks, vocational talents, innate urges and abilities, marriage difficulties, child training, etc., were examined in the light of what the readings called the “karmic patterns” resulting from previous lives experienced by the individual's soul on the Earth plane.

      When he died on January 3, 1945, in Virginia Beach, he left 14,256 documented stenographic records of the telepathic-clairvoyant readings he had given for more than 6,000 different people over a period of 43 years, consisting of 49,135 pages.

      The readings constitute one of the largest and most impressive records of psychic perception. Together with their relevant records, correspondence, and reports, they have been cross-indexed under thousands of subject headings and placed at the disposal of doctors, psychologists, students, writers, and investigators who still come to examine them. Of course, they are also available to the general public in books as well as on DVD ROM for Windows and Macintosh computers.

      The Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) was founded in 1931 to preserve these readings. As an open-membership research society, it continues to index and catalog the information, initiate investigation and experiments, and conduct conferences, seminars, and lectures. The A.R.E. also has the second largest and finest library of parapsychological and metaphysical books in the world, second only to the Vatican Library.

      Language of the Edgar Cayce Discourses

      Edgar Cayce dictated all of his discourses from a self-induced trance. A stenographer took his discourses down in shorthand and later typed them. Copies were sent to the person or persons who had requested the psychic reading, and one was put into the files of the sA.R.E.

      In his normal consciousness, Edgar Cayce spoke with a Southern accent but in the same manner as any other American. However, from the trance state, he spoke in the manner of the King James Bible, using “thees” and “thous.” In trance, his syntax was also unusual. He put phrases, clauses, and sentences together in a manner that slows down any reader and requires careful attention in order to be sure of his meaning. This caused his stenographer to adopt some unusual punctuation in order to put into sentence form some of the long, complex thoughts conveyed by Cayce while in trance. Also, many of his discourses are so jam-packed with information and insights that it requires one to slow down and read more carefully in order to fully understand what he is intending.

      From his trance state, Cayce explained that he got his information from two sources: 1) the inquiring individual's mind, mostly from his or her deeper, subconscious mind and 2) from the Universal Consciousness, the infinite mind within which the entire universe is conscious. He explained that every action and thought of every individual makes an impression upon the Universal Consciousness, an impression that can be psychically read. He correlated this with the Hindu concept of an Akashic Record, which is an ethereal, fourth-dimensional film upon which actions and thoughts are recorded and can be read at any time.

      When giving one of his famous physical readings, Cayce acted as if he were actually scanning the entire body of the person, from the inside out. He explained that the subconscious mind of everyone contains all of the data on the condition of the physical body it inhabits, and Cayce simply connected with the patient's deeper mind. He could also give the cause of the condition, even if it was from early childhood or from many lifetimes ago in a previous incarnation of the soul. This was knowable because the soul remembers all of its experiences. He explained that deeper portions of the subconscious mind are the mind of the soul, and portions of the subconscious and the soul are in the body with the personality.

      In life readings and topic readings, Cayce also connected with the subconscious minds of those inquiring, as well as with the Universal Consciousness.

      Occasionally, Cayce would not have the material being requested, and he would say, “We do not have that here.” This implied that Cayce's mind was more directed than one might think. He was not open to everything. From trance, he explained that the suggestion given at the beginning of one of his psychic readings so directed his deeper mind and focused it on the task or subject requested that he truly did not have other topics available. However, on a few occasions, he seemed able to shift topics in the middle of a reading.

      The typed readings have a standard format. For privacy numbers were used in the place of the name of the person or persons receiving the reading, and a dash system kept track of how many readings the person had received. For example, reading 137-5 was the fifth reading for Mr. 137. Hypnotic material for Edgar Cayce is filed under the number 294. His first reading would be numbered 294-1, and each subsequent reading would increase the dash number (294-2, 294-3, and so on). Some numbers refer to groups of people, such as the Study Group, 262; and some numbers refer to specific research or guidance readings, such as the 254 series, containing the work readings dealing with the overall work of the organization that grew up around him, and the 364 and 996 series containing the readings on Atlantis. At the top of the reading are the reading number, the date and location, and the names or numbers of those in attendance. Occasionally, the stenographer would include a note about other conditions, such as the presence of a manuscript that the in-trance Cayce was supposed to view psychically and comment on. In most cases, I left in the entire format of a recorded reading, giving those present at the time, the location, date, and time of the reading, and any notes the stenographer may have made at the time. In some cases, only a paragraph or two were pertinent to our study, and in these cases, I give only the reading number.

      As I explained, Cayce dictated all of these discourses while he was in trance. In most cases, he spoke in a monotone voice. However, he would often elevate his volume when saying a word or phrase. In these instances, his stenographer typed the words with all capital letters, to give the reader some sense of Cayce's increased volume. In many cases, these words appear to be rightly accentuated in Cayce's discourses. In other cases, it is unclear why particular words are capitalized.

      Another style the stenographer adopted was to capitalize all of the letters in Cayce's many affirmations (positive-thought or prayer-like passages to be used by the recipient as a tool for focusing and raising consciousness). I changed these to upper- and lower-case letters, according to normal writing, and italicized them.

      Whenever his stenographer was not sure that she had written down the correct word or might have missed or misunderstood a word, she inserted suggested words, comments, and explanations in brackets. If she knew of another reading that had similar material or that was being referred to during this reading, she would put the reading number in brackets. Within the text of a reading, all parentheses are asides made by Cayce himself while in trance not by his stenographer. She used brackets only within the text of a reading. In the preliminary material, she used parentheses in the normal manner. My comments are indicated by “Editor's Note.”

      A few common abbreviations used in these discourses were GD for Gladys Davis, the stenographer; GC for Gertrude Cayce, Edgar's wife and the predominant conductor of the readings; EC for Edgar Cayce; and Ass'n. for the Association for Research and Enlightenment.

      —John Van Auken, Editor


      Eternally Celestial, Temporarily Terrestrial

       Editor's Note: During his deep, meditative attunement to the Universal Consciousness, Edgar Cayce saw us as celestial beings, temporarily incarnating terrestrially. Here are some of his readings explaining this view.

      Reading 136-83

      …as [the entity] moves from sphere to sphere, seeks its way to the home, to the face of the Creator, the Father, the first cause…

      Reading 5753-1

      …[the goal is] that the created would be the companion for the Creator; that…[the

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