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      “I’m going to have you…sooner or later,” Chase murmured.

      With a grin he tugged Jamie’s lower lip between his front teeth. A second later he stole her breath with a kiss, his tongue teasing her mouth open. With gentle pressure he rubbed his chest against hers, drawing her nipples into hard peaks. She shifted, a soft gasp letting Chase know she’d felt his erection straining for release. Soon, very soon…

      Jamie whimpered as heat pooled in her lower body. He did something terribly wicked with his tongue then, thrusting inside her, then pulling back as if showing her exactly what he wanted to do to her. Goose bumps covered her flesh as vivid pictures came to mind. Chase naked—oh, lordy—thrusting into her over and over, making her scream.

      His lips moved to her ear. “I’m going to taste every inch of you,” he warned, his hot breath making her shiver. “And I’m going to give you pleasure you’ve never even dreamed of.”

      Sooner, Jamie thought, please make it sooner…

      Dear Reader,

      This month marks the launch of a supersexy new series— Harlequin Blaze. If you like love stories with a strong sexual edge, then this is the line for you! The books are fun and flirtatious, the heroes are hot and outrageous. Blaze is a series for the woman who wants more in her reading pleasure….

      Leading off the launch is bestselling author Vicki Lewis Thompson, who brings us a heroine to remember in the aptly titled #1 Notorious. Then popular Jo Leigh delivers a blazing story in #2 Going for It, about a sex therapist who ought to take her own advice. One of today’s hottest writers, Stephanie Bond, spins a humorous tale of sexual adventure in #3 Two Sexy! Rounding out the month is talented Julie Elizabeth Leto with the romp #4 Exposed, which exposes the sexy side of San Francisco and is the first of the SEXY CITY NIGHTS miniseries.

      Look for four Blaze books every month at your favorite bookstore. And check us out online at eHarlequin.com and tryblaze.com.


      Birgit Davis-Todd

      Senior Editor & Editorial Coordinator

      Harlequin Blaze

      Going for It

      Jo Leigh

      To Birgit Davis-Todd for her faith, insight and friendship.

       This is just so cool.


      Everyone says you shouldn’t do it. The sane thing would be to drop it. Why risk it? Why take a chance you might get creamed?

      Oh, what the hell…GO FOR IT.

      Sound familiar? I hope so. I don’t know about you, but most of the truly remarkable moments in my life have started out with that nervous tickle deep inside, with the challenge to step out of my comfort zone.

      I had an incredible time writing my first Blaze novel. Creating two characters like Jamie and Chase was a definite challenge. They’re both gutsy, strong, successful…and completely confused about love.

      But, and here’s the important part, they both threw caution to the wind. They went for it. They took the biggest, scariest risk of all—they dared to love.

      My wish for you is that you, too, GO FOR IT. Take that risk. Put your heart on the line. You’ll never know unless you try.

      Jo Leigh


      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9

      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11

      Chapter 12

      Chapter 13

      Chapter 14

      Chapter 15

      Chapter 16



      DR. Jamie Talks Sex…and Manhattan Listens!

      Darlene Whittaker took a deep drag of her cigarette outside the offices of WXNT Talk Radio and stared at the face on the billboard across the way. Dr. Jamie Hampton was the newest “It” girl in Manhattan, the topic of conversations from the Bowery to the Bronx. Beautiful, brilliant, radical Dr. Jamie.

      Darlene hated the no-smoking laws in New York that had forced her outside and cursed the mayor and all the voters at least once a day. She missed her local bar, where she used to drink tequila shooters with beer chasers and go through about a half a pack a night. Damn, those were good times.

      She was here on a hunch. The article had been her idea. It was also her idea to interview Dr. Jamie on the air. The good doctor hadn’t wanted to, but her station manager Fred Holt had insisted. Holt was many things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. The national exposure Dr. Jamie would get with the article was going to help get her syndicated, and that’s where the big bucks were. Dr. Laura, Howard Stern, Delilah—they all made a fortune for four hours on the air, five days a week. Nice work if you could get it.

      Unless, of course, Darlene’s hunch was right, in which case the ensuing scandal would get Dr. Jamie a one-way ticket to obscurity, and Darlene about ten grand more per article.

      She just wished she could be sure.

      She focused on the billboard again. Even fifty feet wide Jamie still looked tiny. Didn’t the woman know the waif look was dead? With that short dark hair and those huge dark eyes, she came across as Little Miss Innocent—which was the hook. Just like the sign said, she talked sex and Manhattan listened. Straight answers, no euphemisms, no giggling. She told women they could have sex like men, and the women were eating it up. She had the number-one show in her market, and she was the number-one topic around watercoolers and in lunchrooms.

      Darlene snorted. She’d seen ‘em come and go, and Dr. Jamie wasn’t going to be around very long. She was like a pet rock or a lava lamp. A sparkler on the Fourth of July. The trick for Darlene was to catch the light while it flared and turn the sparkler into a Roman candle. Darlene would be the one to light the match, and Jamie would burn.

      Jamie’s eyes, almond shaped, deep brown, with what had to be fake lashes, stared down from the billboard with all the innocence of a lamb before the slaughter. When Darlene was through with her, Jamie would be knocked off that perch of hers and she’d have to face life among the great unwashed. Hell, Darlene was doing her a favor. Toughening her up for real life. Especially life in New York City.

      God bless research. If Darlene hadn’t found Jamie’s old roommate in college, if she hadn’t gone all the way to Buffalo to do the interview in person, if Dianna Poplar hadn’t dropped just enough hints about the sex doctor…this article would have been about as interesting as a night at the Laundromat. But a scandal—that changed everything. That sold magazines. And that meant the kind of money Darlene deserved. The kind that would get her out of her hideous apartment and into something decent.

      That she was able to dethrone the current queen of New York was an extra bonus. The cherry on top. Jamie was so much like all the girls Darlene had gone to college with—beautiful, bright, successful without any effort. What had Jamie done, really, to deserve this job? Gotten her degree? Big deal. Darlene had a degree, and she wasn’t about to go on

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