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sprinted down the plane’s main deck. “Gentlemen, I just got a weather update.” He held up a high-tech laptop and pointed to swirling images on the screen. “We’ve got a new depression west of Bora Bora that may drive in Category Five winds inside seventy-two hours. In the meantime, I’m tracking convective and boundary layers with real-time analysis from the Naval Research Lab Tropical Storm Center.”

      “Give it to us in English, Teague.” Wolfe Houston crossed his arms. “Is this going to impede Preston’s jump capabilities?”

      “That’s a command decision, sir. All I can tell you is that there’s a storm out there and it’s one big sucker. Currently we’re looking at a forty-eight-hour safety window. If you want to wait—”

      “We can’t afford to wait,” Wolfe snapped.

      Izzy Teague tapped impatiently on the keyboard. “In that case, I’d say get the hell in and get the hell out.”

      That was the kind of English Max understood. He gave a nod to Houston. “I’m ready to jump, sir.”

      Houston stared out at the faint shimmer of the sea below the commercial cargo plane. “All of you know the score. Cruz could be down there already, setting up the deal for his buyers. We can’t afford to lose that new weapon guidance system, and we definitely can’t afford to let Cruz escape again.” When he looked at Max, his face was set. “It’s a go. Like Izzy says, get in and get the hell out. Try not to get yourself fried in the process.”

      “Aye-aye, sir.”

      Max got the message. Enrique Cruz had once been the leader of the government’s select Foxfire team of genetically and biologically enhanced soldiers. Then something had gone wrong. Cruz’s skills had shot off the charts and he had acquired the ability to project false images to his targets with complete accuracy, allowing him to disappear at will. But with the new skills had come mental lapses and growing paranoia. He had managed to escape from government control weeks earlier, setting off an extensive but unsuccessful manhunt. As the Foxfire program continued to work out the kinks, it quickly expanded to include service dogs on the team, although details of their use were being kept secret.

      Izzy saw Max put a soothing hand on Truman’s head. “Don’t worry about this big guy. He’s already made over ninety successful jumps. Last month he got an honorary medal from the guys at the Army’s Yuma Jump School. He’ll be fine.”

      Max gave a crooked grin. “Hell, I thought he was Navy.”

      “He’s whatever you need him to be.”

      A uniformed crewmember in headphones hurried toward them. “Drop Zone in five minutes, sir. We’re keeping radio silence as ordered.”

      Max tightened his gloves and stared out at the sunny sky. No one spoke.

      “Do not engage with Cruz unless prior clearance is received. Remember that, Preston.” Wolfe Houston’s eyes were hard. “This man is unstable, unpredictable and he’s getting more powerful every day. We can’t be sure what new skills he’s taken on since his desertion. Hell, his adaptability was always part of his success. He used to be one of us, but now he’s an out-of-control killer. Remember that.” The officer took an angry breath. “I should have taken him out last time when we were in that mine shaft with the dogs.”

      Houston shot a glance at Izzy. Both had been badly hurt during a nasty encounter with Cruz three months earlier. “Cruz could be capable of much stronger retaliation than we know.”

      Max felt the silent undercurrents that came with bad memories. “Understood, sir.”

      “Assume that Cruz is faster, stronger and meaner than you expect and then double that,” Izzy said. His fingers idly traced his elbow as he spoke, and Max remembered that both of his arms had been broken in the violent confrontation with Cruz.

      “We’ll take him out this time.” Max moved awkwardly to the rear exit doors, where the crew helped secure his fifty-pound parachute pack in place. As the jumpmaster counted down the final seconds, Max briefly touched the silver scar at his collarbone, one of many he’d received months before during a bungled mission in Malaysia. Though he’d nearly died, those wounds had led to his selection for the ultra-select Foxfire team, so he held no regrets. This team made up of specially trained and genetically enhanced Navy SEALS was the finest group of warriors on the continent—probably on the whole planet—but they were never photographed, never congratulated and never mentioned in any press article or standard government briefing.

      Max looked down at the Lab waiting alertly near the exit door. He checked that the dog’s parachute line was clear, properly positioned beside an altimeter that would trigger an automatic chute opening at 300 feet. The oxygen line was already attached to the dog’s headgear.

      “One minute to drop zone, sir.”

      Max felt the drum of the plane’s engines and the howl of the wind beyond the jump doors. The world seemed to slow down, every atom of his body focused on the here and now as he prepared to jump. He felt his pulse spike. His breath tightened to compensate for the adrenaline surge.

      Show time.

      When the jump light went on, he moved to meet the air’s fury, his body hammered as he followed the Lab out into the void.


      MIKI OPENED HER EYES and gasped as water spilled into her mouth. She was choking.

      When her terror cleared, she realized the water was coming from a broken plastic sports bottle shoved above her seat. She was dry everywhere except for her face.

      Outside the plane was a different story. Angry waves slapped against the Cessna’s body, spilling froth over the window.

      Vance was slumped forward against the pilot’s seat. Blood trailed down both cheeks.

      “Vance, are you okay? Can you hear me?”

      When he didn’t answer, Miki tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Her hand came away slick with blood.

      His body slumped sideways, stiff and lifeless, and she caught a breath in horror, gagging.

      “Dutch, what should I do?”

      The big man coughed and Miki saw him wipe away blood with his left hand. His right arm was out of sight on the seat as he fiddled with the Cessna’s controls.

      “I’ve been broadcasting a Mayday on our last contact frequency. They’ll have our ID and present position. The radio transponder is set for continuous transmission in case of—” His voice shook as waves buffeted the plane. “How’s Vance?”

      “He’s gone.” Miki’s voice shook. “Something hit his head, I think.” She fought to think clearly. “What are we going to do?”

      “Stay calm, that’s what. We stay smart and we’ll stay alive until we get picked up. I never should have agreed to use this old plane.” He closed his eyes for a minute and seemed to struggle to breathe. “Get out of your seat harness. Do it now.” His voice was grim. “Head to the cargo door.”

      “What about you?”

      “I’m staying. I’ll keep the radio alert squawking as long as I can.”

      “I can’t leave you.”

      “Listen, I got us down in one piece, but Vance is gone and my arm’s pretty well crushed by this broken seat. If you stick around, you’ve got no odds, which is just plain stupid. So I’m ordering you to unharness and ditch. You’ve got your flotation vest. Pull the cord once you’re outside. Someone will come eventually. You can tell them to come back for me.” His voice tightened. “Now get going.”

      “But I—”

      Water hammered high and the windshield gave way. The plane pitched hard, driving Miki back. Suddenly she was fighting to breathe as seawater covered her face, and raw instinct took hold. She clawed free of her safety restraint, kicked past Vance’s lifeless

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