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she’d always had a hard time resisting that grin. She schooled her face into what she hoped was a mask of indifference. ‘I’m not the one who quit our friendship, Matt. As I recall, it was all your decision when you pushed me away.’

      The memory of his rejection still rankled. Pain like that lasted a lifetime. He’d been her first love. Her only love, if she was completely honest. And here he was after all this time, pretending that nothing had happened. She wouldn’t make it easy for him.

      ‘Can’t we let bygones be bygones and move forward? Besides, you were just a kid back then. What did you expect me to do?’

      To her annoyance, tears welled in her eyes. Tears of anger, shame and unmistakable regret.

      ‘A kid? I was eighteen. Old enough to know what I wanted. Not that you cared. Apparently I was a pain in the ass, a little girl clinging to you, playing at being a vamp, with a hell of a lot of growing up to do. Do those words ring any bells?’ She blinked furiously, wishing the tears away.

      He ran his hand through his hair, a tell-tale sign he was rattled.

      ‘I’m sorry, Kara. I’d just finished law school and was doing my articles. I had a lot on my mind and didn’t need the attentions of a schoolgirl, hell-bent on experimentation…’ He trailed off as she leaped to her feet.

      ‘Who the hell do you think you are? I wasn’t experimenting, I was in—’

      ‘Hey, you two. We’re about to start. What’s with the fireworks?’ Sally materialised at their table, hands on hips, a frown marring her forehead.

      ‘Sal, I need to talk to you.’ Kara grabbed her arm and dragged Sally away from the table.

      ‘I can’t do this,’ she hissed. ‘Matt is driving me insane. You can’t expect me to spend another second with him, let alone the next seven minutes.’

      Sally smiled, her calmness doing little to soothe Kara’s frazzled nerves. ‘Calm down, dear. I know tonight is an ordeal for you. Just do it for me. Please?’

      Kara took a deep breath and exhaled. There was no way she could resist the beseeching look in Sal’s eyes.

      ‘OK. I’ll do this for you. But I swear, as soon as I’ve spoken to the last moronic man, I’m out of here!’

      ‘That’s my girl. Now, take a seat, smile at Matt, make small talk and the torture will be over before you know it.’

      Kara turned to face Matt. He hadn’t moved an inch, and by the amused look on his face he’d heard every word of their conversation.

      ‘All sorted out?’ he enquired softly.

      ‘Mmm,’ she mumbled. ‘We’re about to get started. Good luck, Matt. I hope you find what, or should I say who, you’re looking for tonight.’

      ‘What if I’ve already found her?’

      ‘I’d say good luck to her. She’s going to need it. Thank goodness we’ve established I’m not your type.’

      A hint of uncertainty flickered in his eyes. ‘Lucky, huh? Who knows what would’ve happened if I hadn’t pushed you away all those years ago?’

      Kara had a fair idea and she didn’t feel lucky at all.

      About an hour later, the ordeal was over. She could hardly remember speaking to the various men as only one man’s words echoed in her mind. Matt had held her enthralled for their seven minutes together, flirting with the practice of a man seasoned to the art.

      Sure, she’d resisted. However, it had been like holding back a flood with a few sandbags. No chance. Despite their earlier confrontation, all accusations had been put aside as he’d focused his attention solely and squarely on her.

      No woman could resist Matt Byrne at his best: flashing smile, mesmerising eyes, animated conversation. He’d drawn her in like a spider coaxed a fly into its web. Trapping her, whether she liked it or not. Seven minutes had passed in an instant. That was his power. He could make time seem insignificant, his voice wrapping its seductive tones around her, holding her spellbound.

      The rest of the men had paled in comparison. She couldn’t recall one word of the other conversations, though each man had been polite and a good conversationalist. Kara knew that her poor recollection had everything to do with her wandering attention as she’d watched Matt ensnare the other women with his charm.

      A tight coil of tension had wound deep in her belly as she watched each and every woman fall under his spell. Who could blame them? She’d done the same thing, despite her vow of playing it cool. Who would be the lucky lady? she wondered. Her bets were on the busty brunette who had hung on his every word, patting him on the arm at regular intervals.

      Kara had wanted to tear her eyes out. The brunette was just his type, all silicone and pouty lips. She’d seen enough similar women draped over him in the newspapers, annoyed at her irrational jealousy over each and every one. Men were so predictable.

      Kara stared at the form lying on the table. Even though it was a formality, her hand shook as she ticked the ‘yes’ box next to Matt’s name. After their earlier verbal sparring, there was no way he would choose her so she was safe in marking his name. It would be just her luck to mark some other random guy and end up matched with him. No way, no how. Sal’s computer could work its magic on some other sucker. There was only so far she would go to help Sal out.

      The brunette would select Matt and vice versa. The sooner the thousandth couple matched was announced, the sooner she could escape. Matt and the brunette. Her gut clenched at the thought.

      Sally whisked her form away, adding it to the pile in her hand. She winked. ‘Not long now, possum, and you can head home. Thanks a million. Love you.’

      ‘Love you too,’ Kara murmured, scanning the room for signs of Matt. He was deep in conversation with the brunette. Still. Hadn’t anyone told them that their seven minutes were up?

      She turned away, wishing the evening would end. In a way, seeing Matt had been a nice surprise. Seeing him all over other women was not so nice. Seeing him matched with a dark version of Pamela Anderson would be too much.

      ‘Can I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? Matchmaker has successfully matched nine hundred and ninety-nine couples over the last few years. Speed dating is the exciting, quick, non-pressured way to meet singles with similar interests, so if you haven’t met your match tonight, please come back again.’

      Sally paused, nodding and smiling at the applauding crowd. ‘Now, without further ado, Matchmaker is proud to announce its thousandth couple matched.’

      A strange churning started deep in Kara’s gut. She couldn’t watch the elation on the lucky woman’s face, for she had no doubt that Matt would be the man chosen tonight.

      ‘Would Matt Byrne and Kara Roberts please come up here?’

      Kara sat riveted to her seat, stunned. She could have sworn that Sal had just announced her name. There had to be a mistake. The churning increased tenfold as she watched Matt stalk towards her.

      ‘Kara, I think they want us.’

      She stared at his outstretched hand as if it were a cobra. If she placed her hand in his, she’d be lost. Her lips moved, the stiffness in her facial muscles easing into the semblance of a smile. She could do this. She had to.

      ‘That’s my girl,’ he whispered as he squeezed her hand and guided her towards the stage.

      She moved mechanically, placing one foot in front of the other, oblivious to the hoots and congratulations coming from all directions.

      Sally patted her arm as she reached the stage and whispered in her ear. ‘Sorry, love. You and Matt were the only two that matched. I couldn’t fudge the results. The agency board checks into details like that, not to mention the fact that several of the award judges are here. Forgive me?’

      With the blood pounding in her head, Kara stared at Sally.

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