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the owner. But I run the place. I’m editor in chief.” He chuckled self-effacingly. “And a lot of other things. Our staff is small and the tasks are many.”

      Because she still wasn’t ready to explain herself to him, she dodged his question about why she was here and said only, “I’m sure newspaper work is taxing.”

      His gaze narrowed on her. “Do you know Gil?”

      “I’ve never met him, no.” Her hands began to tremble. Steaming tea sloshed over onto her fingers.

      “Here.” He handed her a handkerchief pulled from his pocket.


      “Why are you shaking?”

      “I’m fine. Listen, could you call my…call Gil? I need to see him.”

      “I guess I could.”

      She noticed he had Gil’s number on speed dial. Who would be in Lily’s top five these days? A paltry few. But it was her own fault for letting her life unfold as it had. And now when she needed help, she was going to have to turn to strangers. The thought scared her to death.

      Simon was frowning as he spoke into the phone. “Yeah, Gil, it’s me, Simon. I need you to come to the office as soon as you get this message. I’ll explain why then.” He clicked off.

      “Thank you, Mr. McCarthy.”

      “A lot of cloak-and-dagger,” he said easily.

      “I suppose. But I have my reasons.”

      “What are they?”

      “I’d rather not say.” Lily was a private person by nature, and she was particularly embarrassed by her present circumstances. And though he seemed nice enough, who knew what this man’s relationship was with Gil?

      The bell over the door sounded and Simon and Lily looked toward it. A teenager stepped inside. “Dad?”

      Even if the girl hadn’t uttered the word, Lily would have known immediately that she was Simon’s daughter. Same tawny hair, although hers hung almost to her waist. Same hazel eyes. Nose, a feminine version of his. She had an aura about her, too, making Lily want to sketch her.

      “Hi, honey.” He introduced her to Lily.

      “Grandpa Gil’s coming in behind me. Katie and I were walking home and he picked us up. It’s starting to drizzle.”

      The cup jerked and tea sloshed again. “Grandpa?” Lily asked.

      Jenna smiled. “Not my real grandpa, but he’s like one.”

      Lily got the drift. In other words, Gil had found a replacement. Well, why not? So had Derek.

      Again, the door opened, and in walked a tall, lanky man with a full head of salt-and-pepper hair and blue eyes just like Lily’s mother’s. And her own. Lily felt her heart thump in her chest at finally seeing Gil in person.

      “Hi, everyone.” He focused on Lily. “Who’s our gu—” Before he could finish his statement, Gil’s complexion paled and he grabbed on to the high table just inside the door.

      Jumping up from his chair, Simon rushed over to him. “Gil, is it your heart again?”

      “Grandpa?” Jenna sounded afraid, too.

      Gil’s mouth was slack-jawed as he stared at Lily. Finally, he said, “Not like you mean.”

      “What, Gil?”

      “It’s my heart, but not like you mean.” Letting go of Simon, he crossed the room. “Who are you? You look just like my daughter, Cameron.”

      “I know I do. I’m her daughter, Lily.”

      SIMON WATCHED IN AWE—and with a little bit of horror— as tears filled Gil’s eyes. In the almost thirty years he’d known the man, he’d never once seen him cry. “Gil, are you all right?”

      “Grandpa?” Jenna’s tone was even more worried.

      “You’re Cami’s girl?”

      Lily stood. She couldn’t tear her gaze from him, either. “Yes, I am. I’m sorry to spring myself on you unannounced.”

      His face was still ashen. “I know…I know Cami died. We found out through a lawyer. But…she had a daughter? The only thing she ever wrote to us was that she hadn’t gone through with her pregnancy.”

      Now, Lily Wakefield’s face paled and she reseated herself. “That’s new information to me.” She bit her lip. “I realize this is a shock, Mr. Gardner.”

      After a moment, Gil, also, took a chair. Simon followed suit, while Jenna sat on the opposite end of the couch from Lily. “I—I didn’t know,” Gil repeated.

      Lily glanced nervously at Simon. “Is there somewhere we can go to talk privately?”

      “What? Oh, no need for that. Simon and Jenna are like family. I want them to hear what you have to say.”

      Frown lines around the woman’s mouth told Simon that she wasn’t pleased by Gil’s answer. Who cared? No way was he leaving Gil alone with this stranger who claimed to be his granddaughter. She could be anybody.

      Sighing, she drew a sheaf of papers from her purse. “I have documentation to verify who I am.”

      When Gil didn’t take what she offered, but just stared at her, Simon snatched the papers from her hand. Birth certificate for Liliana Clarkson. Mother, Cameron Gardner Clarkson. Father unknown. There were also pictures. Photocopied drivers’ licenses, social security cards for Lily and her mother, a passport. And a picture of a young girl with Gil in his youth. “They seem in order.” Simon would have his sister, Sara, a lawyer in town, check them out, though. Documents could be forged and stories made up. He’d arrange a background check on this woman, at least.

      “Do you have any idea what a gift you’ve brought me?” Gil finally asked her.

      “Have I?” Lily’s gaze hardened almost imperceptively. “You didn’t stay in touch with your own daughter.”

      Jenna gasped, and Gil’s face reddened. “It sounds horrible. It is horrible.”

      Simon sat forward. “Gil, you know what happened with Cameron wasn’t all your fault.”

      “It was all my fault. No one will ever convince me otherwise.”

      Simon was not only wary now, but anger bubbled inside him. If what this woman said was true, she’d surely resent what had happened to her mother, and rightfully so. But given that, her motive for coming to Fairview couldn’t be good. Who could possibly forgive that kind of abandonment? “Is this why you came here—to make accusations at Gil? To hurt him with them?”

      Lily focused on her grandfather. “I don’t want to hurt you. That’s not why I’m here.”

      “Why, then?” Simon knew his tone was too harsh, but he worried about Gil—especially after his heart attack a few years ago. He’d protect Gil from Lily Wakefield, even if Gil wouldn’t protect himself.


      “Simon…” Gil admonished.

      But Lily held up her hand. “I’ll answer his question.” She looked around. “But privately. I don’t feel comfortable baring my soul in front of strangers.”

      Gil stood. “Then come with me. My house isn’t far.” To Simon he said, “I’ll call you later.”

      Simon watched them go out the door. He had a feeling this wasn’t going to be good, and he hated it when he couldn’t keep the people he loved safe.

      “Dad, is Grandpa Gil gonna be okay?”

      “I hope so, honey. I hope so.”


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