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rel="nofollow" href="#u2b879279-30c2-51ad-ba2d-48014263c7f8">19 Battle of Edington

       22 Battle of the River Salado

       23 Battle of Agincourt

       24 Siege of Belgrade

       25 Battle of Plassey

       26 Battle of Leuthen

       27 Rorke’s Drift

       28 Battle of Adwa

       29 Battle of Omdurman

       30 Fall of Singapore

       31 Battle of Santa Clara

       Chapter 3: Innovation

       32 Battle of Leuctra

       33 Battle of Carrhae

       34 Battle of Ain Jalut

       35 Battle of Crécy

       36 Battle of Lepanto

       37 The Spanish Armada

       38 Battle of Breitenfeld

       39 Battle of Naseby

       40 Battle of Poltava

       41 Battle of Solferino–San Martino

       42 Battle of Königgrätz (Sadowa)

       43 Battle of Shangani

       44 Battle of Tsushima

       45 Siege of Edirne

       46 Battle of Cambrai

       47 Battle of France

       48 Battle of Britain

       49 Pearl Harbor

       50 Battle of the Atlantic

       51 Hiroshima and Nagasaki

       52 Operation Desert Storm

       Chapter 4: Deception

       53 The Fall of Troy

       54 Battles of Mount Vesuvius

       55 Battle of Roncesvalles

       56 Battle of Kleidion–Strumitsa

       57 Battle of Manzikert

       58 Battle of Lake Peipus

       59 Fall of Tenochtitlán

       60 Battle of Blenheim

       61 Battle of Hohenfriedberg

       62 Battle of the Plains of Abraham

       63 Siege of Yorktown

       64 Battle of the Little Big Horn

       65 Battle of Alam Halfa

       66 The Normandy Invasion

       67 Operation Bagration

       68 The Six Day War

       69 Tet Offensive

       Chapter 5: Courage in the Face of Fire

       70 Battle of Marathon

       71 Battle of the Catalaunian Fields (Châlons)

       72 Battle of Poitiers–Tours

       73 Battle of Lechfeld

       74 Battle of Arsuf

       75 Battle of Borodino

       76 Battle of Leipzig

       77 Battle of Navarino Bay

       78 First Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)

       79 Battle of Gettysburg

       80 Battle of Tacna

       81 Battle of Verdun


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