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sort of run together into a blur as I think about them.”

      “That I can believe,” Sabrina muttered unrepentantly.

      “In fact, my darling, compared to you they don’t even exist. I’ve never declared myself this way before, because I’ve never felt about any woman the way I feel about you, Sabrina.”

      The seemingly innocent sincerity in his voice left Sabrina staring at him in reluctant appreciation. She’d run into men before who had an endless supply of gall, and ones who possessed more than a touch of pure blarney. But she’d never before encountered a man who not only possessed both qualities but who used them so effectively. No wonder women fell over themselves to get near him—and no wonder he left such a swathe of destruction in his wake.

      And to make it worse, he was telling the precise truth. I’ve never felt about any woman the way I feel about you. Well, two could play at that game.

      She patted Caleb’s cheek and said with utter honesty, “And of course there’s never been a man who could inspire the sort of feelings I have for you, Caleb, dear.”

      She realized abruptly that it was the first time she’d actually said his name. She had neither anticipated nor avoided the action; in fact, she hadn’t given it any thought at all. So it came as a shock to discover that the taste of his name on her tongue was like the hottest of chili peppers—it not only tingled at first exposure but it hinted of a burn that instead of fading would grow even stronger with time.

      She edged away from him. “I’m sure you don’t need me sitting right here while you talk business.”

      “And you’d probably be bored by all the details,” Caleb agreed.

      Sabrina bit her tongue to keep from retorting that she wasn’t his typical bimbo, incapable of understanding the nuances of a business discussion. Bringing up the point again would probably make no more impression on Caleb than the last time she’d tried. Besides, it would just make her situation worse by giving him an excuse to keep her sitting beside him—the last place on earth she wanted to be.

      And what difference did it make, anyway, if he thought she was as airheaded as the rest?

      Talk about his ego, Sabrina told herself. You’ve got more than a little problem with your own, if you’re worried about what he thinks of you.

      She smiled sweetly and murmured, “And it would be so rude of me to yawn in your face just because I couldn’t possibly keep up with the discussion, darling. Far better if I just go away while you and Jake have your important talk.”

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