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it slides out I give a deep sigh and nearly come again. A stern look from Mr Alpha prevents me. I’d almost forgotten it was there and now I feel empty, open, abandoned.

      At that moment he gives the barman another nod and I feel the head of the barman’s sheathed erection prod gently at my opening, filling the gap, and then without warning he surges up inside me.

      I cry out, startled at the suddenness of it, and then Mr Alpha takes a step forward, his eyes burning into mine, and he enters me from the front.

       Oh, yes …

      They ease in fully and wait a second, eyeing each other over my shoulder like gymnasts poised for some intricate move, and then they start to thrust …

      It’s glorious. I’ve never in all my life felt so filled, so used, so hot. I come in minutes, the spasms rocketing through me, tipping the barman over the edge, and he comes with a shriek.

      Mr Alpha is taking his time. He can stave off pleasure for hours. Now he’s smiling and slowly withdraws, easing me onto my knees. He slaps the barman on the back. ‘Thanks. You were terrific. I’ll take over now. We’ll settle up later.’

      The barman dresses quickly and leaves, giving me a fond little half wave as he closes the door.

      * * *

      Now we are alone. Mr Alpha circles around me, his gaze stern. ‘Did you enjoy that?’

      I eye him playfully. ‘Did you?’

      His eyes darken. ‘Mind your manners. Lean over the bed.’

      I double up over the edge of the bed, my legs splayed wide, my head on the mattress and my ass high in the air. I’m all glowing now and he spanks me again, really hard this time. It’s wildly arousing. At last I feel his hands smoothing over my punished, burning cheeks with long, loving sweeps, easing his fingers into my passages, driving me to distraction.

      ‘You’re so beautiful. I’ve never seen anything so infuriating as you touching that blond. If I ever see you do that again I’ll –’

      He breaks off as he plunges into me from behind, his erection now so big and so hot I feel I’ve been invaded by a volcano. He pounds into me time and again, his thrusts long, hot and savage.

      ‘You’ll what?’ I grin between gasps.

      I almost feel his wave of fury as his climax begins to swell his cock even bigger. ‘I’ll fuck you rigid, like this.’

      With a great shout he comes inside me. We collapse together on the bed, laughing, ecstatic and spent.

      * * *

      Tomorrow we’ll be on our way home and all this will be just a memory. While he drives I’ll gaze adoringly at his profile. From time to time he’ll touch my hand or stroke my thigh.

      We lead busy, happy lives, full of family, full of love. We get rarely get the chance to be completely on our own. Sometimes we like to play wicked, grown-up games.

      I work hard too. He knows me well. And he knows that once in a while, to keep things spicy, I need something just that little bit extra.

       Room 414

       Jason Rubis

      ‘Lazy …’

      Reflecting on it later, it would occur to Ryan how natural waking up next to her had seemed – so natural he didn’t wonder at her presence for even a moment. Of course, the whole scene was awash in sleepy pleasures; the bed was warm, her body as perfumed and sweetly soft as the early-morning haze clouding his mind. She lay with an arm draped across his chest, long legs holding one of his scissored between. Holding him tight, and stroking him with a somehow proprietary air. As though she intended to never release him. Normally Ryan tended to squirm when a lover held him too tightly during the night, but he felt he could spend a happy eternity dozing in this one’s arms.

      ‘Tell me … what am I to do with such a lazy man?’ Her mouth was as soft as her hands, whispering the words into his ear. An accent – British? There had been a woman in his office who spoke like that, a transfer from the London office. Wonderful, sexy accent. Those round vowels. Like listening to music when she spoke.

      What was the woman’s name – Pamela? What was sexy Pam doing in a New York hotel room with him?

      Ryan strained upward against the mystery woman’s limbs. Laughter sounded lightly in his ear, and the limbs tightened against him, holding him down. He made no attempt to escape.

      ‘No, no … mine.’ She licked his ear, laughing again, but lower this time, a little growl/purr deep in her throat. The scent of bed-warmed skin seemed to briefly intensify.

      She’s excited. She wants me. The thought didn’t just stiffen his cock; he found it flattering, as if she were a celebrity or some person of note. He reached for her arms and she moved to straddle his waist, smiled down at him.

      She wasn’t Pam.

      ‘Where you going, hey? Got a date?’

      She had coffee-and-cream skin and tousled black hair, squiggly locks of it hanging in wide dark eyes. A broad, strong nose that was almost too strong for her delicate face; it would have been too strong if it weren’t for those eyes and the smiling red mouth. Her breasts were small, little creamy handfuls with dark, hard nipples.

      ‘Who’s the lucky girl, then? Anyone I know?’

      She pressed down on his chest with both palms, grinning as she shifted her hips. A firm, wet weight grinding atop his now fully erect cock.

      ‘Told you … this is mine. I don’t share my toys. Those other girls can go find their own.’

      What had he done the previous night? He had gone out, met her at some bar?

      ‘And you know … I feel like playing with it a bit more.’ She rose briefly on her knees, groped for something hidden by a fold in the bedclothes. At first he thought it was a chocolate; a moment later, when she held it up for his inspection, he laughed at himself; it was a condom. She had it unwrapped in a moment, then she slid both hands between her legs. Ryan felt her fingers groping for his hardness, rolling the condom on.

      He lay back, unresisting. Yeah, he must have gone out last night. It was the only explanation. Because here was the proof, horny and smiling, getting ready to fuck him. He had met this woman and brought her back to his room …

      Except that he hadn’t.

      Once he had that thought his mind began clearing, his thoughts beginning to process at something like normal speed. Glancing to one side, he saw his laptop still open on the table by the window, a stack of binders beside it, dishes from room service beside those.

      No, he hadn’t gone out. He remembered now. He had stayed in and worked. Because Wilson wanted the numbers by next morning. And next morning – this morning – he had to be at La Guardia at nine to catch his plane and he didn’t want to work on the flight home. He had worked until two and gone to bed alone.

      He didn’t know this woman. He had no idea at all who she was.

      Inexplicably, the thought did nothing to calm his erection. It enflamed him, brought on a surge of excitement so powerful he thought he could almost taste it, like a bite of lemon. Before he knew it, he was sliding into her, and it was good, the sensation so beautiful he found himself immediately surrendering to it. She was tight, and so wet he thought he could hear himself moving in her. Ryan grabbed handfuls of the sheets at his waist, resisting the urge to reach up and touch her face, focusing only on the need to push up into her again and again.

      ‘Ooohh … yeah, lover. Yeah, my baby.’


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