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lay down behind her. “It’s okay,” his deep voice whispered across her ear. “You’ve had a rough day. Let it out.”

      Deep, wrenching sobs stole the remainder of her self-respect. He held her tight, his heat soaking into her, not even a shiver of revulsion stirring him over her blotchy cheeks or snotty nose.

      Drained, sleep dragged at her. She used the last of her energy to wriggle closer, until she could feel him from head to toe along her back. Surrounded by him, soothed, feeling as safe as a diamond in a dark vault, Ally fell asleep.

      Golden light filtered through the curtains when she woke the next morning. The sunshine did the dismal room no favors. Memories of sleeping snuggled against Greg brought her fully awake. She shivered, glanced down and groaned. The covers had slipped enough to reveal the pale globe of one entire breast.

      A full-body flush warmed her. She yanked the covers up. The sound of the shower running penetrated and she relaxed. If she had an ounce of luck left, he'd gotten into the shower before the blanket slipped.

      The water shut off. Her heart leapt into her throat and she went from languid sprawl to sitting up in zero point two seconds, yanking the borrowed dress over her head. She jumped out of bed, feverishly tugged on her panties and smoothed the skirt down. The bathroom door opened. A silent prayer of thanks winged its way heavenward.

      Greg glanced at her as he rounded the bottom of the bed. “Morning.”

      “Good morning.” She ducked her head, using her hair as a shield between them.

      Oh, man. Her hair. She probably looked like a scarecrow. Thick and wavy, it needed no incentive to go wild. Going to bed with wet hair? A guaranteed wild-and-woolly look. Not like she’d had a choice, since this top-notch motel didn’t provide a hair dryer.

      She gathered her tangled hair into an impromptu ponytail as she looked around for a rubber band. Movement on the other side of the room caught her eye. She went still, holding her hair in place with one hand and the other going to the wall for support.

      Grayish towel dangerously low on his hips, the muscles of Greg’s back rippled as he bent down.

       I should look away.

      The towel fell.

      Her eyes widened and her heart sped up. That has to be the finest butt this side of the Mississippi. In one of those glorious moments when time slowed, he pulled a pair of jeans up muscled legs, pausing for a full heartbeat before dragging them up to cover his butt. She swallowed the excess saliva pooling in her mouth and fought the urge to fan her hot face.

      Dragging her gaze up his bare torso, her blush fired up another notch when she met his knowing stare. At this rate, I’m gonna have a sunburn. And that grin.

      “I figured fair is fair.” He shrugged, a fluid shift of muscles beneath bronzed skin.

      Her hands tingled with the desire to touch and explore.

      He’d said something. About…fairness?

      She blinked. “What?”

      He winked.

      Oh, Lord. He’d seen her breast. Ally sank onto the bed with a groan and buried her face in her hands. Of course.

      “I don’t know what you’re upset about. I’m the one who had to take a cold shower.”

      “Oh, shut up.”

      Men like him dated beautiful models and the most sought-after debutantes. He had his choice of women. A chubby, boring claims processor who couldn’t afford designer clothes, highlights or manicures would hold no interest for him.

      Even so…she snuck another peak between her fingers. A girl could at least enjoy the view. He pulled a black T-shirt over his head. Another hot flash washed over her. Probably a hormonal imbalance.

      Sighing, she stuffed her feet into the gorgeous platform sandals. They would make for a harrowing experience if she had to run for her life. Again. Maybe if she started praying now, she wouldn’t twist her ankle or break a leg.

      Luck sure as heck wasn’t going to help her out.


      “I don’t suppose you have a hairbrush in that mysterious black bag of yours?”

      “Nope. No worries. It’s a real turn-on when a woman looks like she just crawled out of bed after a night of hot sex. Guys dig it.”

      “Well, gee,” she drawled, giving him a wide berth as she headed for the door. “As long as y’all dig it.”

      “No need to get snippy.” His eyes crinkled at the corners. “We can pick up a hairbrush, if it’s such a big deal.”

      Exasperation and arousal made an odd mix. Ally yanked open the door. Brilliant sunshine blinded her. Greg hollered to wait. Bright spots dancing before her eyes, she glanced over her shoulder into the room as she stepped onto the sidewalk.

      Right into the arms of a man with a gun. She whimpered. Seriously?

      His gun-free arm looped around her waist, pulling her tight against him. Noxious body odor gagged her.

      Desperate for fresh air, she turned her head. Greg stood silhouetted in the doorway of their room, the steely glint in his eyes at odds with his relaxed stance.

      “This is a career change for you, Weasel.”

      “Don’t call me that.” The tremor in the guy’s voice bode ill. The cocky way he pointed the gun at Greg was even worse. Whether his anxiety stemmed from Greg’s attitude, his nerves or fear, she didn’t care to find out. “Just back off and no one gets hurt.”

      “Really? Is that what your boss-man said?” Greg cocked his head to the side. “Funny, I heard the orders were to kill Miss Thompson. Makes it a little hard to buy the whole ‘No one will get hurt’ bit.”

      Did he have to say it so casually? In sync, she and Stink Boy swallowed audibly. The trembling, the odor, the shaking voice; the guy was a mess. Not a good thing considering the gun in his sweaty hand. Its twin pressed the thin material of her dress over her abdomen, sweating through the fabric and making her skin crawl.

      “I’m not gonna let you screw up my first big job, Detective.” His damp hand crept up the front of her dress and cupped her breast. “She don’t seem your type.”

      Her skin shriveled. She bit her tongue on a scream and shrank from his hand, bringing her flush up against him. Ally flinched, straightened sharply and held her breath.

      Greg’s hands fisted. Stink Boy jerked back, his gun wavering. His hand clenched her breast so tight she yelped.

      Greg’s eyes flashed, a muscle jumping in his cheek. “I’ll say this one time. Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her.”

      Stink Boy pinched her nipple and Ally ran out of patience. Anger and fear coalesced in a hard knot and she slammed her elbow into his scrawny ribs. He shrieked like a girl, released her and staggered to the side.

      Greg flattened Stink Boy on the hard pavement, stuffed his gun in the back waistband of Greg’s pants and cuffed him.

      Ally took a step back.

      Yanking the guy to his feet, Greg shook him. Ally was pretty sure Stink Boy’s loose teeth rattled. “You and I are going to have a little chat.”

      “No! Wait!” Sweat beaded on his forehead. “All I know is my boss wants her. That’s it. I swear.”

      Greg stuck his hand in his pocket. The car lights flashed and the door locks clicked open. He glanced at her.

      “Wait in the car. Lock the doors.”

      He shoved Stink Boy into the motel room and slammed the door. Silence descended. She stared blindly at the motel room’s pink door. He’d been armed. Likely high on something. And she decided to act like it’s Mission Impossible. She pressed trembling fingers to her lips

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