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go through life secure in the knowledge that you had a Direction and a Purpose.

      The best part was that you didn’t have to wait, like Isaac Newton, and get conked on the head by an apple to discover them. Your Very Own Rules, according to Professor Wheeler, found you.

      Six years had passed since then, and some of Susannah’s personal rules had, indeed, discovered her. Unfortunately, as far as she could see, they had nothing to do with either Direction or Purpose—unless she planned to star in a lowbudget sitcom.

      Rule number one. White silk dresses worn to Italian restaurants meant the lasagna would fall into your lap. Rule number two. PMS was not an advertising gimmick dreamed up by Madison Avenue. Rule number three. Fat-free ice cream was.

      Now, on a clear, chilly fall morning, she’d found not one more rule to add to her list but two.

      Never trust an alarm clock on a day that could change your life.

      Nobody but Superman could get from Greenwich Village to midtown Manhattan in less than twenty minutes during rush hour.

      Sandwiched between an oversize woman who must have breakfasted on Garlic Krispies and a man who defended his eight inches of personal space with elbows that should have been classified as lethal weapons, Susannah rode the subway toward her destination

      Sardines had it better than this.

      The train, packed with humanity, rumbled, rolled and rocked from side to side. Metal wheels screeched against the tracks. It was the ride from hell, but her fellow travelers, New York stoics all, showed no reaction. Susannah didn’t, either. What was the point? She was trapped, she was late, she was going to make an entrance into the staff-filled boardroom with all the aplomb of a runaway tram.

      Susannah winced. Talk about bad images. Still, it was accurate. Why hadn’t she planned the morning better? She should have set a backup alarm. She should have had extra shoelaces tucked away in the drawer. Forget the shoelaces. She had to set the standards now. She should have appeared at this meeting dressed in something that would have impressed everybody with her control and confidence.

      If only she had a clever plan to toss on the table, maybe—just maybe—she could redeem herself. She’d spent the weekend on statistics. Why hadn’t she spent it on ideas?

      The train jolted to a halt. Susannah glanced out the window. The next station was hers. Her heart thumped. One more stop, then a four-block walk, and she’d be there.

      “I need an idea,” she whispered. “Just one idea.”

      “You need a head doctor,” the fat woman said indignantly, through waves of garlic-scented breath.

      Susannah nodded mournfully “Maybe so,” she said.

      The train hurtled into the station. She fought her way to the door, across the platform and up the crowded stairs.

      Out on the street, she began to run.


      The taxi carrying Matthew Romano pulled to the curb outside the building that housed the CHIC offices.

      Matthew paid the driver, collected his black leather briefcase from the seat beside him and stepped from the cab. A surprisingly cool wind sliced down the concrete canyon, and he turned up the collar of his raincoat as he took his first look at the CHIC building.

      It was old, for New York. Matthew figured it dated back to the thirties, when Art Deco was all the rage. Grime coated the exterior and dulled the bronze doors, but he could still see the building’s handsome lines beneath the dirt He’d expected as much, considering that some of the brightest names in publishing had once been on the Elerbee Publications roster.

      Matthew strode through the lobby to the elevators. He’d already decided to keep CHIC’s office space after he disposed of the magazine, but now he thought it might be worthwhile to check into the building itself. Elerbee owned it, didn’t he?

      Matthew reached into the inside breast pocket of his suit, took out a computerized recorder the size of a credit card and brought it to his lips.

      “CHIC building,” he said quietly. “Possible purchase?” The elevator doors whisked open. Matthew put the recorder into his pocket and stepped into the car.

      After this morning, CHIC was finished. His accountants would breathe a deep sigh of relief. Normally, he’d have put the magazine out of its misery as quickly and humanely as possible, but Susan Lincoln had made that impossible.

      Not that he was vindictive, Matthew reminded himself as the elevator doors shut.

      Not in the slightest.


      Susannah came pounding around the corner.

      The office was just ahead. She was in the home stretch. A minute to the lobby, another in the elevator...five minutes, max, she’d be at her desk. And then all she’d need was another few seconds to make a quick note about the absolutely incredible idea she’d come up with as she raced down the street from the subway.

      She really had to start carrying a notebook. Or one of those little recorders.

      But not today.

      Susannah darted into the lobby and pounded the elevator call button. Her reflection stared at her from the bronze doors, and she shuddered.

      Lord, she was a mess!

      The wind had not only dried her hair, it had churned it into what looked like finger-in-the-electric-outlet chic. There were two . . . three? Three buttons missing from the jacket she’d grabbed blindly on her way out the door. Her jeans, was that a paint smear from when she’d tried her hand at oils? And her sneakers. Susannah winced. Someplace between here and the subway, the safety pins had done a disappearing act. The sneaker had stayed on, though. All she had to do was remember not to make any quick moves with her right foot, and it would be fine.

      She got into the elevator and punched the button for the fourteenth floor.

      Okay. So she wasn’t going to score points for haute couture. And she wasn’t going to be on time or anywhere close to it. So what? It was silly to put too much emphasis on stuff like that. She had a new job title but she was still the same Susannah She was, admittedly, just a tiny bit disorganized. But she was creative. Even old Elerbee, who’d hired and then promoted her, had understood that.

      The staff knew her. She didn’t have to impress anyone, she had to give them confidence and inspire them. And she was going to do exactly that with her fantastic new idea.

      She could hardly wait to hear Claire’s response, because this would be her baby. Claire was, after all, the new features editor.

      The elevator doors slid open. Susannah stepped from the car.

      Strange The reception area was empty. Judy, the receptionist, was probably in the boardroom with the rest of the staff, but.. Susannah smiled.

      “Good girl,” she murmured.

      A fresh pot of coffee stood on a little sideboard, along with a platter heaped with doughnuts. Despite the hour, Judy had put out the refreshments that were a morning staple in reception.

      Susannah hurried to her own office.

      “Late, late, late,” she whispered, glancing at the clock.

      But not too late. It was almost eight twenty-five. All things considered, that wasn’t too bad.

      Quickly, she jotted some notes on a pad, grabbed her portable computer and her I Love Cape Cod souvenir mug and dashed to Judy’s desk. Her stomach rumbled as she filled the mug to the brim. How did a person carry a pad, a computer, a mug filled with hot coffee and a doughnut without growing a third arm?

      Susannah snagged a jelly doughnut, stuck it between her teeth, collected all her other paraphernalia and headed for the boardroom.

      The door was closed.

      That was unusual. The room wasn’t all that big. Once everybody

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