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answer he merely raised a brow.

      Then she actually, finally, smiled. “Okay, okay. Ben and Jerry’s Oatmeal Cookie Chunk.”

      Man, she was beautiful. And real, somehow.

      “Let’s see…” She put her finger to her lips and studied him from head to toe. “Any brothers and sisters?”

      He nodded. “Two of each.”

      “Wow. Four siblings? I always wanted a brother or a sister.”

      “Believe me.” He moaned and shook his head, recalling all the torment he’d lived through as the youngest of five. “Count your blessings. Five kids. One bathroom. You’re the math whiz. What were my odds?”

      She laughed and something eased inside him.

      “You’re calling me a math whiz? I know what kind of intelligence it takes to become a fighter pilot.”

      Taking a half step toward her, he reached out with one finger and touched her cheek. “You have a beautiful laugh.”

      Her smile dropped, but she didn’t push his hand away. If he moved one millimeter closer, her nipples would brush his leather jacket. She licked her lips and he couldn’t stop a raspy sound from escaping his throat as he caught the action. What could she do to him with those lips?

      “Whose turn is it for a question?” she asked quietly.

      His mouth hovered above hers. Had she leaned toward him? He lowered his head a fraction more. “Mmm. Mine.” His lips brushed the corner of her mouth. “When’s your next day off?” he mumbled against her cheek, then nuzzled along her jaw.

      “Tuesday.” Her voice sounded breathy and she softened against him. His cock swelled in his jeans.

      His finger glided up her throat and lifted her chin. Just as their lips touched, the bus gasped to a stop beside them. She jerked her head back and stepped away.

      But this time, after she found a seat, Cole caught her glancing back at him with a disturbed expression.

      He ran a hand through his hair, and then turned toward his bike. He sure as hell didn’t want to head to the hotel yet. It wasn’t as if he’d sleep anyway. He was still as hard as stone.

      He’d been so close. So close to tasting her. To feeling her in his arms. And he hadn’t even planned that move. He needed more sleep. And sex. Ten months in Iraq. Three in the hospital. Geez, it’d been more than a year since he’d spread a woman’s thighs and lain between them. Felt them wrap around him as he pushed into her.

      Into Jordan. He couldn’t picture any other woman in his bed right now. He closed his eyes as he remembered the softness of her cheek. The chase made him feel alive again, but so did the woman herself. And he only had five more days to seduce her if he wanted to win that bet with McCabe.


      SUNDAY NIGHT Jordan headed for the break room, dreaming not of slipping out of her heels and getting off her feet for a half hour, but of the feel of Cole’s lips brushing hers.

      She’d been playing with fire by giving in to his suggestion last night, and she’d come close to letting him burn her resolve to a crisp. His hard body had fitted so rightly against hers, and his touch had sizzled along her skin.

      She stopped in her tracks when she walked into Cole pacing by the break-room door clutching a paper bag. Her world filled with the fragrance of heated musky aftershave and old leather.

      Oh, no. Her resistance was already weak. She didn’t know if she could fight her feelings tonight. It felt as if the coil inside her chest would snap at any moment. If only there was such a thing as an inoculation against sexual attraction.

      She stepped back and flattened the empty tray against her chest like a shield. “Are you stalking me, Major?”

      He gave her a skeptical look. “It’s Cole. And do stalkers usually bring their victims Oatmeal Cookie Chunk?” He held out the paper sack.

      “What?” She set the tray on a nearby stool, then cautiously took the bag and peered inside. “It really is—” She looked up at him. “But where did you—” She stared into the bag again. How in the world…They only have this flavor at Christmas. How’d you find it in May?”

      He grinned. “I’m a man of many talents.”

      “I bet.” She didn’t try to hide the sarcasm in her tone. “Look, I’m not—” Oh man, she couldn’t be that rude. Dropping her gaze to the floor, she stalled by shifting her weight from foot to foot before looking up at him. “Thank you for the thought, but—” she shoved the bag against his chest “—I have to go.” She twisted away.


      She stopped, but didn’t turn back.

      “It’s just ice cream.”

      For the first time she doubted her instincts. Was she being too cynical? Had she let the world change her into one of those bitter man-haters? Rather, experience had taught her a few valuable lessons. There was a difference between bitterness and discretion.

      She spun on her heels and pinned him with an accusing eye. “You’re wasting my time, and yours, Major. I’m not interested.”

      He scowled, his brows lowered to create a deep crease. Tossing the ice cream on the stool with the tray, he closed the distance between them, seized her shoulders, and lowered his head to take her lips.

      Jordan stiffened at first, trying to fight the rush of heat assailing her, but his lips were so persuasive, so thorough in their lush assault, she quickly surrendered. The taste of him flooded her senses as he slid in just a touch of his tongue. Recklessly, she deepened the kiss, pressing her body to his. Her arms snaked around his neck, and her fingers curled into his thick hair.

      No. She wouldn’t give in. She couldn’t allow herself to be ruled by her impulses again. She pulled away. “Stop.”

      He dropped his hands from her back, his breathing deep and ragged. “I want you, Jordan. I’m only in Vegas for a week. I don’t know where I’ll end up after that. For me, there’s only now. And all I know is, I want you. No promises. No strings. No games.”

      She searched his face, staring at him for any sign of duplicity. But all she could see in his deep-brown eyes was need. Intense and unvarnished.

      Finally, she looked away. “I appreciate your honesty, Cole. But I’m not good at that kind of thing.” She brushed past him and darted into the break room.


      THE FLUORESCENT LIGHTS cast a jaundiced glow as Jordan wound her way through the casino after her break. The rumble and beeping of slot machines echoed the feeling in her chest. Agitated. On edge. She was either the smartest single woman on the planet or the stupidest person to ever sell Keno cards. She caught herself searching the casino for the major, but he was gone.

      The same frantic regret from the other night filled her. His kiss had burned all the way down her body. Why had she told him no? What was she saving herself for? She’d been careful for so long, trying not to repeat her mistakes. But choosing a man she thought was a nice guy hadn’t worked out, either. Banker Bob had still dumped her for a showgirl. So, why not have a fling with some guy who at least admitted he only wanted a one-time deal?

      She’d assumed he’d been stationed at Nellis. But he’d said he was only in Vegas for a week. Maybe he was returning to combat? Maybe he wouldn’t make it back next time. The last thought made her chest hurt.

      She was almost due to clock out. All she had to do was make it through tomorrow, then she’d be off work for two days. But, she had to spend every free moment studying. Even tonight when she got home. Failing was not an option. As she strolled around the slots, her headache sharpened, shooting down to the base of her skull.

      She needed a clone. Just for this week. Just until she could get

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