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pale blue eyes to him. ‘Don’t tell me you’re bothered by it? Why would you be?’

      Because she’d be too close to him. There’d be no getting away from her. It was one thing that they’d be working together. He could probably manage to keep her at arm’s length here, but to have her practically living on his doorstep meant he’d never have peace of mind. He slapped his hands on his hips and stared across at David, suddenly cross. ‘I don’t like it.’

      ‘Erin’s been very helpful and always there if I’ve needed anything.’ David talked as though he hadn’t seen Brad’s angst, but Brad knew better. David missed nothing, and now his eyes twinkled suspiciously. ‘I think you two will get along very well.’

      ‘You are so wrong.’ They’d light up like flames with petrol added. Something indefinable and hot already sat between them, something he wasn’t prepared to explore.

      ‘Give her a chance. Get to know her. You’ll like her.’

      I already like her. A lot. Too much. But bitter experience had taught him people weren’t always what they first seemed to be. ‘You could be wrong.’

      ‘Bradley, you give her a chance. I’ll not have you upsetting the cosy set-up we’ve got at work or anywhere else.’

      David only called him Bradley when he wanted to make a point, but that didn’t stop Brad arguing. ‘It’s not wise to socialise with staff.’

      David chuckled. ‘You can’t expect me to agree with that. Not when my Mary was a nurse on my surgical ward when I was an intern.’

      ‘There are always exceptions.’ Was the old boy matchmaking?

      How much worse could this get?


      ‘WHAT a day I’ve had, Lucky.’ Erin chattered to her cat as she drove carefully through the streets towards home. ‘First day back and already I feel like my holiday is so long ago it didn’t happen.’

      Lucky was unusually silent, sitting in the cage staring straight ahead, ignoring Erin entirely.

      ‘Come on, stop sulking. It’s not as though I left you incarcerated in some dire cat hostel with no one to care for you. I know for a fact you’ve been pampered beyond your wildest dreams.’ The fees had been horrendous, but well worth it. The Paws Cattery came highly recommended.

      ‘We’ve got a new neighbour.’ Her mouth turned up into a reluctant smile. ‘He’s gorgeous.’ An image of Brad on his Harley-Davidson made her mouth water. She’d been putting drugs away in the clinic’s fridge when the bike had roared to life outside. Discreetly nudging aside the curtain a tad, she’d studied the man who’d had her heart rate rising and falling alarmingly throughout the day. The Harley belonged with him, balanced perfectly between those muscular thighs, adding to his sexiness. Brad intrigued her, confused her, and had her wondering what it would be like to get to know him.

      To have an affair with him? The steering-wheel flicked sideways. She straightened the car, her heart pounding in her throat. Just thinking about Brad was dangerous.

      ‘Definitely no affair,’ she reassured Lucky. Brad would be used to experienced women, not someone who’d only ever known one man intimately. Anyway, she liked her life where no man told her how to live, where to work, when to cook dinner.

      But an affair might get this sizzling sensation out of her blood so her life could return to the peaceful state it had been in when she’d woken up that morning. But, no, it wasn’t going to happen. Affairs always ended with bad feelings on at least one side, which would not bode well for working with Brad afterwards. So she lied to the cat. ‘Brad’s not my type, Lucks. Don’t you go schmoozing up to him, either.’

      Lucky continued staring ahead, rocking slightly as Erin turned into her drive.

      ‘You just remember you’re on my side.’ She really, really wished Brad could go and live somewhere else. But that also wasn’t going to happen. David needed him so she couldn’t deprive David of the man he considered his son.

      The garage door lifted and Erin nosed the car inside. ‘Home, sweet home, Lucky. Let’s see if some of your favourite gourmet tuna feast will make you love me again.’

      Out of her cage, Lucky arched her back and stared around. Erin sighed and picked up laden grocery bags. In the kitchen she dumped the bags on the bench and switched the oven on to heat up a ready-made pasta bake. Turning, she gasped. ‘What the—?’

      Drawers from the dresser were on the floor, their contents spilled out over the floor. Apprehension filled her. Had she been burgled? She glanced around warily. Someone had certainly been in here. She’d locked up before she’d left for work that morning. Hadn’t she? She had been in a rush. Maybe she hadn’t checked all the locks.

      What if the thief’s still here? Her heart rose in her throat. Reaching a shaking hand into the utensil drawer, she removed the rolling pin.

      ‘Lucky?’ The cat stood in the centre of the kitchen, her back still arched, her eyes wild. ‘Are we alone? Can you hear anyone moving around?’

      Lucky’s head flicked from side to side. Not a lot to go on. Erin sucked a breath. She’d done self-defence training in the army, and come up against some big, stroppy men in the process. A burglar couldn’t get the better of her.

      Raising the rolling pin, she did a quick, thorough search of her home. No one hid behind the doors or in the wardrobes. Upstairs in her bedroom drawers had been emptied over the bed, and some small change had gone, but as far as she could make out that was all that was missing. Kids?

      Down in her laundry the door that led out into the garden wide was open. Closer inspection showed it had been jemmied so now it wouldn’t shut properly.

      Feeling more confident, Erin quickly walked around the outside but found no trace of her burglar. Glancing across to the trees that bordered onto her section from David’s place, she made to go and search there, hesitated. Maybe not a wise idea. The area around those trees looked darker than usual.

      Returning inside, she picked up the phone and dialled the cop who lived in the adjoining townhouse. No reply. Next she tried David’s number. She didn’t want him to coming racing down here but he might’ve noticed someone loitering.

      ‘David Taylor’s house. Can I help you?’ That disturbingly sexy voice rolled down the line at her.

      Of course Brad would answer. How silly of her not to think of that.

      His voice snapped into her musings. ‘Hello? Any one there?’

      ‘Yes, It’s Erin.’ Then added, ‘Erin Foley.’ ‘Yes, I think I know who Erin is. Super nurse and crazy cyclist.’

      ‘Why crazy cyclist?’

      ‘Anyone who prefers to pedal than use a motor has to be crazy.’

      So he wasn’t an exercise freak. Again the image of Brad on his Harley rose before her eyes.

      ‘Erin? I find one-sided phone calls rather awkward.’ She shook her head. ‘Sorry. Is David there? I wondered if he’d seen anyone hanging around the back of my house. Or maybe in his front garden.’

      ‘Why? Has something happened? Are you all right?’ ‘I’m fine. But my house has been broken into.’ ‘Don’t go outside. Lock all the doors. I’m on my way.’ ‘Too late, I’ve already checked out there.’ But her words fell into a void as Brad banged down the phone at his end. She pushed redial. She didn’t want that Goliath in her house. His presence would make it feel claustrophobic. She wouldn’t know what to say to him. ‘Answer the phone.’ He didn’t.

      He thumped the back door repeatedly, calling out, ‘Erin, it’s me, Brad. Open up.’ He did not want to be here, about to walk into her home. Like walking into the lioness’s den. But he couldn’t ignore the fact

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