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SHYBUSTER 45 Sound Dazzled Over the Dullest Things

       SHYBUSTER 46 Use Their Moniker in Moderation

       What Do I Say Next?

       SHYBUSTER 47 Ask ‘Go On’ Questions

       The Proven Eye-contact Cure

       SHYBUSTER 48 The Eyeball Lock

       SHYBUSTER 49 Looking Longer Looks Smart

       SHYBUSTER 50 Lingering Looks Kindle ‘Chemistry’

       Chameleons Should Choose Their Colours Carefully

       SHYBUSTER 51 A Little Shove from a Non-Shy Friend

       Become an Expert – on Anything!

       SHYBUSTER 52 Find Others Who Share Your Passion

       How to Answer the Inevitable Question

       SHYBUSTER 53 Rehearse Your Mini-CV

       Nobody Expects You to Perform

       SHYBUSTER 54 Look, Nod, Smile

       Passion Slays Shyness

       SHYBUSTER 55 Stamp Out Shyness with Your Particular Passion

       Section X: Sure-fire Extinguishers for Shyness

       A Dare a Day Drives Shyness Away

       SHYBUSTER 56 Do Your Daily Dare

       Make Shopping a Valuable Part of SOS

       SHYBUSTER 57 Inspect Six, Buy One

       A Little Help from Man’s Best Friend

       SHYBUSTER 58 Attention-getter on a Leash

       Social Blooper Remedy

       SHYBUSTER 59 Make a Mental Movie of Your Cool Moves

       SHYBUSTER 60 What the Manners Mavens Say

       Take a Bite Out of Shyness for Lunch

       SHYBUSTER 61 Eat Your Shyness

       Download Confidence into Your Eardrums

       SHYBUSTER 62 Listen to the Voices in Your Head

       Section XI: Sex and the Single Shy

       There Are No Love ‘Guarantees’

       A Dangerous Dating Game for Shys

       SHYBUSTER 63 Computer Dating Is a Sure’s Game

       Oversexed or Underconfident?

       SHYBUSTER 64 Don’t Get Caught in the Sex/Love Trap

       Being Shy and Gay Is Lonely

       Relationship Rehearsals

       The Lovin’ Is Easy. It’s Getting There That’s Hard

       Shall I Put on a Big Act?

       SHYBUSTER 65 Act Your Way to Confidence

       Section XII: Shy No More

       Graduation Day

       SHYBUSTER 66 Give Yourself a Graduation Party

       Keep Reading


       More Self-knowledge Questions



       Other Books By

       About the Publisher

       “ I used to be very shy. I couldn’t look people in the face and became red. I was embarrassed and used to sweat in front of others. Due to low self-esteem and ‘slow’ self-image, I used to feel inferior to others. But then one day I began to question things. I realized that nobody is better than me. Who told me I’m no good? I realized that the people who make me feel that way are not in that credible or successful a position themselves. So why would I believe what these people say about me? They were not qualified to make such comments.”


      Think back to your grandparents’ times, when ‘on-line dating’ was a twinkle in some yet-unborn techie’s eyes, and the words ‘pick up’ meant ‘get your socks off the floor.’

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