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but the towel wrapped around his waist, he still managed to intimidate her.

      Tiny drops of water clung to the dark fuzz on his chest, Sadie noticed before she snatched her gaze away. “Are you all right? Can I get you anything?”

      “Clothes would be nice.”

      “Oh, of course. Where will I find them?”

      “I keep a sweat suit and clean underwear in the chest where you found the towel.”

      “I’ll get them. Do you have an electric razor?”

      “In the kitchen.”

      “I’ll get that, too.”

      Glad for an excuse to leave, Sadie hurried back to the kitchen. She was fast discovering that all her years of administering to her brothers and sisters had not prepared her for this particular situation.

      Being enclosed in a small space with her half-naked employer was a challenging experience. She only hoped she could carry this off with as much composure as he seemed to enjoy.

      While he was getting shaved and dressed, she examined the contents of the refrigerator. There didn’t seem to be much else in there except eggs, bacon and a carton of milk.

      The freezer, however, held several frozen dinners, a couple of packets of hamburger, frozen vegetables, and a large carton of ice cream. Sorting through the packages on the counter, Sadie found a box of spaghetti and a jar of pasta sauce.

      At least she had the makings for a decent meal, she thought as she collected what she needed. The microwave, much to her surprise, actually worked. It looked so ancient she imagined it had to be one of the first ever made. She threw the hamburger in there to thaw it out, then went back to the bathroom to check on Jordan.

      He was waiting for her in his usual spot on the toilet seat. Freshly shaved and with his hair neatly combed back, he looked a lot more presentable. In fact, now that she took the time to really notice, Jordan Trent’s dark good looks would rival any of those hunks in the TV commercials.

      Even the black sweat suit couldn’t detract from the imposing air with which he greeted her. “I was beginning to think you’d quit.”

      “I am not a quitter, Mr. Trent.”

      “So I see. And I seem to remember that we agreed on a first name basis.”

      She didn’t know why she was having such a hard time using his first name. His home was certainly unimpressive, and he wasn’t even paying her salary. She had no need to feel intimidated by him.

      She got the crutches for him and helped him back to the couch. She knew by the way he sighed when he collapsed upon it that he must still be hurting. It would be another three hours before he could take more medication, she thought, glancing at her watch.

      Jordan leaned back and closed his eyes. “Thank you,” he murmured. “I do feel better now that I’m smelling sweet and clean again.”

      Aware that he was making light of the situation, Sadie studied him with apprehension. His face was still white and drawn with pain. “I’ll have a hot meal ready for you in a short while,” she said, hoping that would help. “Perhaps you could take a nap while you’re waiting.”

      Jordan nodded. “Good idea,” he murmured, his tone suggesting he was already half asleep.

      Sadie crept away to prepare the meal.

      Jordan waited until he was sure she was out of sight before opening his eyes again. His new temp was turning out to be quite a bossy little lady, he thought, his mouth twisting wryly. He hadn’t been ordered around quite like that since he was in grade school.

      If he were truly honest with himself, he was beginning to enjoy all the attention. Especially since there were apparently no hidden strings. It was quite obvious Sadie Milligan had no idea who he was, and it certainly wouldn’t hurt to let her go on thinking he was broke. That way, at least he could be certain she wouldn’t be getting any wild ideas about becoming the first Mrs. Trent.

      He smiled, amused by the memory of her standing over him, arms crossed, with her dark eyes flashing and that quaint bobbed haircut making her look like a refugee from the 1920s. Most of the women he met hung on his every word, anticipated his every wish and fell over themselves to please him. Sadie Milligan’s militant, no-nonsense, take-charge attitude was a refreshing change.

      Mind you, he warned himself, a little of that went a long way. Sooner or later he would have to make a stand and put her in her place. Right now, however, especially since he felt weakened and annoyingly dependent, it was rather nice to lie back and let someone else run things for a while.

      He was dozing when his efficient temp woke him up, holding a plate of something that smelled like heaven.

      “Spaghetti Bolognaise,” she announced as he struggled to sit up, blinking at the room which seemed to have become brighter while he slept. “Not too glamorous, I’m afraid, but the best I could do with what I could find. I don’t know what you’re doing with all those awful frozen dinners in the freezer. Apart from the fact they are utterly tasteless, there’s not enough food in them to feed a rabbit.”

      Jordan was inclined to agree. Looking up at her disapproving face, he felt compelled to offer some defense. “Amber brought them over on her way to work this morning. She thought they’d be easier for me to manage.”

      “A large pot of stew would have been even easier.”

      Jordan’s stomach gurgled at the thought. All he could think about right then was getting down him the best food he’d smelled in days.

      “Here.” Sadie handed him the plate, a fork and a piece of paper towel. “I suppose it’s too much to hope that you have a tray or napkins lying around somewhere?”

      He practically snatched the plate out of her hands. “This will do fine. I’ll manage.”

      “All I can find to drink is instant coffee or milk.”

      He almost groaned at the thought of steaming hot coffee. “I don’t mind instant.”

      “I’ll get it.”

      She was halfway back to the kitchen before he remembered his manners. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

      “I’ll have mine in the kitchen. I decided to wash the curtains while you were napping. They were filthy.”

      He winced at her note of reproval. So that explained the extra light. Now he could see that the windows were bare and sparkling clean.

      He was tempted to apologize for the tatty curtains, though he had no idea why he should. The spaghetti, however, was right under his nose, and he wasted no more time. He’d wiped the plate clean by the time she returned.

      She took the plate from him, and handed him a steaming cup of coffee. “Well, I’m glad to see you managed to eat it all. I’ve hung the curtains over the stove to dry, so I should be able to put them back up again before I leave.”

      She started back to the kitchen, adding over her shoulder, “I’ll make a list of what you need from the supermarket and I’ll shop for you on my way in tomorrow. I’ll make you a nice pot of stew, and all you’ll have to do is heat it up after I’ve left tomorrow night.”

      Warm and fed, Jordan was beginning to feel very mellow. Even the pain in his ankle seemed to be easing. Safe in the knowledge that Sadie had no ulterior motive for her attention, he could afford to be gracious. “Thank you, Sadie, I really do appreciate all you’re doing for me.” He watched with interest as a warm blush crept over her cheeks.

      “You’re entirely welcome.” She disappeared before he could say any more.

      Obviously she wasn’t used to compliments. No doubt she was taken for granted by her large family. The familiar stab of pain went deep and he switched his thoughts to a more practical subject. Now that he was feeling better, he was anxious to get back to work.


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