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had been driving her all day. Maybe turning thirty wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened to her. Start a new decade with a new attitude. “I’ll make you a bet.”

      Sebastian set his hands on his hips and looked resigned. “What sort of a bet?”

      “Last call,” the dealer announced.

      Missy heard the wheel begin to spin and the ball start its journey around and around. From reading up on roulette, she knew she had a forty-seven percent chance of winning. Those weren’t such bad odds.

      “If the ball lands on black and I lose, I’ll keep working for you.” She gave a rueful smile. “I’ll have to, won’t I, because I’ll be five thousand dollars poorer.”

      Sebastian’s eyes locked with hers. The winds of change had begun to blow. Storm clouds loomed. Dangerous for the unwary.

      “And if the ball lands on red?”

      She licked her lips and his attention shifted to her mouth, lingering as if something fascinated him. Fever consumed the last of her hesitation. Every one of her senses came to life and soaked up the sights, smells and sounds of the man towering over her.

      Hunger thrummed, longing to be sated. Only one man had the passion, sensuality and persistence to do just that.

      She moved her left leg forward, bringing her thigh into contact with his. The effect on him was instantaneous. His nostrils flared. His entire body went perfectly still. His fist clenched where it rested against the table.

      Intrigued, she shifted a few inches more. Her skirt rode up her thigh, baring more of her leg. She wore thigh-high stockings, the sort with a backing beneath the lace band at the top that allowed them to stay up on their own. Standing before the mirror in stockings and her brand-new black silk underwear earlier tonight, she’d been flushed with confidence in her sex appeal.

      How many times had she watched his steely muscles flex beneath his tailored suits and wondered what it would be like to get her hands on all that unadulterated male beauty? To experience the immense power contained in his body.

      Suddenly, she knew exactly how she wanted to celebrate her birthday.

      His chiseled mouth flattened as she leaned into the space that separated them. Thick lashes hid his gaze from her, but a slight hitch in his breath told her he wasn’t undisturbed by her nearness.

      “I want a night with you.” The proposition tasted like warm honey against her lips. She had no idea where she’d found the boldness to voice it, but now that she had, she wouldn’t take it back for a million dollars.

      “I’m not going to take advantage of you like that.”

      A chuckle broke from her. Was he kidding? She was the one doing the advantage-taking here.

      “One night,” she coaxed, silencing the sensible voice in her head that howled in protest. One night to rediscover what made her happy. “That’s all I want.”

      “This is ridiculous.” Despite his words to the contrary, he didn’t pull back.

      Did he desire her? Was she brave enough to find out?

      “Black, you get me,” she said, hearing the ball slow. Only seconds now. Seconds that would change her life forever. “Red, I get you.”

      She slipped her fingers beneath the lapel of his suit coat and rested on the expensive cotton covering his broad chest. He grabbed her hand with his as her fingers grazed his nipple. His harsh exhalation thrilled her.

      If something as mundane as standing close to him and touching his chest made her feel this incredible, what would happen when they were naked together? Her knees wobbled as his hand slipped around her waist.

      His eyes burned into her. “Why are you doing this?”

      “Because it’s my birthday.” Because I’ve wanted you for four years but never dreamed that you’d want me in return. “Because it’s Vegas, baby,” she crooned.

      “Very well,” he growled, arm tightening to draw her body against his. “It’s a bet.”


      The ball dropped into the slot.

      It landed on red. Missy didn’t need to look for herself or hear the dealer announce it. She just knew deep down that it was so.

      And she knew because Sebastian stiffened.

      In all sorts of interesting ways.

      “Red thirty,” the dealer said, confirming Missy’s win.

      She felt like cheering, but one look at Sebastian’s tight expression told her he wouldn’t appreciate her victory dance.

      He loosened his grip, releasing her by slow increments. His fingertips grazed across her lower back just above the swell of her butt. Had he meant the caress? His remote expression offered no answer.

      “I guess this means I won.” She spoke quietly to hide the tremor in her voice.

      “Five thousand dollars,” Sebastian said, scooping up her winnings and depositing it in her hands.

      “And you,” she reminded him, clutching the chips to her suddenly tight chest.

      Winning a man at the roulette table. If her family could see her now. The thought made her shudder. She pushed aside her concerns. This was Vegas and everyone knew that what happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas.

      One night. One night she’d never forget. But only one night.

      Her knees wobbled.

      Sebastian scrutinized her expression. One eyebrow rose. “Let’s cash it in and get out of here.”

      “Eager to start paying up?” Her weak attempt at teasing got lost in the cries of dismay around them as the ball dropped into place.

      Sebastian caught her by the elbow and pulled her away from the roulette table. Was he afraid she was going to gamble away her winnings, or was he in a hurry to start their time together? The significance of the debt she was about to collect prompted an unexpected bout of vertigo.

      Sebastian steadied her. “What’s wrong?”

      She, Missy Ward, unassuming girl from Crusade, west Texas, was about to sleep with the gorgeous and oh-so-elusive Sebastian Case.

      If the girls in the office could see her now.

      “My heels are a little higher than I’m used to and your legs are longer than mine.” Missy tipped her head back so she could stare into his gray eyes. “However, I’m delighted you’re so eager to get me alone.”

      His mouth tightened, but his gaze remained as impenetrable as reinforced steel. “That’s not why I want to get out of here.”

      Four-inch heels couldn’t begin to eliminate his height advantage, but she doubted even if they stood eye to eye that his presence would be any less intimidating. A born leader, he took charge in every circumstance. The perfect head of a family owned-and-run business where his brothers were strong-willed and opinionated.

      Missy admired how he kept tension from erupting between his brothers Max and Nathan.

      Cool. Calm. Collected. Always one hundred percent in control no matter what the situation.

      The exact opposite of how she felt at the moment.

      “Really?” She slipped on a half smile. “Because I was hoping you were planning on giving me my money’s worth.”

      “Let’s cash you out.” Sebastian collected her winnings from her cupped hands and jerked his head toward the cashier. “Then we’ll go upstairs and discuss this crazy wager of yours.”

      Not fair, damn it. She’d won him fair and square.

      “We wouldn’t be discussing it if you won,” she grumbled as he turned away. She trailed

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