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deep between her labia fingered and probed than another woman? And who could possibly know what to do with her hands better than a massage therapist? Once the thought had planted itself in Bel’s brain, and between her legs, she couldn’t get rid of it.

      So here she was shaking like a leaf, drying herself from the shower, but knowing even the thick Egyptian cotton of the towel wasn’t going to take care of the wet condition of her pussy. Ellen was waiting in the next room. Ellen would know what she wanted. Ellen would see it in her eyes. Ellen would smell her heat, and no amount of lingering in the shower could wash the smell of her lust away, not when she could barely stand up from the weight of her arousal.

      With hands that were trembling, she tied the sash of the thin linen robe around her waist, checked her hair and took a deep breath.

      She barely managed a soft rap on the door before Ellen opened it. ‘Isabel, sweetheart, are you all right?’ This time there was the proper distance and the kiss on each cheek. The massage table was spread with fresh linen, and everything seemed strangely normal, which made a cold knot tighten below Bel’s breastbone. Had their kiss meant nothing to Ellen? Had she been just a stupid, needy woman fantasising about what Ellen had already forgotten, making something out of nothing?

      ‘Goodness, you’re tense,’ Ellen said caressing Bell’s shoulder and offering her a concerned smile. ‘I wouldn’t have thought it possible after I gave you such a thorough going over yesterday.’

      Such a thorough going over, indeed, Bel thought.

      ‘Bel, darling, is everything all right?’ she asked again.

      Bel nodded dumbly and, for an uncomfortable second her chin quivered, and she thought she might cry.

      Ellen lifted Bel’s chin and held her in a knowing gaze. ‘Don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll take care of it. I’ll make you feel better.’ She nodded to the table, and offered a smile that was a whole lot more than just sympathetic.

      Shaking like she’d come apart, Bel brazenly opened her sash and let the robe puddle on the floor around her feet, her gaze locked on Ellen’s lovely hazel eyes.

      ‘If you’re this tight all over, darling, perhaps we need to try a different approach today. Lie down on your back for me, if you would.’

      Feeling every bit as naked as she was, Bel did as she was told.

      Ellen slipped out of the white uniform jacket she wore, revealing the spaghetti-strapped pink vest that beautifully displayed her workout-sculpted arms and her usual lack of a bra. Then she did something that, in all the time Bel had been coming to her, she had never done before. She locked the door. Her fingers lingered on the lock for a second, then she turned and walked to the table. ‘Bel, you’re not actually here for a massage, are you?’

      Before Bel could make up some lame excuse, Ellen lifted her vest over her head in one smooth, nearly elegant move that took Bel’s breath away. Actually, it was the sight of Ellen’s exquisite breasts, nipples pressing hard at the forefront, that took Bel’s breath away, made her for a split second unable to focus on what Ellen was saying. Something about it being OK.

      ‘I’ve wanted you for a long time, Bel,’ she was saying. ‘And I thought you wanted me too, but I wasn’t sure until I threw caution to the wind yesterday.’ She cupped her breasts and stroked her nipples. Bel’s nipples tensed in empathy, a response Ellen didn’t miss.

      ‘There are other ways I can make you feel good, Bel.’ She slid her yoga trousers and thong down over her thighs and stepped out of them. ‘There are ways that are even better than massage.’ She stood so close to the table that Bel could have reached out and touched her tightly trimmed pubic curls. It was all she could do to lie still on the table under the woman’s hungry gaze.

      ‘You need some relief, don’t you, darling? I can tell by the way you hold the tension in your body, all of it right down here.’ She laid a warm hand on Bell’s abdomen just millimetres above her pubis then pressed softly. Bel couldn’t help it; she shifted her hips to raise her mound closer, and Ellen smiled knowingly. ‘Oh, sweetheart, you’re so needy. We women tend to hold so much energy down here, down where our creative centre is.’ She slid a hand down to cup the smooth flesh of Bel’s mound and Bel nearly came off the table.

      ‘Ssh! Ssh. There, there, darling. I know what you need. Just let me make you feel better.’ For what seemed like a maddening eternity, Ellen pressed and stroked and massaged all the area below Bel’s navel. And Bel, well, she didn’t handle the situation with as much dignity and aplomb as she would have liked. She couldn’t seem to control the little whimpers and gasps that gathered deep in her chest right below her breasts then rose in little waves of longing up through her throat, while her hips tightened and shifted against the heel of Ellen’s palm, still just above her pubic bone.

      ‘There, there, darling,’ Ellen crooned. ‘Just relax and let it happen. It’s all right if you touch your breasts if you need to. It’s all right. That’s it, sweetheart, cup them, stroke your lovely nipples. Ah, such exquisite breasts, and so responsive, aren’t they? I bet your husband likes to fuck them, doesn’t he?’

      Bel groaned and nodded dumbly.

      ‘If I had a cock, that’s what I’d want to do, while your little pink tongue darted in and out over the head of my penis every time I thrust.’

      Even in her fevered state, Bel noticed Ellen’s left hand had migrated down between her own legs. Bel couldn’t see what she was doing, but the tight rhythmic knotting and shifting of the muscles in her forearm and the quiver and dance of her breasts told her everything she needed to know.

      ‘Of course if I had a cock, there are other places I’d want to put it first before I fucked your lovely breasts.’ With that the hand that had been massaging her abdomen moved down over Bel’s mound and the slender middle finger gave her clit a tweak that nearly sent Bel into orbit.

      ‘Open your legs for me, sweetheart,’ Ellen whispered. ‘That’s it, darling. Let me massage you where you really need it, where you’ve needed it for ages.’

      Bel opened her legs and shifted ever so slightly towards Ellen to give her better access. With her thumb working Bel’s clit to a raw nub of heat, the woman slipped her middle and index finger down between Bell’s labia and gasped. ‘My goodness, Isabel, is all of this creamy slippery lushness for me?’

      Bell whimpered and nodded and shifted closer to the delicious fingers.

      Ellen offered a throaty chuckle, then gave an inward and upward thrust and a hard rub right against Bel’s G-spot, and Bel drenched the table in a flood of heat that would have embarrassed her if she’d been in bed with Dan. But Ellen shoved her legs wide apart and pushed her face in so close that Bel could feel her breath coming fast and hard against her pout. ‘Oh my God, Bel, you’re exquisite,’ she whispered. ‘I’ve never seen another woman really wet herself with her girly juices. Please, let me look. I need to see you.’ And as she spoke, she applied more pressure to Bel’s G-spot and Bel gushed again and nearly came off the table with an orgasm that had her writhing and twisting, thighs clasping involuntarily around Ellen’s face.

      Ellen made no effort to push Bel’s legs open; instead she settled there in the vice-grip of Bel’s thighs, sniffing and inhaling. Her hands had moved to knead and release, knead and release Bel’s arse cheeks. ‘Mmmm, you smell heavenly, darling. I smell you every time I massage you. Afterwards I always have to leave time between you and the next client so I can take care of my own pussy, and I always come thinking about tasting your juicy fanny that smells so delicious.’ She nipped the inside of Bel’s thigh. Bel opened her legs with a little gasp, and Ellen cupped her buttocks and pulled her right up close to her mouth. And the mouth that had kissed Bel’s lips so deliciously yesterday now kissed and licked her girly lips equally deliciously.

      Bel curled her fingers in Ellen’s soft copper hair and bore down until she was amazed that the woman could even breathe. And that wonderful tongue felt like it had somehow licked and stroked and danced right up inside her, while her mouth tugged and suckled at Bel’s labia and her

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