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arms around him, the scent of her arousal enfolding him in a haze of passion. His mouth sought hers again, delighting in the sensuous battle of their tongues. Her breath was sweet, her words of pleasure erotic. They were like heaven to his ears, and he lost himself in sensual need.

      He cupped the rounded curves of her bottom, lifting her to accommodate his throbbing shaft. Pressing forward, he filled her again and again, pleasure uncoiling inside him. She was so tight, so wet, and he wanted to share it with her; to share the satisfying sense of atonement that nothing else could replace.

      His release was uncontrollable. As soon as he felt her body clenching around his shaft, he was forced to let go. His last coherent thought was the need to roll onto his side so he didn’t crush her. Before the irresistible pull of exhaustion dragged his tired eyelids closed.


      MATT REALISED HE must have slept for a few minutes because when he opened his eyes, Joanna was on her feet, her swimsuit restored, bending over him.

      She had evidently been shaking him, and when his eyes opened, she murmured softly, ‘Someone’s calling you. You’d better get dressed.’

      Matt was inclined to say he didn’t much care, but it was obvious Joanna didn’t want the embarrassment of one of his staff finding him in the nude.

      ‘Who is it?’ he asked, pushing himself up into a sitting position and reaching for his shorts. ‘Henry?’

      ‘No, I think it’s Teresa,’ replied Joanna in a low voice. ‘She’s probably wondering where you’ve gone.’

      He pulled on his shorts and picked up his discarded polo shirt, which Joanna must have collected from further down the beach. The fabric clung to his still damp body, and Joanna thought it was as sexy in its way as his bare skin.

      Her tongue circling her upper lip, she said nervously, ‘Are you all right?’

      ‘I guess so. Are you?’

      It was a simple question, but Joanna didn’t have an answer. Yes, she was okay; yes, she’d loved making love with him; but God knew where they went from here.

      ‘I think so,’ she said finally, reaching for her wrap and draping it about her shoulders. ‘I suppose I should be getting back to the cottage.’

      Matt shrugged, but his face had tightened, and she couldn’t help feeling anxious. Was he already regretting what they’d done? Whatever she was feeling, it wasn’t regret, she acknowledged honestly. But she had never felt more apprehensive in her life.

      Before Matt could say anything more, however, Teresa appeared on the jetty. Her dark face was concerned, but when she saw Joanna and Matt together, her lips parted in a wide smile.

      ‘Oh, there you are, Mrs Novak,’ she exclaimed with evident relief. ‘We were so worried about you, weren’t we, Mr Matt? My granddaughter didn’t know where you’d gone.’

      ‘I’m sorry—’ began Joanna, but before she could continue, Matt intervened.

      ‘Mrs Novak decided to take a swim,’ he said, making no mention of his part in bringing her back to shore. ‘Perhaps you’d apologise to Callie. I’m sure my—Joanna—regrets not informing you what she was planning to do.’

      Matt wasn’t looking at her and she smiled at the housekeeper instead. ‘That’s right,’ she said. ‘It was a little foolish.’ It was easier to admit her mistake. ‘But it was such a lovely morning and I haven’t had a swim since I arrived.’

      Teresa frowned. ‘You could always use the pool,’ she said, looking at Matt, but he didn’t say anything. ‘Oh, well,’ she continued, purposely cheerful. ‘No harm done.’

      Her eyes lingered for a moment on Joanna’s belly, and Joanna assured herself that Teresa couldn’t possibly know what had been going on. She was sure her hair was mussed and there was probably sand coating her thighs. But hopefully the housekeeper would assume she’d been sitting on the beach after her swim and not indulging in hot, sweaty sex.

      Now, Teresa glanced back towards the villa, and said, ‘Anyway, I’d better get back to my kitchen. With visitors coming this afternoon—’ She pulled a wry face. ‘There’s still quite a lot to do.’

      Offering another polite smile, she hurried away, and Joanna bent to pick up her towel. Shaking it free of sand, she said curiously, ‘Visitors? I didn’t know you were expecting company.’

      Matt shrugged. ‘I doubt if you’ll be pleased to hear who it is.’

      Joanna waited for him to go on, but he didn’t. She thought she could guess the identity of his visitors after what he’d just said, but it was hard not to feel excluded from his life.

      Gathering her belongings, she avoided his eyes as she said, ‘Well, give your parents my best, won’t you? Particularly your father. Tell him he’s welcome to come to the cottage any time.’

      ‘Okay.’ Matt blew out a breath. ‘I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.’

      ‘Will you have time for me, now that you’ve got visitors?’ Joanna asked, aware that she sounded resentful. ‘I doubt if your mother will want to see me again.’

      Matt heaved a sigh. ‘My mother coming here has nothing to do with us. What happened, happened, Jo. You know it and I know it. You wanted me, and you’re pretty good at getting your own way.’

      Joanna felt sick. ‘Well, at least I know where I stand,’ she said stiffly, bundling the towel about her. ‘I know I don’t look very appealing at the moment, but I could do without you making me feel like a desperate housewife!’

      That hadn’t been his intention, and now Matt felt guilty. ‘It wasn’t a criticism,’ he muttered gruffly. ‘But for pity’s sake, Jo, you need to decide what it is you want from me.’

      With an effort, Joanna managed to stem the tears that burned behind her eyes. ‘Go and get ready for your guests. I’m sure they’ll be better company than I am.’

      ‘I doubt it.’ Matt’s tone was gentler now. ‘My mother thought the trip would give my father something to think about besides his health.’

      ‘Oh—’ Joanna pressed a hand to her throat. ‘But they do know I’m staying here?’

      ‘They know,’ agreed Matt, picking up her wrap and removing the towel to drape the silk shawl over her shoulders. He was tempted to bend his head and kiss the soft curve of her nape, but he restrained himself. His eyes darkened with some concern. ‘You are okay? I mean with what just happened. I didn’t hurt you?’

      ‘No, you didn’t hurt me,’ she replied, although the ache in her heart told a different tale, but she couldn’t let him see how she really felt.

      Matt heaved a breath and glanced back towards the villa. He wasn’t proud of what he’d done, particularly after he’d promised himself this wouldn’t happen again. Yet here he was, having just enjoyed the most delightful sex of his life and he was looking for reasons to blame her for his weakness.

      Dammit, why did Joanna have to be so sexy? Even in her present condition, he’d never wanted any other woman. Was that why his attraction to her was so addictive? Because his feelings towards her couldn’t be replaced? He had the feeling he wouldn’t like the answer. It had always been that way with her.

      ‘So,’ he said, trying to defuse the situation. ‘So long as you’re okay, I’d better be getting back.’ He glanced down at his legs, which, like hers, were coated with sand. ‘I need a shower and I’m sure you do, too.’ He paused. ‘If Henry’s home, I’ll get him to drive you back to the cottage. It will save you walking so far in this heat.’

      ‘I’d prefer to walk,’ declared Joanna at once, even though her legs still felt like

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