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anaesthetist while my husband, Aaron, is a general surgeon. He’s gone to the market. You’ll meet him later, along with the rest of the staff.’

      Ellie smiled, trying to keep her exhaustion at bay for just a little longer. ‘I’m not Sandra Winter. I’m—’

      ‘You’re not?’ Louise looked beyond her. ‘That explains the jumbo.’ Louise returned her gaze to Ellie, a huge query in her eyes. ‘I’m sorry. It’s just that we were expecting someone and I saw you and made a mistake.’

      Ellie let her bag drop to the floor and held out her hand. ‘I am Ellie Thompson, your replacement doctor. Did you not receive an email from headquarters explaining there’d been a change? Sandra has had a family crisis and couldn’t come.’

      Louise slowly took her proffered hand, but instead of shaking it wrapped her fingers around Ellie’s. ‘No email, no message at all. Nothing.’

      Yeah, she was getting the picture. ‘It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I used to work with Sandra and when I heard how she couldn’t come I put my hand up. My contract with Wellington Hospital literally ran out the same week. It was manic for a few days.’ Hard to believe everything she’d got done to be ready in that time. Getting a passport and visas had had her running around town like a demented flea. She’d booked flights, bought appropriate clothes for the climate and job and had dinner with Renee and two friends. No wonder her head was spinning.

      Louise still held her hand. ‘Forgive me for not knowing and thinking you were someone else. I am very grateful you could come over at such short notice. It can’t have been easy.’

      No, but it had already begun to act like a balm to the wounds left by her husband and sister. ‘Believe me, I’m the grateful one here.’

      ‘We’ll debate that later. I’d better text Noi. He went to the airport to meet Sandra.’ She gave Ellie another quick hug.

      When was the last time she’d been hugged so much? She wouldn’t count the tight grasp the head of A and E had given her at her farewell. A fish had more warmth, whereas this woman exuded the sort of kindness that would make anyone feel comfortable.

      ‘I’m very glad to be here.’ Where’s my bed? And the shower? All of a sudden her eyes felt heavy and gritty, her head full of candy floss and her legs were struggling to hold her upright.

      ‘The children are busting to meet you. And the staff.’ Louise finished her text and set off in the direction of a door, leaving Ellie no choice but to follow.

      Of course she wanted to meet the kids she’d be working with, but right this minute? ‘How many children are here at the moment?’

      ‘Fourteen. But that number fluctuates almost daily depending on new casualties. Then there are the families who can’t leave their children here, or can’t get to see them at all so that we go out to their villages for follow-up care. I’m only talking about the amputees. The hospital annex sees to a lot of other casualties, too.’ Louise sighed. ‘It’s hard. For the patients and their families. And us. In here.’

      They entered what appeared to be a classroom. Ellie must’ve looked surprised because Louise explained, ‘We have teachers working with the children who stay on after their surgeries. Some are with us for months so we try to keep the education going during their stay.’

      Chairs scraped on the wooden floor as kids stood up, some not easily, and the reason quickly became apparent. Three had lost a leg or a foot. Looking closer, Ellie noted other major injuries on all the children.

      Her heart rolled. What was tiredness compared to everything these youngsters were coping with? She dug deep, found a big smile and tried to eyeball each and every kid in front of her. ‘Hi, everyone. I am Ellie.’ She stepped up to the first boy. ‘What’s your name?’

      ‘Ng.’ The lad put out his left hand, his right one not there.

      Ellie wound her fingers around the small hand and squeezed gently. ‘Hello, Ng. How old are you?’ Then she nearly slapped her forehead. These kids wouldn’t understand English, would they?


      Six and he’d lost an arm. And he understood her language. A well of tears threatened, which was so unprofessional. Do that and Louise would be putting her back on that train. Gulping hard, she turned to the next child. But seriously? She really had nothing to complain about.

      The next half hour sped by with Ellie sitting and chatting with each child. Not all of them understood her words but they must’ve picked up on her empathy and her teasing because soon they all crowded around touching her, pointing at themselves and laughing a lot. Over the next few days she’d get to know them better as she changed dressings and helped with rehab, but this first meeting was unbelievable. She filed away each name and face so that she’d never have to ask them again. They deserved her utmost respect and she’d make sure they got it.

      ‘Ellie? Ellie Baldwin, is that really you?’ The male voice coming from across the room was filled with surprise and pleasure.

      She snapped her head up and stared into a familiar pair of grey eyes she hadn’t seen in four years. Mind you, they’d been angry grey then, like deep, wild ocean grey. ‘Luca?’ Her heart pounded loud in her ears. ‘Luca, I don’t believe this.’

      ‘It’s me, El.’ No one else dared call her that. Ever.

      As she stepped forward Louise was prattling an explanation about why she was here, but Ellie cut her out and concentrated on her old friend and housemate. Concentrated hard to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. Checking this truly was Luca Chirsky, even when she knew it was the man she’d shared notes and rosters with at med school, and more than a few beers at the pub or in the house they’d lived in with Renee and another trainee doctor. Time hadn’t altered his good looks. Though he did appear more muscular than she remembered, which only enhanced the package. Bet the ladies still plagued him. Some plagues were okay, he’d once joked.

      Finally she said, ‘I haven’t seen you in forever.’ Wow, this was a fantastic bonus to her trip. A surprise. She shivered. A good surprise, she told herself. ‘Who’d have believed we’d meet up here of all places?’

      Then she was being swung up in strong arms and spun in a circle. ‘It’s been a while, hasn’t it?’ Those eyes were twinkling at her as they used to before she’d gone off to marry Freddy. This was Luca. He had never hesitated with telling her what he thought of her fiancé, none of it good. The thrill of seeing him again dipped. If only there were some way of keeping her marriage bust-up from Luca.

      Not a chance. ‘Didn’t you say your name was Thompson?’ Louise asked from somewhere beside them. ‘I’m not going deaf as well as forgetful, am I?’

      Luca almost dropped Ellie to her feet. His finger lifted her chin so he could eyeball her. ‘You’ve gone back to Thompson, eh?’ Then he deliberately looked at her left hand, which was still gripping his arm, her ring finger bare of a wedding band, and then back to lock his gaze on hers. ‘So you’re single again.’ He didn’t need to say, ‘I warned you.’ It was there in the slow burn of his eyes, changing his pleasure at seeing her to caution.

      Ice-like fingers of disappointment skittered across her arms. So much for being excited to see Luca. She’d had a momentary brain fade. Having a few of them today. After all this time without any contact between them he’d gone for the jugular straight up. Guess that put their friendship where it belonged—in the past. She didn’t understand why. They’d been so close nothing should’ve affected their friendship. The last person on the planet she’d expected to find here was Luca, and he knew too much about her for these weeks to now be a quiet time. She could do without playing catch-up, or the shake of his head every time he said her surname. Luca would cloud her thinking and bring back memories of where she’d planned on being by now if she hadn’t gone and got married. Plans she’d sat up late at night discussing endlessly with him until she’d started dating Freddy.

      Even now Luca’s head moved from

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