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made the fact that she’d cheated on David with her old boyfriend—and consequently left town with him—sting.

      David shook away the bitter memory and concentrated on the woman in his bookstore. Now he wished he’d at least tried to check on her over the past couple of years.

      “I didn’t call you, either,” she said softly, “so we’re even.”

      That was true, but somehow it didn’t help David’s tinge of guilt. When Jared married Anita, he should have called to see if Laura was okay. And she was so not okay. She’d been several months pregnant when Anita walked down the aisle. David still couldn’t get a handle on that fact. Why hadn’t Jared at least mentioned it?

      In any case, David would do what he’d always done back in college—help Laura after Jared had left her hurting. “Well, I’m glad that you’ve come here now, and I want you to know that if there’s anything that I can do to help you, I will.” He placed his glass next to hers then took her hands in his. “I mean that, Laura.”

      She blinked, nodded and then David saw pleading in those vivid blue eyes. “When my parents realized I wouldn’t give up the babies and that I couldn’t get a job in the school system, they offered to take care of everything. They wanted me to live with them, let them support me and the babies, for as long as I needed.” One corner of her mouth lifted. “You remember how they were always fighting, how Mom was always threatening to leave or actually leaving. I didn’t want my babies to grow up around that tension.” Another sniff. “I want them to have a real home, somehow. And I want to take care of them.”

      David had met her parents a few times when they visited Laura in college. Her mother had always seemed angry or been pouting over one thing or another, and her father had tried to explain and make amends for her behavior. Laura had been even more independent because she didn’t want to rely on them. “You didn’t take them up on their offer.”

      She shook her head. “No, I couldn’t. I’ve stayed with them the past few months, since I graduated, while I tried to find a job. At first I was able to substitute teach, but the schools don’t even call me for that anymore. I think they’re afraid I’ll go into early labor.” She gave him a soft smile. “Probably wouldn’t be too great for my water to break in a classroom of first graders.”

      He grinned. “Yeah, probably not.”

      “But I want to show my folks that I’ll be okay on my own. And I really didn’t want to stay in Nashville.” She touched her hand to her stomach, then added, “Jared and Anita live there.”

      David nodded. Jared and Anita were beginning their life in Laura’s hometown, and he was certain she wouldn’t want the slightest chance of running into her babies’ father and his new bride.

      “So, here goes.” She took a deep breath, pushed it out. “I need a job. I want to support myself and my babies. And I thought of you and your bookstore, and—” she scanned the surplus of books “—I would work really hard for you. I know I’m limited physically now, but I can still sell books, and maybe I could help you start some reading programs or something like that? Something that would let me work with children, like I would have been able to do with my teaching degree?” She paused a beat then quietly added, “And I’ll need help finding somewhere to live. I have a little cash in my savings, and I thought with this being a smaller town and all, maybe the cost of living would be lower than Nashville.” She looked at him hopefully. “Do you think I could help you out? Or, I guess what I’m asking is, do you think you could help me out?”

      He swallowed thickly through the lump lodging in his throat. He’d seen the worst figures ever this afternoon on his P&L statement, had even wondered how he’d stay in business past the holidays. Hiring someone wasn’t something he’d have considered, at all. He couldn’t pay himself, much less someone else. But this was Laura. And her baby girls. David knew the only answer he could give, even if it didn’t make sense and even if it might give Milton Stott an early heart attack.

      “Yes, I can use your help.”

      Chapter Two

      Laura had been around David enough in college to know when something wasn’t going right in his world. Right now, as he talked on the phone to the woman who owned the Claremont Bed-and-Breakfast, she could tell he wasn’t getting the answer he wanted. He’d removed his glasses and placed them on the counter, then he pinched the bridge of his nose as he listened to what the lady had to say.

      “No, Mrs. Tingle, I understand. I’d forgotten about the crafting folks coming in for the First Friday festival. They don’t usually stay overnight, though, do they?” He flinched as she apparently delivered another bit of bad news, then his head slowly moved up and down. “That’s right. I wasn’t thinking about everything happening next week. Yes, the bookstore is going to offer some activities for the festival. I just haven’t decided exactly what I’m doing yet.” His jaw tensed. “Okay, I’ll let Laura know you should have some rooms available in a couple of weeks.”

      Laura waited for him to look her way then mouthed, “No luck?”

      He held up a palm and gave her a half smile in an apparent effort to let her know everything would be okay. But Laura’s stomach quivered, and she began to think everything might not be okay. What if every room in town was booked for this festival he mentioned? For two weeks! Then what would she do?

      “Yes, ma’am, we are having a book signing for Destiny Lee at the store next Saturday. That’s the only thing I’ve officially set up so far, but it’s definitely happening. It’s her first signing and she’s pretty excited about it.” He nodded. “I’d heard she included a story about you and Mr. Tingle in the book. I look forward to reading it.” He continued listening, then finally said, “That’s okay, I’m sure we’ll find something.”

      Laura didn’t think he sounded so sure, and she wasn’t feeling a whole lot of certainty, either. She waited for him to click the end button on his cell then asked, “Do you think all of the hotels in town are booked, too?”

      He picked up his glasses and slid them back in place to rest on his nose. “See, that’s the thing. Claremont doesn’t have any hotels.”

      Laura felt her jaw drop. “None that have rooms, you mean?”

      “None at all. The town’s population is only 4,500. Usually the bed-and-breakfast offers more than enough room to house tourists...except when we have the crafting festivals.”

      “First Friday, that’s a craft festival?” She’d heard him mention the term in his conversation.

      “No, the First Friday festival happens every month, and it’s basically a combination of crafters and performers, as well as a chance for all of the square’s merchants to showcase their merchandise.” He leaned against the counter. “First Friday brings in practically everyone from Claremont and the surrounding counties, but they don’t typically stay overnight. However, November’s First Friday is a little different, in that it leads into the annual Holiday Crafters Extravaganza, which lasts a full week. The crafters will have booths set up around the square through the following weekend, and each of the local stores coordinates activities for the festival, as well.”

      “And they’ve booked all of the rooms at the B and B,” Laura said.

      “As well as all of the hotel rooms in Stockville, which is the nearest city. Not that that would matter, though, since Stockville is a good twenty miles away, and you wouldn’t want to drive that far.” His brows lifted as he apparently thought of something, and then he asked, “About driving...how long will you be able to drive? I’m assuming there’s a certain time when the doctors tell you to stop driving in pregnancy?” He glanced at her stomach and probably wondered how she could fit all of that behind the wheel. Laura had almost doubted the possibility herself, but she’d been able to pull it off by adjusting the steering wheel and seat.

      “I don’t have to stop driving,” she said. “I did ask my doctor before taking the trip

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