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of it?’ she asked him.

      ‘It’s…very…big,’ was the most diplomatic thing he could come up with.

      She laughed and for a moment it was the old Bella beside him, her face vivid and the bright blue eyes alight with laughter. It made Josh realise how much he had missed her recently.

      Not that he hadn’t seen her, but somehow she just hadn’t been herself. Their friendship had always been such an easy one, but recently Bella had been strangely constrained. Something was wrong, and Josh didn’t like it. She had lost her sparkle, and he missed it.

      Of course, she might be having problems with Will but he had seen Bella through more romantic crises than he cared to remember, and it had never affected her relationship with him before.

      Maybe it was different this time. Maybe Will was more important to her than all the others.

      For some reason, Josh didn’t like that thought very much. Will wasn’t nearly good enough for Bella in his opinion.

      ‘Where’s Will?’ he asked trying not to betray his dislike of the other man. ‘I was expecting him to be keeping a pew for you.’

      Bella had picked up the order of service and was studying the front, which was embossed simply with the names Kate and Finn, and the date, 6th September. ‘Will?’ she said a little too casually. ‘He’s in Hong Kong.’

      ‘Hong Kong!’ Josh scowled. ‘What’s he doing there?’

      ‘He’s got a meeting,’ said Bella, opening the order of service to look at the hymns.

      Josh snorted contemptuously. ‘When did he arrange that?’

      ‘It came up at the last minute.’

      ‘Couldn’t he have arranged to go next week? He must have known about Kate’s wedding for ages.’

      Bella kept her eyes on the order of service. ‘Yes, but this was important,’ she said, sounding reticent. ‘There was some kind of crisis and he had to drop everything and go.’

      ‘You’re important, too,’ said Josh angrily.

      That was typical of Will! Swanking off to the other side of the world instead of supporting Bella. Josh had always thought him a prat of the first order, and this just confirmed it.

      He couldn’t understand why Bella always went for men like Will. They were too smooth by half, in Josh’s opinion. Will was suave and handsome and drove a Porsche, but he didn’t impress Josh. When the chips were down, Will wasn’t a man you could rely on, and his attitude to Bella just proved it.

      ‘It’s not as if he’s a brain surgeon,’ he went on pugnaciously. ‘He doesn’t do anything. He just sits in some plush office in the City and plays around with money. What’s important about that?’

      ‘It’s his career,’ said Bella, tight-lipped. ‘And he doesn’t just “play around” with money. He deals with millions and millions of pounds, and when something goes wrong with that kind of money, it can affect the international money markets which affect economies around the world, which affect our jobs and our income and our quality of life. I think that’s important,’ she finished defiantly.

      Josh wasn’t ready to be convinced that Will had any useful contribution to make to society. ‘If I thought the economic stability of the world rested on Will’s ability to rush off to Hong Kong at the drop of a hat, I’d be really scared,’ he said. ‘As it is, I suspect that the global economy wouldn’t so much as totter if he’d left it until Monday instead so that he could be with you today.’

      Bella glared at him. ‘Look, what’s your problem? If I understand why Will can’t be here, and Kate understands, and Finn understands, I don’t see why you can’t!’

      ‘I just think he should be here to support you,’ said Josh stubbornly.

      ‘I don’t need support! I’m at the wedding of one of my dearest friends, surrounded by people who know me. Why would I need supporting?’

      ‘I think Josh is concerned that you might be feeling a bit left out,’ Aisling put in unwisely. ‘He’s told me how close you were to Phoebe and Kate when you all shared that house, and now they’ve both married and are moving on. I can see it might be quite a vulnerable time for you,’ she finished with a sympathetic look.

      Bella shot her a glance of dislike. ‘If you’re trying to suggest that I’m jealous, you’re quite wrong,’ she said clearly. ‘I couldn’t be happier for Kate, and for Phoebe. They’ve both found the perfect man for them, but I don’t feel at all left out, as you put it, because I happen to have found the perfect man for me too. Will and I are very happy together, so I don’t feel the slightest bit vulnerable or in need of support, thank you very much!’

      ‘You don’t seem very happy, Bella,’ said Josh.

      ‘That might have something to do with fact that my best friend and his girlfriend are busy slagging off my boyfriend and making me feel that I need to be pitied in some way!’ she snapped back. ‘Would that make you happy?’

      Josh opened his mouth, but before he could reply Phoebe was scrambling into the pew beside Bella. ‘Here she comes!’ she said, blowing a kiss in Josh’s direction and moving Bella along with a shove of her hip as the organ struck up the ‘Bridal March’.

      Bella found herself pressed against Josh, and expressed her feelings with a vigorous shove of her own which sent him shuffling into Aisling, who ended up squeezed against a pillar.

      Not very dignified behaviour for a wedding, perhaps, but it made Bella feel a whole lot better.

      Turning, Bella watched Kate coming slowly up the aisle on her beaming father’s arm, and her throat tightened. It was such a cliché to describe a bride as radiant, but it really was the perfect word for Kate that day. Everything about her seemed to shine, and the brown eyes fixed on the man waiting for her at the altar were luminous with love.

      Bella followed Kate’s gaze and looked at Finn, who had turned and was watching his bride walk towards him. The expression on his face made her want to cry.

      Would anyone ever look at her with that kind of desire? Bella wondered. She tried to imagine herself in Kate’s place, but somehow she couldn’t picture the man who would be waiting for her.

      It wasn’t going to be Will, anyway, in spite of what she had told Josh and Aisling. Aisling! What a stupid name, thought Bella. Apparently it was supposed to be pronounced Ashling, but she always made a point of saying it just as it was spelt, just to annoy. There was just something about Aisling that rubbed her up the wrong way.

      Guiltily aware that she should be thinking about the fact that Kate and Finn were getting married at last, Bella hurriedly fixed her eyes on the bride and groom.

      Kate had turned and was giving her bouquet to Alex, who was bursting with pride at her important role. Her tongue stuck out with concentration as she stepped back with the precious flowers, but when Finn winked at his daughter, her face lit up with a dazzling smile that brought tears to Bella’s eyes.

      It was a traditional country wedding in the village church, and Bella found herself absurdly moved by the familiar ceremony. She and Phoebe were not the only ones who spent most of the service wiping their eyes, and when the earlier clouds dissolved letting Kate and Finn emerge from the rose-edged porch into brilliant sunshine, they looked so right together that Bella started to cry all over again.

      ‘This is awful,’ she wept to Phoebe. ‘I haven’t cried this much since Terms of Endearment!’

      ‘I know,’ Phoebe sniffed. ‘They just look so happy!’

      ‘What’s wrong with you two?’ demanded Josh. ‘Weddings are supposed to be joyful occasions!’

      ‘It’s a woman thing,’ Gib told him knowledgeably. ‘Apparently snivelling like this means they’re having a good time. They’ll be all right when they get some champagne

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