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it is fairly clear what dreams of headless or faceless bodies might mean. Dreams may also use the image of a head to show that you are in two minds about something, or in the process of changing your mind. For example, if you change your head in your dream, this indicates a change of attitude, being uncertain about something, or even being two-faced.


      To see your legs in your dream suggests that you have gained enough confidence to stand up for yourself. If your legs are weak, then you may be feeling emotionally vulnerable. If you see the legs of someone else in your dream, this may indicate your admiration for them. Perhaps you need to adopt some of the attitudes of this person. If your legs are wounded or crippled, this signifies an inability to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand. If one leg is shorter than another in your dream, this suggests some kind of imbalance in your life. You are placing too much emphasis on one thing and ignoring other important aspects of your life. If you have three legs in your dream, then perhaps you have taken on too many responsibilities. According to ancient dream lore, if you have a wooden leg in your dream, you will have many new worries. Bear in mind leg-related idioms such as: legless, didn’t have a leg to stand on, can’t stand up for myself, ball and chain on my legs.

      To see thighs in your dream indicates strength and endurance, and it refers to your ability to make things happen. To dream of your knees indicates feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability. You may have taken on more than you can handle. To see your calves in your dream suggests movement and versatility, and your ability to jump from situation to situation. It can also suggest that you are involved with someone who is needy and over-dependent. To dream about your ankles indicates that you are seeking support and direction in your life. Ask yourself where you want to be headed. Bear in mind the phrase ‘Achilles heel’; could dream of heels be referring to your vulnerability or a particular weakness?


      The mouth represents the devouring, demanding aspects of yourself; it can also signify your need to communicate about something that is upsetting you. If the mouth is open, this may represent your receptive side, as in mouth-watering. On the other hand, perhaps too much has been said and it is time to close your mouth – in other words shut up. A dream of your mouth being buttoned or sewed up can again suggest regret over what has been said or done. If you dream that you are chewing, it might suggest that you are mulling over, or considering, something. If you are pulling something out of your mouth, perhaps you need to clear the air by expressing your feelings, or do you have a nasty taste in the mouth?

      To see your own tongue in your dream signifies self-expression. Have you said too much or do you need to say more? If you rip someone’s tongue out in a dream, this means that you are extremely upset by what someone has said in waking life but have been unable to express your anger. To dream of your own jaw in your dream represents your stubbornness, determination, and forcefulness. If your jaws are tight, this could suggest unexpressed anger and other powerful feelings that you are holding back. If lips appear in your dream, this is associated with sensuality, sex, love, and romance, as well as communication, as in ‘read my lips’.


      To see your own or another person’s neck in your dream signifies your need to control your feelings and keep them in check. Consider the familiar phrase ‘don’t stick your neck out’, which serves as a warning against a situation. If your neck is injured, this can indicate a separation between heart and mind. If your neck is thick, perhaps you have been quick-tempered recently. Consider also the following idioms: breaking one’s neck, up to one’s neck, stick one’s neck out, dead from the neck up/down. Shoulders in a dream suggest strength, responsibility, and burdens. Do you feel that you have much responsibility to bear in waking life? On the other hand, shoulders can also represent support and your ability to soothe others, as in the phrase ‘a shoulder to cry on’. To see your throat in your dream symbolizes the ability to express yourself and communicate your thoughts and ideas. If your throat is sore, perhaps you are having problems expressing yourself. Alternatively, you may need to swallow your pride. If a graceful, long neck appears in your dream, this suggests good fortune in waking life.


      The nose in dreams represents curiosity and intuition. To dream that hair is growing on your nose signifies extraordinary undertakings needing a strong will and character to be carried through. To dream of a bleeding nose is prophetic of disaster and danger. Consider also the following idioms: have a nose for, nose out of joint, rub one’s nose in, up one’s nose.


      Your skin is your shield against the outside world and your dream may be referring to the way you present yourself to others. A skin rash may be a pun, suggesting that you are making rash decisions or it may highlight concerns about your appearance. Are you thick skinned and reluctant to express your feelings?

      See also TEETH.

       Body Fluids, Functions, and Internal Organs


      Blood is an important symbol, not only of life itself, but also of the soul, of physical strength, and rejuvenation. Whether you were cut or seriously injured, dreams in which you are losing blood or suffer a hemorrhage may therefore refer to loss of moral or physical strength; they may simply indicate a need for more emotional nourishment. Dreaming of drinking blood or receiving a blood transfusion may refer to the opposite: gaining strength and vitality. If a person you know gives you blood in your dream, your unconscious may have signaled that they have the potential to revitalize you. If a woman dreams of blood, it may be associated with the onset of a period, the blood depicting whatever feelings she may have about menstruation. Blood is also a symbol of passion, love, anger, and even violence.

      Blood on the ground or bloodstains on clothes in a dream suggest great injury or emotional pain to someone, perhaps to you or someone you know. If you dream of blood in a sexual context, this may refer to loss of virginity, fertility, or menstruation.


      In dreams, a human bone represents strength, the structure, and support within yourself, and the need to be aware of your basic instincts. If you are burying a bone, perhaps you are hiding something about yourself or saving something for the future. If you are digging up bones, you are remembering something from the past. Broken bones may reveal your insecurities, depending on which limb is broken. For example, a thick plaster cast around a broken leg in a dream can suggest reluctance to face up to problems that are hindering your progress.

      Dreams that feature the spine, back, or backbone are all symbols of your moral power and your strength and ability to stand up for yourself; but if you dream about the pelvis, it refers to your sexual functioning as a whole, including your reproductive success. The pelvis also links in with the way you merge with someone else in a relationship, or if you can allow that merging to happen. Some dreams show the pelvis connected with snakes or lizards; this is a symbol of powerful instinctual drives and urges that can flow up your spine and expand your consciousness.

      If you saw a skeleton in your dream, especially if it was in a cupboard, are you concerned that certain things in your life you are trying to hide may come out into the open? The symbol could also refer to feelings or talents you have cut off or killed in real life. If you see a complete skeleton, you may need to reconsider the full structure of your life. The skull and crossbones are a symbol of danger but since the skull is a representation of the head, it can also symbolize intellectual ability. To be conscious of your skull is to appreciate your intellectual skills. To see a skull where there should be a head represents a part of the person that has died. To dream that you are talking to a skull is to recognize the need to be talking to people with whom you may have lost contact. When a skull is talking to you, a part of you that has been rejected or denied is coming back to life. As symbols of death, if you were frightened by skeletons, skulls, and bones in your dream, this could point to your fear of dying or of a loved one’s demise.


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